

1. anlamı sarmal sonsuz vida, helezon dişlisi; pısırık kimse, aşağılık kimse; kurt, solucan, askarit; zool, çoğ, worm eel mırmır balığı, bağırsak solucanı hastalığı, worm fence yılankavi ç, Echulus myrus; helezoni boru; apandis, anat; vidanın helezoni kısmı.
2. anlamı kurt. solucan. korkak. ödlek. ilerletmek. solucanlardan arıtmak. solucanları ayıklamak.


Worm İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Worm anlamları

  1. (v. t.) To clean by means of a worm; to draw a wad or cartridge from, as a firearm. See Worm, n. 5 (b).
  2. (noun) A certain muscular band in the tongue of some animals, as the dog; the lytta. See Lytta.
  3. (noun) Any helminth; an entozoon.
  4. (noun) To cut the worm, or lytta, from under the tongue of, as a dog, for the purpose of checking a disposition to gnaw. The operation was formerly supposed to guard against canine madness.
  5. (noun) Any small creeping animal or reptile, either entirely without feet, or with very short ones, including a great variety of animals; as, an earthworm; the blindworm.
  6. (noun) A creeping or a crawling animal of any kind or size, as a serpent, caterpillar, snail, or the like.
  7. (noun) The condensing tube of a still, often curved and wound to economize space. See Illust. of Still.
  8. (v. t.) To effect, remove, drive, draw, or the like, by slow and secret means; -- often followed by out.
  9. (noun) To wind rope, yarn, or other material, spirally round, between the strands of, as a cable; to wind with spun yarn, as a small rope.
  10. (noun) An internal tormentor; something that gnaws or afflicts one's mind with remorse.
  11. (v. i.) To work slowly, gradually, and secretly.
  12. (noun) Same as Vermes.
  13. (noun) Anything spiral, vermiculated, or resembling a worm
  14. (noun) The thread of a screw.
  15. (noun) Any annelid.
  16. (noun) An insect larva.
  17. (noun) A short revolving screw, the threads of which drive, or are driven by, a worm wheel by gearing into its teeth or cogs. See Illust. of Worm gearing, below.
  18. (noun) A spiral instrument or screw, often like a double corkscrew, used for drawing balls from firearms.
  19. (noun) A being debased and despised.

Worm tanım:

Kelime: worm
Söyleniş: 'w&rm
İşlev: noun
Usage: often attributive
Kökeni: Middle English, from Old English wyrm serpent, worm; akin to Old High German wurm serpent, worm, Latin vermis worm
1 a : EARTHWORM; broadly : an annelid worm b : any of numerous relatively small elongated usually naked and soft-bodied animals: as (1) : an insect larva; especially : one that is a destructive grub, caterpillar, or maggot (2) : SHIPWORM (3) : BLINDWORM
2 a : a human being who is an object of contempt, loathing, or pity : WRETCH b : something that torments or devours from within
3 archaic : SNAKE, SERPENT
4 : HELMINTHIASIS -- usually used in plural
5 : something (as a mechanical device) spiral or vermiculate in form or appearance: as a : the thread of a screw b : a short revolving screw whose threads gear with the teeth of a worm wheel or a rack c : a spiral condensing tube used in distilling d : ARCHIMEDES' screw; also : a conveyor working on the principle of such a screw
6 : a usually small self-contained computer program that invades computers on a network and usually performs a malicious action
- worm·like /-"lIk/ adjective

Worm ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Insect, Louse, Squirm, Twist, Wreathe, Wrestle, Wriggle, Writhe,


İngilizce Worm kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. gusano, serpentín; sacabalas; (inform.) virus de un ordenador que se autocopia a través de una red el cual produce daño o derrocha recursos v. arrastrarse, avanzar a rastras, avanzar como gusano; librar de gusanos a


İngilizce Worm kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. ver, personne sans colonne vertébrale, lèche-botte; vis sans fin (automobile); virus qui se copie indéfiniment sur le réseau en général et y mobilise les ressources ou y cause des dégâts v. ramper, se traîner en rampant; extorquer de l'argent; pénétrer, s'infiltrer; écheniller, exterminer les vers aux tas


İngilizce Worm kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
[WORM (Write Once Read Many) ] n. (Zoologie) Wurm, Raupe, Made; Eindringling; (Technik) Schnecke; (Comput) Computervirus der sich durch Netze verbreitet und der normalerweise schädigend ist v. kriechen; schlängeln; schleichen; mit List erzwingen; eindringen, einschleichen


İngilizce Worm kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. verme; persona viscida; (inform.) virus informatico che si diffonde di solito in rete e danneggia risorse e dati v. serpeggiare, muoversi, strisciare; eliminare parassiti intestinali


İngilizce Worm kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. verme; pessoa que se rasteja como um verme; ato de parafusar (informática) vírus de computador que copia a si mesmo geralmente através da rede e desgasta os recursos ou causa danos v. arrastar-se, rastejar como um verme; insinuar-se, penetrar; minar, corroer; exterminar vermes


f. kurt dökmek, kurtlarını dökmek, kurt aramak, solucan gibi kıvrılarak ilerlemek, köpeğin dilaltı sinirini kesmek i. kurt, kurtçuk, solucan, bağırsak kurdu, pısırık adam, içini kemiren şey, sonsuz vida, sonsuz dişli


Flemenkçe Worm kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
n. worm, earthworm, apple grub


İngilizce Worm kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. worm, wurm; een kruiperige persoon; "ongedierte"; schroefbaar, schroeving; (in computers) een computer virus dat zichzelf meestal via een netwerk kopieert ww. kronkelen, wriemelen, kruipen; pieren, wormen zoeken; ontwormen, v. wormen genezen; wurmen; ontlokken; iem. een geheim ontfutselen


n. type of legless invertebrate; servile person, "weasel"; screwing; computer virus which usually copies itself through a network and wastes resources or causes damage (Computers) v. creep, crawl (like a worm); squeeze cunningly; sneak (in or out); kill intestinal parasites n. worm, earthworm, apple grub


Flemenkçe Worm kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
(entomologie) ver (m)

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