1. anlamı (f). den dolayı kederlenmek, teessüf etmek, acımak; beğenmemek, taraftar olmamak. deplorable (s). müessif, acınacak halde, acıklı. deplorably (z). acınacak surette. ,xyz üzül. 2. anlamı teessüf etmek. üzülmek.
Deplore İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Deplore anlamları
(v. t.) To complain of.
(v. i.) To lament.
(v. t.) To regard as hopeless; to give up.
(v. t.) To feel or to express deep and poignant grief for; to bewail; to lament; to mourn; to sorrow over.
Deplore tanım:
Kelime: de·plore Söyleniş:di-'plOr, -'plor İşlev:transitive verb Türleri:de·plored; de·plor·ing Kökeni: Middle French or Latin; Middle French deplorer, from Latin deplorare, from de- plorare to wail 1 a : to feel or express grief for b : to regret strongly 2 : to consider unfortunate or deserving of deprecation - de·plor·er /-'plOr-&r/ noun - de·plor·ing·ly /-i[ng]-lE/ adverb synonymsDEPLORE, LAMENT, BEWAIL, BEMOAN mean to express grief or sorrow for something. DEPLORE implies regret for the loss or impairment of something of value deplores the breakdown in family values . LAMENT implies a profound or demonstrative expression of sorrow lamenting the loss of their only child . BEWAIL and BEMOAN imply sorrow, disappointment, or protest finding outlet in words or cries, BEWAIL commonly suggesting loudness, and BEMOAN lugubriousness fans bewailed the defeat purists bemoaning the corruption of the language .