

1. anlamı ([[isim]])., ([[fiil]]). ağız, çene; ani ısırma; ([[fiil]]). ağzı ile yakalamak; birdenbire söylemek.,damga/pirzola/çene/vuruş,chop yar/böl/dur/kes.
2. anlamı (balta.vb. ile) kesmek. yarmak. kıymak. doğramak. dilmek. (plan.vb.) baltalamak. balta vb. vuruşu. vuruş. darbe. (deniz) çırpıntı. pirzola. külbastı. damga. mühür. kalite. derece. aynı kalitede mallar. çene.
3. anlamı kesme. pirzola. mühürlü imtiyaz. birinci kalite. ağız. çene. ısırma. iptal etme. çıkarma. parçalamak. kesmek. birdenbire söylemek. aniden durdurmak. (rüzgâr) birden yön değiştirmek. kotlet. yarma.
4. (balta. vb. ile) kesmek. yarmak. kiymak. dogramak. dilmek. (plan. vb.) baltalamak. balta. vb. vurusu. vurus. darbe. (deniz) çirpinti. pirzola. külbasti. damga. mühür. kalite. derece. ayni kalitede mallar. çene.


Chop İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Chop anlamları

  1. (noun) Quality; brand; as, silk of the first chop.
  2. (v. i.) To interrupt; -- with in or out.
  3. (v. i.) To barter or truck.
  4. (noun) The land at each side of the mouth of a river, harbor, or channel; as, East Chop or West Chop. See Chops.
  5. (noun) A piece chopped off; a slice or small piece, especially of meat; as, a mutton chop.
  6. (v. i.) To make a quick strike, or repeated strokes, with an ax or other sharp instrument.
  7. (noun) A jaw of an animal; -- commonly in the pl. See Chops.
  8. (noun) A movable jaw or cheek, as of a wooden vise.
  9. (v. i.) To exchange; substitute one thing for another.
  10. (v. t. & i.) To crack. See Chap, v. t. & i.
  11. (noun) A permit or clearance.
  12. (v. t.) To seize or devour greedily; -- with up.
  13. (v. i.) To do something suddenly with an unexpected motion; to catch or attempt to seize.
  14. (noun) The act of chopping; a stroke.
  15. (noun) A crack or cleft. See Chap.
  16. (v. t.) To cut by striking repeatedly with a sharp instrument; to cut into pieces; to mince; -- often with up.
  17. (v. i.) To purchase by way of truck.
  18. (v. i.) To wrangle; to altercate; to bandy words.
  19. (noun) A change; a vicissitude.
  20. (v. i.) To vary or shift suddenly; as, the wind chops about.
  21. (v. t.) To sever or separate by one more blows of a sharp instrument; to divide; -- usually with off or down.
Kelime: 1chop
Söyleniş: 'chäp
İşlev: verb
Türleri: chopped; chop·ping
Kökeni: Middle English chappen, choppen -- more at CHAP
Tarih: 14th century
transitive senses1 a : to cut into or sever usually by repeated blows of a sharp instrument b : to cut into pieces -- often used with up c : to weed and thin out (young cotton) d : to cut as if by chopping chop prices a bridge chops the lake in two 2 : to strike (as a ball) with a short quick downward stroke3 : to subject to the action of a chopper chop a beam of light intransitive senses1 : to make a quick stroke or repeated strokes with or as if with a sharp instrument (as an ax)2 archaic : to move or act suddenly or violently

1. To cut by striking repeatedly with a sharp instrument; to cut into pieces; to mince; often with up.2. To sever or separate by one more blows of a sharp instrument; to divide; usually with off or down.3. To seize or devour greedily; with up.4. To make a quick strike, or repeated strokes, with an ax or other sharp instrument.5. To do something suddenly with an unexpected motion; to catch or attempt to seize.6. To interrupt; with in or out.7. To barter or truck.8. To exchange; substitute one thing for another.9. To purchase by way of truck.10. To vary or shift suddenly; as, the wind chops about.11. To wrangle; to altercate; to bandy words.12. A change; a vicissitude.13. To crack.14. See Chap, v. t. & i.15. The act of chopping; a stroke.16. A piece chopped off; a slice or small piece, especially of meat; as, a mutton chop.17. A crack or cleft.18. See Chap.19. A jaw of an animal; commonly in the pl.20. See Chops.21. A movable jaw or cheek, as of a wooden vise.22. The land at each side of the mouth of a river, harbor, or channel; as, East Chop or West Chop.23. Quality; brand; as, silk of the first chop.24. A permit or clearance. a grounder that bounces high in the air a tennis return made with a downward motion that puts backspin on the ball a small cut of meat including part of a rib hit sharply cut with a hacking tool cut into pieces; "Chop wood"; "chop meat" strike sharply, as in some sports move suddenly.25. a small cut of meat including part of a rib. . a tennis return made with a downward motion that puts backspin on the ball. . a grounder that bounces high in the air. . cut into pieces; "Chop wood"; "chop meat". . move suddenly. . strike sharply, as in some sports. . cut with a hacking tool. . hit sharply.26. Chopping the front pin of a spare leave while a pin behind and/or to the left or right remains standing .27. To return the blinds to the players who posted them and move on to the next hand This may happen in hold'em when nobody calls the blind By agreeing to chop rather than play the hand, the two blinds sometimes avoid paying the rake, since many cardrooms only collect on those hands when there is a flop At a table which ordinarily sees more action, players will often agree to chop so as to get on to a "real" hand more quickly Wanna chop?.28. To return the blinds to the players who posted them and move on to the next hand This may happen in hold'em when nobody calls the blind By agreeing to chop rather than play the hand, the two blinds sometimes avoid paying the rake, since many cardrooms only collect on those hands when there is a flop At a table which ordinarily sees more action, players will often agree to chop so as to get on to a "real" hand more quickly Wanna chop?.29. Each Gemini publication bears an embossed, dry-stamped, or printed form of the Gemini chop It is generally placed adjacent to the artist's signature and is accompanied by a copyright mark .30. To cut the food into small pieces with a knife or blender.31. To knock down one pin of a spare leave, while the pin next to or behind it remains standing .32. To cut food into small pieces . . a chemotherapeutic regimen for cancer treatment that combines cyclophosphamide, hydroxyldaunomycin , vincristine and prednisone .33. To deliberately cut off the head and hanger of a bolt, making the bolt unusable as protection Usually done by some cranky trad -- sometimes deservedly so .34. A small cut of meat taken from the rib section and including part of the rib Using quick, heavy blows of a knife or cleaver to cut food into bite-size pieces .35. A printed or stamped symbol used by the printers and print workshop as a mark of identification the chop may be inked or merely embosses top.36. A defensive return of a drive with backspin, usually done from well away from the table . . To cut picture frame molding, usually at a 45 degree angle, to the length needed for a frame The length of molding cut for a picture frame .37. To knock down one pin of a spare leave, while the pin next to or behind it remains standing Seel also "cherry" .38. From the Indian chapna meaning to stamp a number, mark or brand Each break of chop of tea is marked .39. A groundstroke in which the racquet travels from high to low as it contacts the ball, creating backspin Mostly a defensive shot .40. Cut into pieces using a sharp tool Hold knife tip down with one hand and move blade up and down chopping food with the other .41. A spatial offset of up to 1440 arcsec of the aperture with respect to the target, intended for the measurement of the background at one or more locations significantly removed from the target pointing .42. Waste area for images that bleed off the edge of one card without interfering with the next card .43. A defensive shot with backspin Often used to return drop shots and fast serves . . cut into pieces. . > The embossed, inked, or stamped symbol used by printers and print workshops, usually in the margin of the paper as a mark of identification Also called "blindstamp" .44. To cut irregularly shaped pieces .45. Using quick, heavy blows of a knife or cleaver to cut food into bite-size pieces .46. To cut into irregular piece, about the size of a pea .

Chop ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Chopper, Hack,


İngilizce Chop kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. chuleta, costilla; corte, tajo
v. picar en trocitos, cortar en trozos, tajar, hachear, rajar


İngilizce Chop kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. coup de poing, coup de hache ; côtelette; cachet, symbole commercial
v. couper, fendre, hacher


İngilizce Chop kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Schlag; Beilhieb; Hachfleisch; Stempel, Handelszeichen
v. fällen, hacken


İngilizce Chop kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. taglio netto, colpo; costoletta, braciola; marchio, marchio di fabbrica
v. staccare, spiccare; tagliare a pezzi; trinciare; tritare, triturare


İngilizce Chop kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. golpe de machado, machadada; golpe cortante; pedaço de carne; carimbo, marca ou selo comercial
v. cortar, talhar


f. balta ile kesmek, yarmak, doğramak, kesmek, kırmak (odun); söyleyivermek, pat diye söylemek; yandan vuruş yapmak (kriket)
i. vuruş, darbe, doğrama, yarma; çırpıntı; pirzola, külbastı, ağız, çene, çene kemiği, mühür (hindistan); işaret, kalite, kalite belgesi, marka


İspanyolca Chop kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
n. tankard, mug, large cup


İngilizce Chop kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. slag; hakbijl; gehakt vlees; stempel; commercieel merk
ww. hakken; afhakken


n. blow; blow of an axe; cut of meat; seal, trademark
v. cut (as with an axe); cut down; cut into pieces, mince
n. tankard, mug, large cup


İspanyolca Chop kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. glas bier

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