Instruction İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Instruction anlamları
- (noun) The act of instructing, teaching, or furnishing with knowledge; information.
- (noun) Direction; order; command.
- (noun) Precept; information; teachings.
- (noun) That which instructs, or with which one is instructed; the intelligence or information imparted
Instruction tanım:
Kelime: in·struc·tion
Söyleniş: in-'str&k-sh&n
İşlev: noun
1 a : PRECEPT prevailing cultural instructions b : a direction calling for compliance : ORDER -- usually used in plural had instructions not to admit strangers c plural : an outline or manual of technical procedure : DIRECTIONS d : a code that tells a computer to perform a particular operation
2 : the action, practice, or profession of teaching
- in·struc·tion·al