
Kısaca: Alçak motosiklet olarak bilinen bu motosikletler chopper olarak sınıflandırılırlar. Chopper motosikletler aslında cruiser motosikletlerin kişinin isteğine göre düzenlenmesi sonucu ortaya çıkan bir motosiklettir. ...devamı ☟



1. anlamı ([[isim]]). kısa saplı balta, satır; elektrik akımını kesen alet; (argo). helikopter.,motor/helikopter/balta.
2. anlamı balta. satır. helikopter. motosiklet. ç. dişler.
3. anlamı helikopter. erkeklik organı. satır. kısa saplı balta. yüksek gidonlu bisiklet ya da motosiklet. yarıcı.


Chopper İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Chopper anlamları

  1. (noun) One who, or that which, chops.
Kelime: 1chop·per
Söyleniş: 'chä-p&r
İşlev: noun
Tarih: 1552
1 : one that chops2 plural, slang : TEETH3 : a device that interrupts an electric current or a beam of radiation (as light) at short regular intervals4 : MACHINE GUN5 : HELICOPTER6 : a high-bouncing batted baseball7 : a customized motorcycle

1. One who, or that which, chops. informal terms for a human `tooth'.2. A natural pebble with a crude, steep cutting edge formed by unifacial percussion flaking .3. A stone made by taking a few flakes off a pebble or rock fragment, to produce a sharp cutting edge .4. A large, often crude pebble, cobble, or core tool percussion-flaked to form an axe-like cutting edge along part of its margin; used for diverse chopping and cleaving work . . — Originally, a motorcycle that has had all non-essential parts removed to make it lighter and faster Today, this name generally applies to custom built motorcycles that may have a rigid frame , an extended fork, and a stretched or elongated appearance .5. A style of play where chopping is the primary shot .6. A helicopter .7. Mirror inside the ISOPHOT instrument that switches between the source position and an adjacent position such that alternatingly the emission from the source and background together and background alone is measured .8. A device used to interrupt the path of radiation, as a beam of light, from a single source or to alternate it between two sources .9. A player who hits a lot of chops .10. An internal circuit in some adjustable frequency drives which regulates output voltage by quickly turning on and off the power applied to the output section of the drive Drives which use a chopper to control output voltage commonly use a diode bridge rectifier input section . . an erratic and/or unskilled golfer whose technique often results in large divots being left on the fairway . . favoured stick maneuver of Sean McAslan, Shawn Limpright, Dean Arsene . . a grounder that bounces high in the air. . informal terms for a human `tooth'. . an aircraft without wings that obtains its lift from the rotation of overhead blades. . a butcher's knife having a large square blade.11. chopper.

Chopper ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Chop, Cleaver, Pearly,

Chopper Resimleri

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