1. anlamı (i). mal, emtia, eşya; yararlı şey. staple commodities başlıca satış ürünleri.,ürün/eşya.2. anlamı eşya. mal. emtia. hammadde.
3. anlamı esya. mal. ürün.
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Kenneth Arrow, 1921, 1972, 23 Ağustos, Nobel, Arrow'un imkansızlık teoremi, Arrow-Pratt katsayısı, Arrow-Debreu dengesishared Molinari's view that the production of security was an economic commodity which could be better supplied by the free and unhampered market, thus...
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desired, and therefore an economic commodity subject to the law of supply and demand; that in a free market this commodity would be furnished at the cost...
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