

Image İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Image anlamları

  1. (noun) A representation of anything to the mind; a picture drawn by the fancy; a conception; an idea.
  2. (noun) A picture, example, or illustration, often taken from sensible objects, and used to illustrate a subject; usually, an extended metaphor.
  3. (noun) The figure or picture of any object formed at the focus of a lens or mirror, by rays of light from the several points of the object symmetrically refracted or reflected to corresponding points in such focus; this may be received on a screen, a photographic plate, or the retina of the eye, and viewed directly by the eye, or with an eyeglass, as in the telescope and microscope; the likeness of an object formed by reflection; as, to see one's image in a mirror.
  4. (noun) An imitation, representation, or similitude of any person, thing, or act, sculptured, drawn, painted, or otherwise made perceptible to the sight; a visible presentation; a copy; a likeness; an effigy; a picture; a semblance.
  5. (noun) Hence: The likeness of anything to which worship is paid; an idol.
  6. (noun) Show; appearance; cast.
  7. (v. t.) To represent or form an image of; as, the still lake imaged the shore; the mirror imaged her figure.
  8. (v. t.) To represent to the mental vision; to form a likeness of by the fancy or recollection; to imagine.

Image tanım:

Kelime: im·age
Söyleniş: 'i-mij
İşlev: noun
Kökeni: Middle English, from Old French, short for imagene, from Latin imagin-, imago; perhaps akin to Latin imitari to imitate
1 : a reproduction or imitation of the form of a person or thing; especially : an imitation in solid form : STATUE
2 a : the optical counterpart of an object produced by an optical device (as a lens or mirror) or an electronic device b : a likeness of an object produced on a photographic material
3 a : exact likeness : SEMBLANCE God created man in his own image -- Gen 1:27 (Revised Standard Version) b : a person strikingly like another person she is the image of her mother
4 a : a tangible or visible representation : INCARNATION the image of filial devotion b archaic : an illusory form : APPARITION
5 a (1) : a mental picture of something not actually present : IMPRESSION (2) : a mental conception held in common by members of a group and symbolic of a basic attitude and orientation a disorderly courtroom can seriously tarnish a community's image of justice -- Herbert Brownell b : IDEA, CONCEPT
6 : a vivid or graphic representation or description
8 : a popular conception (as of a person, institution, or nation) projected especially through the mass media promoting a corporate image of brotherly love and concern -- R. C. Buck
9 : a set of values given by a mathematical function (as a homomorphism) that corresponds to a particular subset of the domain

Image ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Double, Effigy, Epitome, Fancy, Figure, Icon, Paradigm, Persona, Picture, Project, Prototype, See, Simulacrum, Trope, Visualize,

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