

1. anlamı (f). idare etmek, tanzim etmek, emretmek; göstermek, aydınlatmak, irşat etmek, tevcih etmek, yöneltmek, çevirmek, doğrultmak; yolu tarif etmek, salık vermek, tavsiye etmek. directive (s). idare edici, yol gösterici. directive (i). emir, direktif.
2. anlamı yolu tarif etmek. yönetmek. emretmek. yöneltmek. doğrultmak. çevirmek. doğru. düz. direkt. dolaysız. dosdoğru. tereddütsüz. dürüst. kesin. tam. duraklamadan.


Direct İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Direct anlamları

  1. (v. t.) To put a direction or address upon; to mark with the name and residence of the person to whom anything is sent; to superscribe; as, to direct a letter.
  2. (a.) Immediate; express; plain; unambiguous.
  3. (v. t.) To point out to with authority; to instruct as a superior; to order; as, he directed them to go.
  4. (noun) A character, thus [/], placed at the end of a staff on the line or space of the first note of the next staff, to apprise the performer of its situation.
  5. (v. t.) To determine the direction or course of; to cause to go on in a particular manner; to order in the way to a certain end; to regulate; to govern; as, to direct the affairs of a nation or the movements of an army.
  6. (a.) Straightforward; not of crooked ways, or swerving from truth and openness; sincere; outspoken.
  7. (a.) Straight; not crooked, oblique, or circuitous; leading by the short or shortest way to a point or end; as, a direct line; direct means.
  8. (a.) In the direction of the general planetary motion, or from west to east; in the order of the signs; not retrograde; -- said of the motion of a celestial body.
  9. (v. t.) To point out or show to (any one), as the direct or right course or way; to guide, as by pointing out the way; as, he directed me to the left-hand road.
  10. (v. i.) To give direction; to point out a course; to act as guide.
  11. (v. t.) To arrange in a direct or straight line, as against a mark, or towards a goal; to point; to aim; as, to direct an arrow or a piece of ordnance.
  12. (a.) In the line of descent; not collateral; as, a descendant in the direct line.
  13. (a.) Pertaining to, or effected immediately by, action of the people through their votes instead of through one or more representatives or delegates; as, direct nomination, direct legislation.

Direct tanım:

Kelime: di·rect
Söyleniş: d&-'rekt, dI-
İşlev: verb
Kökeni: Middle English, from Latin directus straight, from past participle of dirigere to direct -- more at DRESS
transitive senses
1 a obsolete : to write (a letter) to a person b : to mark with the name and address of the intended recipient c : to impart orally d : to adapt in expression so as to have particular applicability a lawyer who directs his appeals to intelligence
2 a : to regulate the activities or course of b : to carry out the organizing, energizing, and supervising of c : to dominate and determine the course of d : to train and lead performances of
3 : to cause to turn, move, or point undeviatingly or to follow a straight course X rays are directed through the body
4 : to point, extend, or project in a specified line or course
5 : to request or enjoin with authority
6 : to show or point out the way for
intransitive senses
1 : to point out, prescribe, or determine a course or procedure
2 : to act as director
synonym see COMMAND, CONDUCT

Direct ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Address, Aim, Calculate, Conduct, Directly, Engineer, Guide, Head, Lead, Lineal, Maneuver, Manoeuvre, Organize, Place, Point, Send, Steer, Straight, Take, Target, Train, Verbatim,

Direct ile zıt (antonym) anlamlı kelimeler

Alternating, Collateral, Indirect, Inverse, Retrograde,


İngilizce Direct kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
v. dirigir, administrar, conducir, controlar, encarrilar, encauzar, gobernar, manejar, orientar, regir
adj. directo, sin escalas; rectilíneo
adv. directo, directamente


İngilizce Direct kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
v. adresser, conduire; diriger; mener, gérer; mettre (une pièce) en scène
adj. direct, droit; franc
adv. directement, sans détours


İngilizce Direct kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
v. lenken, dirigieren; kontrollieren, beaufsichtigen; einteilen; Regie führen
adj. direkt; unmittelbar
adv. geradeheraus, klar


İngilizce Direct kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
v. dirigere, comandare; ordinare; curare la regia di; indirizzare, indicare la strada a; rivolgere, destinare
agg. diretto; immediato; chiaro, franco, schietto; esatto, preciso; (El) continuo
avv. direttamente, diretto


İngilizce Direct kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
v. dirigir, supervisionar; ordenar; direcionar; controlar; fazer a direção de um filme ou peça teatral
adj. direto; imediato; evidente; claro
adv. diretamente; claramente


f. yönetmek, idare etmek, yöneltmek, direktif vermek, komuta etmek, yönlendirmek; yol göstermek; adres yazmak (gönderiye); atfetmek; emretmek
s. direkt, doğru, doğrudan doğruya; dolaysız; kestirme; açık; anlaşılır; dürüst; güneş çevresinde doğudan batıya dönen


Fransızca Direct kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
adv. straight, directly


Flemenkçe Direct kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
adv. directly, right away, immediately


İngilizce Direct kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
bn. direct, rechtstreeks, dadelijk, openhartig, ondubbelzinnig
adv. direct, rechtstreeks
ww. richten, mikken, leiden, besturen, voorschrijven, last geven, dirigeren


v. guide, lead, instruct; manage; command; supervise, produce (a play, movie, etc.)
adj. straight, forthright; clear
adv. directly, clearly; in a forthright manner


Flemenkçe Direct kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
1. (oorzaak) direct; immédiat2. (richting) direct; tout droit
3. (aktie) directement; tout droit
4. (tijd) immédiatement; tout de suite; sans délai; directement


Fransızca Direct kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
1. (cause) direct; onmiddellijk; direkt
2. (simple) simpel; ongecompliceerd
3. (direction) direct; rechtstreeks; zonder omwegen4. (conduite) openlijk; onverholen; open; openhartig; rechtuit; oprecht; frank


Fransızca Direct kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. direktübertragung, direktsendung, live-sendung
adj. direkt, aufrecht, durchfahrend, durchgehend, unmittelbar, direkt-, live, linie: in direkter linie, persönlich, eigen, freiheraus, unumwunden, völlig, drastisch, unverblümt, inszenatorisch
adv. gerade


Fransızca Direct kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
1. (cause) diretto; primo; prossimo
2. (simple) semplice; chiaro; lineare
3. (direction) diritto4. (conduite) a viso aperto; senza sottintesi; aperto; sincero; schietto; esplicito; franco


Fransızca Direct kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
1. (cause) direto; imediato
2. (simple) direto; claro; simples
3. (direction) direto; reto4. (conduite) aberto; direto; franco; sincero; explícito


Fransızca Direct kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
1. (cause) directo; inmediato
2. (simple) claro; simple
3. (direction) directo; derecho4. (conduite) descarado; franco; sincero; abierto; cándido; explícito; directo

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