

1. anlamı demiryolu traversi; boyun bağı, kravat; düğüm, bağ; berabere kalma; bir binanın kısımlarını tutan lata veya demir kuşak; fiyonga; bağlı nota işareti, müz; kayıt, rabıta, bağlantı; bağlı alçak ayakkabı, çoğ, tie beam duvar latası, ti, tie clasp; düğüm,.
2. anlamı kravat. bağ. beraberlik. sonuç eşitliği. düğüm. düğüm ipi. ayakbağı. bağlamak. bağlanmak. berabere kalmak. eşit olmak.


Tie İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Tie anlamları

  1. (v. t.) To fasten with a band or cord and knot; to bind.
  2. (v. t.) A line, usually straight, drawn across the stems of notes, or a curved line written over or under the notes, signifying that they are to be slurred, or closely united in the performance, or that two notes of the same pitch are to be sounded as one; a bind; a ligature.
  3. (v. t.) A beam or rod for holding two parts together; in railways, one of the transverse timbers which support the track and keep it in place.
  4. (v. t.) To make an equal score with, in a contest; to be even with.
  5. (v. t.) To form, as a knot, by interlacing or complicating a cord; also, to interlace, or form a knot in; as, to tie a cord to a tree; to knit; to knot.
  6. (v. t.) A knot; a fastening.
  7. (v. t.) To unite, as notes, by a cross line, or by a curved line, or slur, drawn over or under them.
  8. (v. t.) To unite firmly; to fasten; to hold.
  9. (v. t.) Low shoes fastened with lacings.
  10. (v. t.) An equality in numbers, as of votes, scores, etc., which prevents either party from being victorious; equality in any contest, as a race.
  11. (v. t.) A knot of hair, as at the back of a wig.
  12. (v. t.) To hold or constrain by authority or moral influence, as by knotted cords; to oblige; to constrain; to restrain; to confine.
  13. (v. t.) A bond; an obligation, moral or legal; as, the sacred ties of friendship or of duty; the ties of allegiance.
  14. (v. i.) To make a tie; to make an equal score.

Tie tanım:

Kelime: tie
Söyleniş: 'tI
İşlev: noun
Kökeni: Middle English teg, tye, from Old English tEag; akin to Old Norse taug rope, Old English tEon to pull -- more at TOW
1 a : a line, ribbon, or cord used for fastening, uniting, or drawing something closed; especially : SHOELACE b (1) : a structural element (as a rod or angle iron) holding two pieces together : a tension member in a construction (2) : any of the transverse supports to which railroad rails are fastened to keep them in line
2 : something that serves as a connecting link: as a : a moral or legal obligation to someone or something typically constituting a restraining power, influence, or duty b : a bond of kinship or affection
3 : a curved line that joins two musical notes of the same pitch to denote a single tone sustained through the time value of the two
4 a : an equality in number (as of votes or scores) b : equality in a contest; also : a contest that ends in a draw
5 : a method or style of tying or knotting
6 : something that is knotted or is to be knotted when worn: as a : NECKTIE b : a low laced shoe : OXFORD
- tie·less /-l&s/ adjective

Tie ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Affiliation, Association, Attach, Bind, Bond, Connect, Draw, Link, Marry, Necktie, Sleeper, Splice, Wed,

Tie ile zıt (antonym) anlamlı kelimeler

Disconnect, Unbrace, Unlace, Untie,


İngilizce Tie kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. corbata; lazo, amarra, atadura, ligamento, ligazón, nudo; empate; nexo, acoplamiento, conexión, enlace, trabadura, vínculo
v. atar, aligar, amarrar, anudar, apersogar, atar con cinta, encordonar, fajar, juntar, liar, sujetar; mancornar; empatar; amarrarse, atarse


İngilizce Tie kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. lien, attache; itague, lacet; cravate, lacet; corde; noeud; connexion; égalité, match nul
v. nouer; lier, attacher; ligoter


İngilizce Tie kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Krawatte; Schnürsenkel; Seil; Binder
v. binden; verschnüren


İngilizce Tie kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. legaccio, laccio, legame, cordella; legatura; nodo, annodatura; fiocco; (Vest) cravatta; vincolo; (Sport) pareggio, risultato di parità; (Parl, Pol) parità di voti; (Mar) amante; (El) collegamento
v. legare, allacciare, attaccare; affibbiare; annodare; (estens) unire, collegare, congiungere; (fig) confinare, relegare; (Sport) pareggiare con


İngilizce Tie kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. gravata; laço; ligadura; corda, linha; nó; ligação, relação, vínculo; empate, competição empatada
v. amarrar


f. bağlamak, düğümlemek, evlendirmek, sınırlamak, berabere kalmak, eşit oy almak
i. bağ, kravat, boyunbağı, düğüm, bağlantı, ayak bağı, engel, kiriş, lata, oy eşitliği, beraberlik, berabere kalma


İngilizce Tie kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. stropdas; veter; knoop; band
ww. vastbinden; knopen; strikken


n. necktie; rope, cord; link, connection; equal score in a game
v. bind, fasten with a rope or cord