

1. anlamı (i)., (s)., (z). iki kat, çift, iki misli;eş, aynı; kat; hile, oyun; tiyatro, (sin). dublör; briç kontr; (s). iki kat, iki kere, iki misli; çift; bükülmüş, katlı; iki kişilik; iki yüzlü; (müz). bir oktav daha alçak ses veren; (z). çift çift, iki.
2. anlamı çift. iki. iki kişilik. iki misli. benzer. eş. duble (içki). iki katı. iki katına çıkartmak. iki misli yapmak. iki misli olmak. iki kat etmek. kıvırmak. katlamak.


Double İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Double anlamları

  1. (noun) Something precisely equal or counterpart to another; a counterpart. Hence, a wraith.
  2. (v. i.) To play tricks; to use sleights; to play false.
  3. (noun) Double beer; strong beer.
  4. (v. i.) To set up a word or words a second time by mistake; to make a doublet.
  5. (a.) To increase by adding an equal number, quantity, length, value, or the like; multiply by two; to double a sum of money; to double a number, or length.
  6. (a.) To pass around or by; to march or sail round, so as to reverse the direction of motion.
  7. (noun) An old term for a variation, as in Bach's Suites.
  8. (a.) Divided into two; acting two parts, one openly and the other secretly; equivocal; deceitful; insincere.
  9. (a.) Having the petals in a flower considerably increased beyond the natural number, usually as the result of cultivation and the expense of the stamens, or stamens and pistils. The white water lily and some other plants have their blossoms naturally double.
  10. (noun) A feast in which the antiphon is doubled, hat is, said twice, before and after the Psalms, instead of only half being said, as in simple feasts.
  11. (noun) Twice as much; twice the number, sum, quantity, length, value, and the like.
  12. (noun) Among compositors, a doublet (see Doublet, 2.); among pressmen, a sheet that is twice pulled, and blurred.
  13. (a.) To make of two thicknesses or folds by turning or bending together in the middle; to fold one part upon another part of; as, to double the leaf of a book, and the like; to clinch, as the fist; -- often followed by up; as, to double up a sheet of paper or cloth.
  14. (noun) That which is doubled over or together; a doubling; a plait; a fold.
  15. (noun) A player or singer who prepares to take the part of another player in his absence; a substitute.
  16. (a.) To be the double of; to exceed by twofold; to contain or be worth twice as much as.
  17. (noun) A game between two pairs of players; as, a first prize for doubles.
  18. (adv.) Twice; doubly.
  19. (v. i.) To be increased to twice the sum, number, quantity, length, or value; to increase or grow to twice as much.
  20. (noun) A turn or circuit in running to escape pursues; hence, a trick; a shift; an artifice.
  21. (a.) To unite, as ranks or files, so as to form one from each two.
  22. (v. i.) To return upon one's track; to turn and go back over the same ground, or in an opposite direction.
  23. (a.) Twofold; multiplied by two; increased by its equivalent; made twice as large or as much, etc.
  24. (a.) Being in pairs; presenting two of a kind, or two in a set together; coupled.
  25. (noun) A person or thing that is the counterpart of another; a duplicate; copy; (Obs.) transcript; -- now chiefly used of persons. Hence, a wraith.

Double tanım:

Kelime: dou·ble
Söyleniş: 'd&-b&l
İşlev: adjective
Kökeni: Middle English, from Old French, from Latin duplus (akin to Greek diploos), from duo two -plus multiplied by; akin to Old English -feald -fold -- more at TWO, -FOLD
1 : having a twofold relation or character : DUAL
2 : consisting of two usually combined members or parts an egg with a double yolk
3 a : being twice as great or as many double the number of expected applicants b of a coin : worth two of the specified amount a double eagle a double crown
4 : marked by duplicity : DECEITFUL
5 : folded in two
6 : of extra size, strength, or value a double martini
7 : having more than the normal number of floral leaves often at the expense of the sporophylls
8 of rhyme : involving correspondence of two syllables (as in exciting and inviting)
9 : designed for the use of two persons a double room a double bed
- dou·ble·ness noun

Double ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Bivalent, Doubled, Doubling, Doubly, Dual, Duple, Duplicate, Forked, Image, Reduplicate, Repeat, Replicate, Threefold, Treble, Twice, Twofold,

Double ile zıt (antonym) anlamlı kelimeler

Multivalent, Single, Univalent,


İngilizce Double kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. duplo, duplicado, sosia
v. duplicar, doblar, multiplicar por dos; redoblar
adj. doble, camero, doblado, duplicado; dual


İngilizce Double kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. double, tournant
v. doubler; être double; redoubler, plier, courir
adj. double, par pair


İngilizce Double kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Doppel
v. doppeln; verdoppeln; rennen; falten
adj. doppelt; paarig


İngilizce Double kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. doppio, due volte tanto; copia, duplicato; sosia, ritratto; sostituto; doppione; (Cin) controfigura; dietrofront, inversione di marcia; raddoppio
v. raddoppiare, moltiplicare; essere il doppio di, essere due volte; piegare in doppio; stringere, serrare; far piegare in due, far piegare su se stesso; (Teat, Cin) sostituire, prendere il posto di
agg. doppio; duplice; piegato in due; ingannevole, falso, ambiguo; (Mus) che suona un'ottava più bassa


İngilizce Double kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. duplo; dobro; duplicata
v. duplicar; dobrar; redobrar; repetir
adj. duplo; duplicado; falso, enganado


f. iki misli yapmak, iki yle çarpmak, ikiye katlamak, katlamak, dublörlüğünü yapmak; iki rolü birden oynamak; bükmek; iki katına çıkmak; katlanmak; eğilmek; yumruğunu sıkmak; ikili oynamak; iki enstrüman çalmak; koşar adım gitmek; ikinci işte çalışmak
i. iki kat; çift, kopya, benzer, duble, ikili bahis, dublör; koşar adım
s. çift; iki kat; ikili; çifte, iki kişilik, duble; iki yüzlü; iki anlamlı


Fransızca Double kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
adj. double, duple, twofold; twin, dual; tandem


Almanca Double kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
adv. twofold; in pairs, two together


Flemenkçe Double kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
adj. double, composed of two parts or items; twofold; coupled, paired; folded


İngilizce Double kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. dubbele; dubbelganger; scherpe vouw
ww. (zich) verdubbelen, dubbelvouwen; zich omwenden; doubleren
bn. dubbel; tweepersoons


n. twofold amount; stunt actor, stand-in; sharp turn
v. multiply by two, increase twofold; be multiplied by two; bend, fold; play the part of a double in a play or film
adj. composed of two parts or items; twofold; coupled, paired; folded


Fransızca Double kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
1. (en deux parties) dubbel2. (pour deux personnes) dubbel3. (emploi) dubbel; tweevoudig
4. (nombre) dubbel5. (sport - tennis) dubbelspel (n)6. (nombre) dubbel (n)
7. (homme) evenbeeld (n); dubbelganger (m)8. (femme) evenbeeld (n); dubbelgangster (f)


Fransızca Double kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. dublette, kopie, durchschrift, ersatzschlüssel, durchschlag, doppelgänger, doppelte, duplikat, doppel
adj. doppelseitig, zweifach
adv. doppelt


Fransızca Double kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
1. (en deux parties) doppio2. (pour deux personnes) doppio3. (emploi) doppio; duplice
4. (nombre) di due volte tanto5. (sport - tennis) doppio (m)6. (nombre) doppio (m)
7. (homme) sosia (m)8. (femme) sosia (f)


Fransızca Double kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
1. (en deux parties) duplo2. (pour deux personnes) de casal3. (emploi) duplo
4. (nombre) dobro; duas vezes5. (sport - tennis) dupla (f)6. (nombre) dobro (m)
7. (homme) sósia (m)8. (femme) sósia (f)


Fransızca Double kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
1. (en deux parties) doble2. (pour deux personnes) doble3. (emploi) doble
4. (nombre) doble5. (sport - tennis) doble (m)6. (nombre) doble (m)
7. (homme) sosia (m)8. (femme) sosia (f)


Fransızca Double kelimesinin Türkçe karşılığı.
iki kat, çift, ikili; keskin


Almanca Double kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. doublure (f)


Almanca Double kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
n. controfigura (f), double (m)


Almanca Double kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
n. doble (m), plaqué (m), doblete (m), dublé (m)


Almanca Double kelimesinin Türkçe karşılığı.
i. dublör (n)


İtalyanca Double kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. double

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