Orbit is the gravitationally curved path of one object around a point or another body. Yörünge (İngilizce: Orbit) şu anlamlara gelebilir: * Orbit , the socket in the skull which accommodates an eye Astronomi * Yörünge süresi (Orbital periyodu olarak da bilinir.) * Yörünge düzlemi * Yörünge elemanları * Yörünge hızı * Yörünge manevrası Computing * ORBit/ORBit2, an object request broker (ORB) for CORBA * Orbit Downloader Mathematics * Orbit * Orbit (or symmetry orbit) Popular culture * Orbit Magazine, a Detroit-based alternative publication * Orbit * Orbit , a series of original science fiction anthologies, published between 1966–1980 * Orbit Science Fiction, a five issue science fiction anthology series, published between 1953–1954 * William Orbit, atmospheric techno composer * Orbit , the first album from William Orbit Diğer kullanımlar * Orbit Books, a UK based publisher of science fiction books and fantasy books * Orbit Irrigation Products * Orbit , a brand of chewing gum manufactured by the Wrigley Company * Orbit Communications Company, a DBS satellite service in the Middle East * Orbit , the former mascot of Major League Baseball's Houston Astros * Orbit Skate Center, a skating center in Arlington Heights, IL * Orbited an asynchronous server for streaming TCP connections in a web browser. * The ArcelorMittal Orbit, a planned steel tower to be located in East London as part of the London 2012 Olympic Park. * Orbit Showtime - dijital platform. * Orbit Express Havayolları, Türkiye merkezli bir havayolu şirketi. See also * Orbital