

1. anlamı , yapılmış, work işle/çalıştır/çalış, iş, işi; işe yaramak, etkili olmak, işleme, oynatmak, yapıt, iş, işletmek, koparmak sızdırmak çalı, işyeri, meşguliyet, meşgul olmak, çalışma, iş yapmak, çalışmak, mayalanmak, oynamak, çabalamak, görev, seğirmek, ese.
2. anlamı çalışan, s; köpüren, mayalanan; işe ait, çalışmaya ait, işe gelir; seyiren; working class işçi sınıfı, net cari aktif, working conditions ç; çalışır vaziyetteki; working capital döner sermaye, maden ocağında çalışma yapılan yerler, çoğ; çalışma.
3. anlamı çalışma. çalışma sistemi. işleyiş. çalışan. çalışmayla ilgili. iş.
4. çalisma. çalisan. isle ilgili. çalismayla ilgili. is .... (zaman) iste geçen. iste kullanilan.


Working İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Working anlamları

  1. () a & n. from Work.
  2. (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Work

Working tanım:

Kelime: 3work
İşlev: verb
Türleri: worked /'w&rkt/; or wrought /'rot/; work·ing
Kökeni: Middle English werken, worken, from Old English wyrcan; akin to Old English weorc
transitive senses
1 : to bring to pass : EFFECT work miracles
2 a : to fashion or create a useful or desired product by expending labor or exertion on : FORGE, SHAPE work flint into tools b : to make or decorate with needlework; especially : EMBROIDER
3 a : to prepare for use by stirring or kneading b : to bring into a desired form by a gradual process of cutting, hammering, scraping, pressing, or stretching work cold steel
4 : to set or keep in motion, operation, or activity : cause to operate or produce a pump worked by hand work farmland
5 : to solve (a problem) by reasoning or calculation -- often used with out
6 a : to cause to toil or labor worked their horses nearly to death b : to make use of : EXPLOIT c : to control or guide the operation of switches are worked from a central tower
7 a : to carry on an operation or perform a job through, at, in, or along the salespeople worked both sides of the street a sportscaster hired to work the game b : to greet and talk with in a friendly way in order to ingratiate oneself or achieve a purpose politicians working the crowd worked the room
8 : to pay for or achieve with labor or service worked my way through college worked my way up in the company
9 a : to get (oneself or an object) into or out of a condition or position by gradual stages b : CONTRIVE, ARRANGE we can work it so that you can take your vacation
10 a : to practice trickery or cajolery on for some end worked the management for a free ticket b : EXCITE, PROVOKE worked myself into a rage
intransitive senses
1 a : to exert oneself physically or mentally especially in sustained effort for a purpose or under compulsion or necessity b : to perform or carry through a task requiring sustained effort or continuous repeated operations worked all day over a hot stove c : to perform work or fulfill duties regularly for wages or salary
2 : to function or operate according to plan or design hinges work better with oil
3 : to exert an influence or tendency
4 : to produce a desired effect or result : SUCCEED
5 a : to make way slowly and with difficulty : move or progress laboriously worked up to the presidency b : to sail to windward
6 : to permit of being worked : react in a specified way to being worked this wood works easily
7 a : to be in agitation or restless motion b : FERMENT 1 c : to move slightly in relation to another part d : to get into a specified condition by slow or imperceptible movements the knot worked loose
- work on 1 : AFFECT worked on my sympathies 2 : to strive to influence or persuade
- work upon : to have effect upon : operate on : INFLUENCE

Working ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Functional, Operative, Running,


İngilizce Working kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. funcionamiento, accionamiento, elaboración, laboreo, marcha
adj. en funciones, en operación, operante, operativo


İngilizce Working kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. fonctionnement, mise en marche; exploitation; mécanisme; travail; broderie
adj. fonctionnant, ouvrier; travaillant, de travail; pratique


İngilizce Working kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
[work] v. arbeiten; bearbeiten; funktionieren, Dienst machen; schaffen; erbringen; leisten; wirken; laufen (Maschine); bedienen, betätigen
n. Arbeit; Arbeitsablauf
adj. arbeitend


İngilizce Working kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. lavoro; attività, funzionamento; lavorazione; fermentazione
agg. attivo, che lavora, lavoratore; funzionante, operante; di lavoro


İngilizce Working kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. trabalho; tarefa; obra; movimento; jogo; funcionamento; operação; manobra; exploração; fermentação
adj. trabalhador, que funciona; que trabalha; útil, prático


i. çalışma, işleme, iş, işletme, üretme, halletme, çaba, mayalanma, kazı (maden)
s. çalışan, işleyen, temel, yeterli, çalışma, iş


İngilizce Working kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. werking
bn. werkend, arbeidend


n. acting; mode of action; operation; activation; processing; solving; advance through great effort; fermenting
adj. laboring; of work; useful, practical

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