Indirect İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Indirect anlamları
- (a.) Not tending to an aim, purpose, or result by the plainest course, or by obvious means, but obliquely or consequentially; by remote means; as, an indirect accusation, attack, answer, or proposal.
- (a.) Not reaching the end aimed at by the most plain and direct method; as, an indirect proof, demonstration, etc.
- (a.) Not straightforward or upright; unfair; dishonest; tending to mislead or deceive.
- (a.) Not direct; not straight or rectilinear; deviating from a direct line or course; circuitous; as, an indirect road.
- (a.) Not resulting directly from an act or cause, but more or less remotely connected with or growing out of it; as, indirect results, damages, or claims.
Indirect tanım:
Kelime: in·di·rect
Söyleniş: "in-d&-'rekt, -(")dI-
İşlev: adjective
Kökeni: Middle English, from Medieval Latin indirectus, from Latin in- directus direct -- more at DRESS
: not direct: as a (1) : deviating from a direct line or course : ROUNDABOUT (2) : not going straight to the point an indirect accusation (3) : being or involving proof of a proposition or theorem by demonstration that its negation leads to an absurdity or contradiction b : not straightforward and open : DECEITFUL c : not directly aimed at or achieved indirect consequences d : stating what a real or supposed original speaker said with changes in wording that conform the statement grammatically to the sentence in which it is included indirect discourse an indirect question e : not effected by the action of the people or the electorate indirect government representation
- in·di·rect·ly

- in·di·rect·ness