
Kısaca: Diskografi, herhangi bir müzik sanatçısının çıkarılan bütün albümlerin ve şarkıların kronolojik listesidir. Bir diskografinin kapsadığı elemanlar türüne göre değişir; ama genel olarak bir diskografide şu elemanların olması gerekir: Sanatçıların isimleri bazı gibi bilgileri, kayıt zamanı ve yeri, parçaların başlıkları, çıkış tarihleri​​, liste pozisyonlarını ve satış rakamları. Roy Shuker. ''[http://books.google.com/books?id=2sAReL71VsUC&pg=PA80&dq=%22a+discography+is%22+encyclopedia&lr=#PPA80,M1 ...devamı ☟

Diskografi, herhangi bir müzik sanatçısının çıkarılan bütün albümlerin ve şarkıların kronolojik listesidir. Bir diskografinin kapsadığı elemanlar türüne göre değişir; ama genel olarak bir diskografide şu elemanların olması gerekir: Sanatçıların isimleri bazı gibi bilgileri, kayıt zamanı ve yeri, parçaların başlıkları, çıkış tarihleri​​, liste pozisyonlarını ve satış rakamları. Bir sanatçı kliplerini toplamış veya bir video albüm yayımlamışsa bu "videografi" olur. Önemli diskografi kitapları *Andrews, Frank - Columbia 10" records, 1904-30. [1] : City of London Phonograph and Gramophone Society, 1985 *Arnold, Claude Graveley - The Orchestra on Record, 1896-1926: An Encyclopedia of Orchestral Recordings Made by the Acoustical Process, Greenwood Press 1997 *Brooks, Tim - Little Wonder Records, The New Amberola Phonograph Company 1999 *Connor, D. Russell and Hicks, Warren W. - BG On The Record; A bio-discography of Benny Goodman, Arlington House 1969 * *Dethlefson, Ronald - Edison Blue Amberol Recordings 1912-1914, (2nd Edition) Stationery X-Press 1997 *Dixon, Robert M.W., John Godrich and Howard W. Rye: Blues & Gospel Records 1890-1943, 4th ed., Clarendon Press 1997 *Fagan, Ted and Moran, William - The Encyclopedic Discography of Victor Records vol. 1, Greenwood Press 1983 *Fagan, Ted and Moran, William - The Encyclopedic Discography of Victor Records vol. 2, Greenwood Press 1986 *Fancourt, Les and Bob McGrath - The Blues Discography 1943-1970, Eyeball Productions 2006 *Flower, John - Moonlight Serenade; A bio-discography of the Glenn Miller civilian band, Arlington House 1972 *Jepsen, Jorgen Grunnet - Jazz Records, 1942-196x, Karl Emil Knudsen 1963-1970 *Jones, Mark - Bristol Folk: a Discographical History of Bristol folk music in the 1960s and 1970s, Bristol Folk Publications 2009 *Jones, Mark - The Famous Charisma Discography, The Record Press 2010 *Jones, Mark - The Saydisc and Village Thing Discography, The Record Press 2010 *Johnson, Richard J. - Elsie Carlisle, a discography, published privately 1994 *Kiner, Larry F. - The Al Jolson Discography, Greenwood Press 1983 *Koenigsberg, Allen - Edison Cylinder Records 1889-1912, (2nd Edition) APM Press 1987 *Laird, Ross - Tantalizing Tingles A Discography of Early Ragtime, Jazz, and Novelty Syncopated Piano Recordings, 1889-1934, Greenwood Press 1995 *Laird, Ross - Moanin'Low; A discography of female popular vocal recordings 1920-1933, Greenwood Press 1996 *Laird, Ross - Brunswick records: a discography of recordings, 1916-1931, Greenwood Press, 2001. *Laird, Ross & Rust, Brian - Discography of OKeh Records, 1918-1934. By Ross Laird and Brian Rust. Praeger, 2004 *Millar, Jack - Discography of Billie Holiday to 1999, Fine and Mellow published 1998 by The Billie Holiday Publishers *Moses, Julian Morton - American Celebrity Recordings 1900-1925, Monarch Record Enterprises, 1993 *Ruppli, Michel - Atlantic Records, Greenwood Press 1979 *Ruppli, Michel - The Savoy Labels, Greenwood Press 1980 *Ruppli, Michel & Porter, Bob - The Prestige Label, Greenwood Press 1980 *Ruppli, Michel - The Chess Labels, Greenwood Press 1983 *Ruppli, Michel - The King Labels, Greenwood Press 1985 *Ruppli, Michel - The Clef/Verve Labels, Greenwood Press 1986 *Ruppli, Michel - The Aladdin/Imperial Labels, Greenwood Press 1991 *Ruppli, Michel & Novitsky, Ed - The Mercury Labels, Greenwood Press 1993 *Ruppli, Michel - The Decca Labels, Greenwood Press 1996 *Ruppli, Michel & Novitsky, Ed - The MGM Labels, Greenwood Press 1998 *Ruppli, Michel, Daniels, Bill & Novitsky, Ed - The Capitol Label Discography, Names & Numbers, 2007 *Russell, Tony - Country Music Records; A discography, 1921-1942, Oxford University Press, 2004 *Rust, Brian - The Victor Master Book Vol. 2, published by the author, 1969 *Rust, Brian - The American Dance Band Discography, Arlington House 1975 *Rust, Brian - London Musical Shows On Record 1897 - 1976, General Gramophone Publications 1977 *Rust, Brian - British Music Hall On Record, General Gramophone Publications 1979 *Rust, Brian and Forbes, Sandy - British Dance Bands On Record 1911 to 1945, General Gramophone Publications 1987 *Rust, Brian and Debus, Allen G. - The Complete Entertainment Discography from 1897 to 1942, (2nd Edition) Da Capo Press 1989 *Rust, Brian & Brooks, Tim - The Columbia Master Book Discography, Greenwood Press, 1999. *Rust, Brian - Jazz and Ragtime Records (1897 - 1942), (6th Edition) Mainspring Press 2003 *Smith, Russell & Burgis, Peter - Peter Dawson; The world's most popular baritone (with complete song title discography), Currency Press 2001 *Sutton, Allan - Cakewalks, Rags and Novelties; The International Ragtime Discography (1894 - 1930), Mainspring Press 2004 * Kaynakça Dış bağlantılar Bağlantılar İngilizce dilindedir. * "Magnificent Obsession: The Discographers" makalesi, Jerry Atkins * The Encyclopaedic Discography of Victor Recordings - a continuation of the two volumes listed in the bibliography *The Music Discographies at bjbear71.com - http://bjbear71.com *Budget Labels Article, regarding false discographic details on some low-priced classical recordings *The Discographic "Den of Horrors" relating to Bruckner recordings Ayrıca bakın *Diskografiler (Vikipedi'deki diskografiler) *Allmusic *Discogs *MusicBrainz




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