

1. anlamı (i). kolaylık, yumuşak veya tabii davranış.
2. anlamı kolaylik. rahatlik.


Easiness İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Easiness anlamları

  1. (noun) Freedom from jolting, jerking, or straining.
  2. (noun) The state or condition of being easy; freedom from distress; rest.
  3. (noun) Freedom from emotion; compliance; disposition to yield without opposition; unconcernedness.
  4. (noun) Freedom from effort, constraint, or formality; -- said of style, manner, etc.
  5. (noun) Freedom from difficulty; ease; as the easiness of a task.

Easiness tanım:

Kelime: easy
Söyleniş: 'E-zE
İşlev: adjective
Türleri: eas·i·er; -est
Kökeni: Middle English esy, from Old French aaisié, past participle of aaisier to ease, from a- ad- (from Latin ad-) aise ease
1 a : causing or involving little difficulty or discomfort within easy reach b : requiring or indicating little effort, thought, or reflection easy clichés
2 a : not severe : LENIENT b : not steep or abrupt easy slopes c : not difficult to endure or undergo an easy penalty d : readily taken advantage of an easy target for takeovers e (1) : readily available easy pickings (2) : plentiful in supply at low or declining interest rates easy money (3) : less in demand and usually lower in price bonds were easier f : PLEASANT easy listening
3 a : marked by peace and comfort the easy life of a courtier b : not hurried or strenuous an easy pace
4 a : free from pain, annoyance, or anxiety did all she could to make him easier b : marked by social ease an air of easy assurance c : EASYGOING an easy disposition
5 a : giving ease, comfort, or relaxation easy chairs b : not burdensome or straitened bought on easy terms c : fitting comfortably : allowing freedom of movement easy jackets d : marked by ready facility an easy flowing style e : felt or attained to readily, naturally, and spontaneously an easy smile
- eas·i·ness noun
synonyms EASY, FACILE, SIMPLE, LIGHT, EFFORTLESS, SMOOTH mean not demanding effort or involving difficulty. EASY is applicable either to persons or things imposing tasks or to activity required by such tasks an easy college course . FACILE often adds to EASY the connotation of undue haste or shallowness facile answers to complex questions . SIMPLE stresses ease in understanding or dealing with because complication is absent a simple problem in arithmetic . LIGHT stresses freedom from what is burdensome a light teaching load . EFFORTLESS stresses the appearance of ease and usually implies the prior attainment of artistry or expertness moving with effortless grace . SMOOTH stresses the absence or removal of all difficulties, hardships, or obstacles a smooth ride . synonym see in addition COMFORTABLE

Easiness ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Ease, Relaxation, Simplicity,

Easiness ile zıt (antonym) anlamlı kelimeler

Difficultness, Difficulty,


İngilizce Easiness kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. facilidad; desembarazo, holgura, soltura


İngilizce Easiness kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. facilité


İngilizce Easiness kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Leichtigkeit


İngilizce Easiness kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. facilità, semplicità; disinvoltura, naturalezza; indifferenza; (Econ) depressione


İngilizce Easiness kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. facilidade


i. kolaylık, rahatlık, doğallık, denge, istikrar


İngilizce Easiness kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. gemak


n. lightness, ease, freedom from anxiety; indifference