

1. anlamı (i). yön, meyil, cihet, istikamet, taraf; idare, nezaret; emir, talimat, tembih; (müz). belirli bir notanın nasıl çalınacağını belirten işaret. direction finder radyo yön bulucu alet, yön alıcı cihaz. directional (s). istikamete ait. directional.
2. anlamı yön. kontrol. idare. yönetim. talimat. yönerge.


Direction İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Direction anlamları

  1. (noun) The name and residence of a person to whom any thing is sent, written upon the thing sent; superscription; address; as, the direction of a letter.
  2. (noun) The act of directing, of aiming, regulating, guiding, or ordering; guidance; management; superintendence; administration; as, the direction o/ public affairs or of a bank.
  3. (noun) That which is imposed by directing; a guiding or authoritative instruction; prescription; order; command; as, he grave directions to the servants.
  4. (noun) The body of managers of a corporation or enterprise; board of directors.
  5. (noun) The pointing of a piece with reference to an imaginary vertical axis; -- distinguished from elevation. The direction is given when the plane of sight passes through the object.
  6. (noun) The line or course upon which anything is moving or aimed to move, or in which anything is lying or pointing; aim; line or point of tendency; direct line or course; as, the ship sailed in a southeasterly direction.

Direction tanım:

Kelime: di·rec·tion
Söyleniş: d&-'rek-sh&n, dI-
İşlev: noun
1 : guidance or supervision of action or conduct : MANAGEMENT
3 a : an explicit instruction : ORDER b : assistance in pointing out the proper route -- usually used in plural asked for directions to the beach
4 : the line or course on which something is moving or is aimed to move or along which something is pointing or facing
5 archaic : DIRECTORATE 1
6 a : a channel or direct course of thought or action b : TENDENCY, TREND c : a guiding, governing, or motivating purpose
7 a : the art and technique of directing an orchestra, band, or a show (as for stage or screen) b : a word, phrase, or sign indicating the appropriate tempo, mood, or intensity of a passage or movement in music
- di·rec·tion·less /-l&s/ adjective
- di·rec·tion·less·ness /-n&s/ noun

Direction ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Centering, Charge, Commission, Counsel, Counseling, Counselling, Focus, Focusing, Guidance, Instruction, Management, Steering, Way,


İngilizce Direction kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. dirección, arrumbamiento, curso, orientación, rumbo, sentido; guía, encauzamiento; administración, gerencia, gobierno


İngilizce Direction kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. direction, sens; instruction, enseignement; administration, réalisation


İngilizce Direction kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Richtung; Leitung; Führung; Ziel


İngilizce Direction kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. direzione, senso; indirizzo, corso, tendenza; guida; (Cin, Teat) regia; indicazione, didascalia


İngilizce Direction kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. direção; rumo; curso; instrução; manejo; administração


i. yön, istikamet; direktörlük; yönetim; kumanda, yönetme, emir, talimat; açıklama, alıcı adresi


Fransızca Direction kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
(f) n. direction, way; management, leadership, government; command, conduct; directing, superintendence, supervision; course, range, trend; vector; departure, guidance; domain


İngilizce Direction kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. richting; leiding; aanwijzing; instructie; regie; bestuur


n. bearing; guidance, supervision; conducting; management; educating, instructing
n. direction, way; management, leadership, government; command, conduct; directing, superintendence, supervision; course, range, trend; vector; departure, guidance; domain


Fransızca Direction kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
1. (orientation) richting (f); koers (m); kant (m)2. (commerce - écoles) directeurschap (n); directoraat (n)
3. (général) weg (m)4. (gens) leiderschap (n)
5. (compagnie) leiding (f); directie (f); bestuur (n); beheer (n)6. (nautique) koers (m)


Fransızca Direction kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. richtung, blickrichtung, himmelsrichtung, leitung, lenkung, führung, direktion, betriebsführung, betriebsleitung, geschäftsführung, geschäftsleitung, steuerung, dirigieren, führen, direktorat


Fransızca Direction kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
1. (orientation) direzione (f); corso (m); rotta (f); parte (f)2. (commerce - écoles) carica di direttore; direzione (f)
3. (général) strada (f)4. (gens) direzione (f)
5. (compagnie) direzione (f); amministrazione (f); management (m)6. (nautique) direzione (f); rotta (f)


Fransızca Direction kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
1. (orientation) direção (f); curso (m); rumo (m); caminho (m)2. (commerce - écoles) diretoria (f); direção (f)
3. (général) caminho (m)4. (gens) liderança (f)
5. (compagnie) direção (f); comando (m); gerência (f); administração (f)6. (nautique) curso (m); rumo (m); rota (f)


Fransızca Direction kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
1. (orientation) dirección (f); rumbo (m)2. (commerce - écoles) cargo de director; dirección (f)
3. (général) camino (m)4. (gens) dirección (f); mando (m)
5. (compagnie) dirección (f); administración (f)6. (nautique) dirección (f); rumbo (m)

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