

1. anlamı ([[isim]]). külçe, yığın, topak; (k.dili). kuvvetli ve tıknaz adam; bodur ve güçlü at veya başka hayvan. chunky ([[sıfat]]). bodur, tıknaz; topak topak, külçe halinde. chunkiness ([[isim]]). bodurluk.,iri parça.
2. anlamı iri parça. büyük miktar.
3. anlamı külçe. yığın. toprak. kuvvetli tıknaz adam. takoz. tomar.


Chunk İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Chunk anlamları

  1. (noun) A short, thick piece of anything.
Kelime: 1chunk
Söyleniş: ch&[ng]k
İşlev: noun
Kökeni: perhaps alteration of chuck short piece of wood
Tarih: 1691
1 : a short thick piece or lump (as of wood or coal)2 : a large noteworthy quantity bet a sizable chunk of money on the race 3 : a strong thickset horse usually smaller than a draft horse

1. A short, thick piece of anything.2. A section of a PNG file Each chunk has a type indicated by its chunk type name Most types of chunks also include some data The format and meaning of the data within the chunk are determined by the type name .3. The basic component of a SCUMM data file A chunk is a block of data that starts with a chunk tag; a two or four byte indentifier of the type of data stored in the chunk, and the length of the chunk The rest of the chunk can be data of any type and may contain child chunks .4. The basic building block of a Resource Interchange File Format file, consisting of an identifier , a chunk-size variable, and a chunk data area of variable size .5. A term coined by G A Miller to refer to the units or memory records that encode a small number of elements .6. An area of contiguous linear memory It is the unit of memory allocation where a region of RAM is mapped into contiguous logical addresses Chunks are allocated during boot for such things as the Kernel's data and stack.7. A shot in which a player hits behind the ball resulting in a more turf being removed than desired The resulting shot is also much shorter than desired May also be called a "chili-dip ".8. When the club strikes the ground well behind the ball .9. A chunk is an arbitrary collection of atmospheric columns The chunk is used as the fundamental processing unit in the physics package . . to hit the ground before the ball, usually resulting in the ball not going as far as intended Example: "That ball would have cleared the water if you hadn't chunked it ".10. A larger version of a chip, where a more substantial piece of glass is missing . . some anonymous amount of memory. . a grouping, by which a collection of items is organized into a coherent whole.11. Same as chili dip.12. The largest unit of physical disk available for data storage A group of chunks defines a dbspace or an sbspace .13. A meaningful grouping of stimuli that can be stored as a unit in short-term memory.14. A subset of consecutive loop iterations .15. That portion of a user file that fits on the current media volume Most small files are written as single chunks When a migrated file cannot fit onto a single volume, the file is split into chunks .16. NUMBER Value of the CHUNK attribute of the LOB data partition.17. NUMBER Size of the LOB chunk as a unit of allocation or manipulation. . a compact mass; "a ball of mud caught him on the shoulder". . put together indiscriminately; "lump together all the applicants". . group or chunk together in a certain order or place side by side.

Chunk ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Ball, Clod, Clump, Collocate, Lump,

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