

1. anlamı (i)., (f). görev, vazife, iş; işleme; eylem; komisyon ücreti, yüzdelik; kurul, komisyon; rütbe, mevki; salahiyetname, emirname; belirli bir görev için verilen yetki; (f). tayin etmek, atamak; vazifelendirmek, görevlendirmek, memur etmek; den donanmay.
2. anlamı iş. görev. yetki. kurul. heyet. komisyon. yarkurul. yüzde. terfi belgesi. görev vermek. görevlendirmek. (gemiyi) hizmete sokmak. terfi belgesi vermek. sipariş etmek.


Commission İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Commission anlamları

  1. (v. t.) To give a commission to; to furnish with a commission; to empower or authorize; as, to commission persons to perform certain acts; to commission an officer.
  2. (noun) The brokerage or allowance made to a factor or agent for transacting business for another; as, a commission of ten per cent on sales. See Del credere.
  3. (noun) A formal written warrant or authority, granting certain powers or privileges and authorizing or commanding the performance of certain duties.
  4. (noun) The acting under authority of, or on account of, another.
  5. (noun) The duty or employment intrusted to any person or persons; a trust; a charge.
  6. (noun) A certificate conferring military or naval rank and authority; as, a colonel's commission.
  7. (noun) A company of persons joined in the performance of some duty or the execution of some trust; as, the interstate commerce commission.
  8. (noun) The act of intrusting; a charge; instructions as to how a trust shall be executed.
  9. (noun) The thing to be done as agent for another; as, I have three commissions for the city.
  10. (v. t.) To send out with a charge or commission.
  11. (noun) The act of committing, doing, or performing; the act of perpetrating.

Commission tanım:

Kelime: com·mis·sion
Söyleniş: k&-'mi-sh&n
İşlev: noun
Kökeni: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin commission-, commissio act of bringing together, from committere
1 a : a formal written warrant granting the power to perform various acts or duties b : a certificate conferring military rank and authority; also : the rank and authority so conferred
2 : an authorization or command to act in a prescribed manner or to perform prescribed acts : CHARGE
3 a : authority to act for, in behalf of, or in place of another b : a task or matter entrusted to one as an agent for another
4 a : a group of persons directed to perform some duty b : a government agency having administrative, legislative, or judicial powers c : a city council having legislative and executive functions
5 : an act of committing something
6 : a fee paid to an agent or employee for transacting a piece of business or performing a service; especially : a percentage of the money received from a total paid to the agent responsible for the business
7 : an act of entrusting or giving authority
- in commission or into commission 1 : under the authority of commissioners 2 of a ship : ready for active service 3 : in use or in condition for use
- on commission : with commission serving as partial or full pay for work done
- out of commission 1 : out of active service or use 2 : out of working order

Commission ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Charge, Commissioning, Committal, Committee, Delegacy, Delegation, Deputation, Direction, Mission, Perpetration,


İngilizce Commission kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. comisión; ganancia porcentual, regalía; encomienda, designación, encargo
v. comisionar, apoderar, delegar, encomendar, licenciar; encargar


İngilizce Commission kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. commission, pourcentage; titre, brevet; grade, rang
v. mandater, déléguer un pouvoir


İngilizce Commission kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Kommission; Promotion; Auftrag, Vollmacht
v. beauftragen; zum Offizier ernennen


İngilizce Commission kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. incarico, commissione, mandato; mandato scritto, autorizzazione; autorità, potere; (Mil) decreto di nomina a ufficiale; grado di ufficiale; ordinazione; provvigione; comitato; (Mar; mil) armamento
v. delegare, autorizzare; incaricare; commissionare, ordinare, commettere; (Mar; mil) affidare il comando a; armare


İngilizce Commission kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. comissão; concessão
v. delegar poderes; encarregar


f. görevlendirmek, atamak, yetkilendirmek; ısmarlamak, sipariş vermek; tayin etmek
i. görev, vazife, görevlendirme, atama; terfi, atama belgesi; sipariş, ısmarlama; talimat; komisyon, aracı kârı; heyet, kurul, komite


Fransızca Commission kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
(f) n. commission, committee; board; shopping


İngilizce Commission kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. commissie; verlening van een acad. of andere graad
ww. opdracht; benoeming tot officier


n. percentage of profits earned by a salesperson; document that grants certain powers; authorization
v. contract, order; confer rank or authority, empower, authorize
n. commission, committee; board; shopping


Fransızca Commission kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
1. (achats) boodschap (f)
2. (argent) commissieloon (n); provisie (f)
3. (politique) commissie (f); comité (n)


Fransızca Commission kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. kommission, nachricht, bestellung, besorgung, aufgabe, provision, maklergebühr, ausschuss, arbeitskreis, auftrag, botengang, maklerlohn, kollegium, gremium, kommissionsgeschäft


Fransızca Commission kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
1. (achats) commissione (f)
2. (argent) provvigione (f)
3. (politique) comitato (m); commissione (f); consiglio (m)


Fransızca Commission kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
1. (achats) tarefa (f); afazeres (mp); dever (m)
2. (argent) comissão (f)
3. (politique) comissão (f); comitê (m)


Fransızca Commission kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
1. (achats) recado (m)
2. (argent) comisión (f)
3. (politique) comisión (f); comité (m)


Fransızca Commission kelimesinin Türkçe karşılığı.
[la] komisyon, komite; encümen; simsarlık, komisyon, yüzdelik; komisyonculuk

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