1. anlamı (f). (drew, drawn) çekmek, sürüklemek; (kuyudan su) çekmek; silah çekmek; cezbetmek, ilgi çekmek; çizmek, resmetmek, kelimelerle tasvir etmek; içine çekmek, emmek (hava, sıvı); ilham almak, kaynak olarak kullanmak; almak (faiz, pa ra); suyunu bo. 2. anlamı çekme. çekiş. kura. çekiliş. cazibe. çekimya ilgi çekici şey. berabere biten oyun. yem. ağızdan lâf almak için söylenen söz. çekmek. fıçıdan çekmek. resmetmek. yaklaşmak. germek. teşvik etmek. almak. kazanmak. ikna etmek. sorguya çekmek. çizmek. yazma. (re.
Draw İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Draw anlamları
(v. t.) To obtain from some cause or origin; to infer from evidence or reasons; to deduce from premises; to derive.
(v. i.) To become contracted; to shrink.
(v. i.) To make a draft or written demand for payment of money deposited or due; -- usually with on or upon.
(noun) That part of a bridge which may be raised, swung round, or drawn aside; the movable part of a drawbridge. See the Note under Drawbridge.
(v. t.) To take from a box or wheel, as a lottery ticket; to receive from a lottery by the drawing out of the numbers for prizes or blanks; hence, to obtain by good fortune; to win; to gain; as, he drew a prize.
(v. t.) To represent by lines drawn; to form a sketch or a picture of; to represent by a picture; to delineate; hence, to represent by words; to depict; to describe.
(v. i.) To pull; to exert strength in drawing anything; to have force to move anything by pulling; as, a horse draws well; the sails of a ship draw well.
(v. t.) To write in due form; to prepare a draught of; as, to draw a memorial, a deed, or bill of exchange.
(v. i.) To exert an attractive force; to act as an inducement or enticement.
(v. t.) To cause to come out for one's use or benefit; to extract; to educe; to bring forth; as: (a) To bring or take out, or to let out, from some receptacle, as a stick or post from a hole, water from a cask or well, etc.
(v. t.) To influence to move or tend toward one's self; to exercise an attracting force upon; to call towards itself; to attract; hence, to entice; to allure; to induce.
(noun) The act of drawing; draught.
(v. t.) To take into the lungs; to inhale; to inspire; hence, also, to utter or produce by an inhalation; to heave.
(noun) A drawn game or battle, etc.
(v. t.) To extend in length; to lengthen; to protract; to stretch; to extend, as a mass of metal into wire.
(v. t.) To cause to move continuously by force applied in advance of the thing moved; to pull along; to haul; to drag; to cause to follow.
(v. t.) To withdraw.
(noun) A lot or chance to be drawn.
(v. t.) To trace by scent; to track; -- a hunting term.
(v. i.) To have draught, as a chimney, flue, or the like; to furnish transmission to smoke, gases, etc.
(v. t.) To select by the drawing of lots.
(v. i.) To move; to come or go; literally, to draw one's self; -- with prepositions and adverbs; as, to draw away, to move off, esp. in racing, to get in front; to obtain the lead or increase it; to draw back, to retreat; to draw level, to move up even (with another); to come up to or overtake another; to draw off, to retire or retreat; to draw on, to advance; to draw up, to form in array; to draw near, nigh, or towards, to approach; to draw together, to come together, to collect.
(v. i.) To draw a liquid from some receptacle, as water from a well.
(v. i.) To admit the action of pulling or dragging; to undergo draught; as, a carriage draws easily.
(v. t.) To extract the bowels of; to eviscerate; as, to draw a fowl; to hang, draw, and quarter a criminal.
(v. t.) To take or procure from a place of deposit; to call for and receive from a fund, or the like; as, to draw money from a bank.
(v. i.) To sink in water; to require a depth for floating.
(v. i.) To unsheathe a weapon, especially a sword.
(v. t.) To extract; to force out; to elicit; to derive.
(v. i.) To perform the act, or practice the art, of delineation; to sketch; to form figures or pictures.
(v. t.) To drain by emptying; to suck dry.
(v. i.) To have efficiency as an epispastic; to act as a sinapism; -- said of a blister, poultice, etc.
(v. t.) To require (so great a depth, as of water) for floating; -- said of a vessel; to sink so deep in (water); as, a ship draws ten feet of water.
(v. t.) To run, extend, or produce, as a line on any surface; hence, also, to form by marking; to make by an instrument of delineation; to produce, as a sketch, figure, or picture.
(v. t.) To remove the contents of
(v. t.) To pull from a sheath, as a sword.
(noun) The spin or twist imparted to a ball, or the like, by a drawing stroke.
(v. t.) To leave (a contest) undecided; as, the battle or game was drawn.
(noun) A drawn battle, game, or the like.
(noun) That which is drawn or is subject to drawing.
(v. t.) To strike (the cue ball) below the center so as to give it a backward rotation which causes it to take a backward direction on striking another ball.
(v. t.) To throw up (the stone) gently.
(v. t.) To play (a short-length ball directed at the leg stump) with an inclined bat so as to deflect the ball between the legs and the wicket.
(v. t.) To hit (the ball) with the toe of the club so that it is deflected toward the left.
(noun) The result of drawing, or state of being drawn;
Draw tanım:
Kelime: draw Söyleniş:'dro İşlev:verb Türleri:drew /'drü/; drawn /'dron, 'drän/; draw·ing Kökeni: Middle English drawen, dragen, from Old English dragan; akin to Old Norse draga to draw, drag transitive senses 1 : to cause to move continuously toward or after a force applied in advance : PULLdraw your chair up by the fire : as a : to move (as a covering) over or to one side draw the drapes b : to pull up or out of a receptacle or place where seated or carried draw water from the well drew a gun ; also : to cause to come out of a container draw water for a bath 2 : to cause to go in a certain direction (as by leading) drew him aside 3 a : to bring by inducement or allure : ATTRACT honey draws flies b : to bring in or gather from a specified group or area a college that draws its students from many states c: BRING ON, PROVOKEdrew enemy fire d : to bring out by way of response : ELICITdrew cheers from the audience e : to receive in the course of play the batter drew a walk draw a foul 4: INHALEdrew a deep breath 5 a : to extract the essence from draw tea b: EVISCERATE plucking and drawing a goose before cooking c : to derive to one's benefit drew inspiration from the old masters 6 : to require (a specified depth) to float in a ship that draws 12 feet of water 7 a: ACCUMULATE, GAINdrawing interest b : to take (money) from a place of deposit c : to use in making a cash demand drawing a check against his account d : to receive regularly or in due course draw a salary 8 a : to take (cards) from a stack or from the dealer b : to receive or take at random drew a winning number 9 : to bend (a bow) by pulling back the string 10 : to cause to shrink, contract, or tighten 11 : to strike (a ball) so as to impart a backward spin 12 : to leave (a contest) undecided : TIE 13 a (1) : to produce a likeness or representation of by making lines on a surface draw a picture draw a graph with chalk (2) : to give a portrayal of : DELINEATE a writer who draws characters well b : to write out in due form draw a will c : to design or describe in detail : FORMULATEdraw comparisons 14 : to infer from evidence or premises draw a conclusion 15 : to spread or elongate (metal) by hammering or by pulling through dies; also : to shape (as plastic) by stretching or by pulling through dies intransitive senses 1 : to come or go steadily or gradually night draws near 2 a : to move something by pulling drawing at the well b : to exert an attractive force the play is drawing well 3 a : to pull back a bowstring b : to bring out a weapon drew, aimed, and fired 4 a : to produce a draft the chimney draws well draw on a cigar b : to swell out in a wind all sails drawing 5 a : to wrinkle or tighten up : SHRINKb : to change shape by pulling or stretching 6 : to cause blood or pus to localize at one point 7 : to create a likeness or a picture in outlines : SKETCH 8 : to come out even in a contest 9 a : to make a written demand for payment of money on deposit b : to obtain resources (as of information) drawing from a common fund of knowledge - draw·able /-&-b&l/ adjective - draw a bead on : to take aim at - draw a blank : to fail to gain a desired object (as information sought) also : to be unable to think of something - draw onordraw upon : to use as a source of supply drawing on the whole community for support - draw straws : to decide or assign something by lottery in which straws of unequal length are used - draw the lineordraw a line1 : to fix an arbitrary boundary between things that tend to intermingle 2 : to fix a boundary excluding what one will not tolerate or engage in
İngilizce Draw kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. empate, tablas; succión, tiro de la chimenea; atracción v. dibujar, bosquejar, repintar, trazar; atraer; tirar de, halar, jalar; sacar, extraer; girar; descorrer; obtener como resultado, derivar, provocar
İngilizce Draw kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. attraction; tirage au sort; match nul v. tirer, dessiner; extraire; dessiner, tracer, décrire; aller à la rencontre de
İngilizce Draw kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Anziehung; Auslösung; Unentschieden v. zeichnen; skizzieren; beschreiben; einholen; ziehen (Dolch, Karte beim Spiel, Vorhang); hinziehen
İngilizce Draw kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. tiro, tirata, strappo, strattone; (fig) attrazione, richiamo; estrazione, sorteggio; tombola; l'estrarre; lo sguainare; (Sport) pareggio, punteggio pari, parità; carta servita; tipo di poker v. tirare, attirare a sé; trainare, trascinare; attrarre, allettare; disegnare, ritrarre; stendere, redigere; estrarre, tirar fuori; cavare, togliere; contrarre; riscuotere, ricevere; tirare a sorte
İngilizce Draw kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. sucção; atração; empate; loteria v. puxar; tirar; extrair; desenhar; descrever; traçar; adiantar-se; atrair
f. resmetmek, çizmek, yazmak, karalamak; çekmek, fıçıdan çekmek; yaklaşmak; germek; teşvik etmek; almak, kazanmak; ikna etmek; sorguya çekmek; keşide etmek; düzenlemek, taslağını çizmek; silâh çekmek; demlemek; devam etmek; kura çekmek, kâğıt çekmek i. çekme, çekiş; kura, çekiliş; cazibe, çekim; ilgi çekici şey; berabere biten oyun; yem, ağızdan lâf almak için söylenen söz
n. act of drawing; attraction; lottery; contest which ends in a tie (Sports); natural channel, gully v. attract; pull; pull out; sketch, depict with lines; describe with words; move towards; suck in; conclude; drain; stretch out; pick or be given randomly; shrink by contraction; disembowel