

1. anlamı budala, alık, ahmak; ehemmiyetsiz, önemsiz; ahmakça; süssüz, sade; halis, saf; kolay; ancak yeterli; bayağı, adi; s, bileşik olmayan, basit; kolay anlaşılır; suni olmayan, tabii, yapmacıksız; tek, münferit, yalın zool; basit.
2. anlamı basit. sade ve basit. kolay. gösterişsiz. sade. yalın. saf. temiz kalpli. alçakgönüllü. kendi halinde. acemi. iradesiz. tam. kocakarı ilacı. süssüz. kolay anlaşılır. sıradan. olağan. karmaşık olmayan. katışıksız. içten. dürüst. toy. içinde kötülük olmayan.


Simple İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Simple anlamları

  1. (a.) Homogenous.
  2. (a.) A feast which is not a double or a semidouble.
  3. (a.) A medicinal plant; -- so called because each vegetable was supposed to possess its particular virtue, and therefore to constitute a simple remedy.
  4. (a.) Without subdivisions; entire; as, a simple stem; a simple leaf.
  5. (a.) Not capable of being decomposed into anything more simple or ultimate by any means at present known; elementary; thus, atoms are regarded as simple bodies. Cf. Ultimate, a.
  6. (a.) Plain; unadorned; as, simple dress.
  7. (a.) A part of the apparatus for raising the heddles of a drawloom.
  8. (a.) Mere; not other than; being only.
  9. (a.) Consisting of a single individual or zooid; as, a simple ascidian; -- opposed to compound.
  10. (a.) Artless in manner; unaffected; unconstrained; natural; inartificial;; straightforward.
  11. (a.) Not luxurious; without much variety; plain; as, a simple diet; a simple way of living.
  12. (a.) Weak in intellect; not wise or sagacious; of but moderate understanding or attainments; hence, foolish; silly.
  13. (a.) A drawloom.
  14. (a.) Single; not complex; not infolded or entangled; uncombined; not compounded; not blended with something else; not complicated; as, a simple substance; a simple idea; a simple sound; a simple machine; a simple problem; simple tasks.
  15. (a.) Something not mixed or compounded.
  16. (a.) Direct; clear; intelligible; not abstruse or enigmatical; as, a simple statement; simple language.
  17. (a.) Not given to artifice, stratagem, or duplicity; undesigning; sincere; true.
  18. (a.) Humble; lowly; undistinguished.
  19. (v. i.) To gather simples, or medicinal plants.

Simple tanım:

Kelime: sim·ple
Söyleniş: 'sim-p&l
İşlev: adjective
Türleri: sim·pler /-p(&-)l&r/; sim·plest /-p(&-)l&st/
Kökeni: Middle English, from Old French, plain, uncomplicated, artless, from Latin simplus, simplex, literally, single; Latin simplus from sem-, sim- one -plus multiplied by; Latin simplic-, simplex from sem-, sim- -plic-, -plex -fold -- more at SAME, -FOLD
1 : free from guile : INNOCENT
2 a : free from vanity : MODEST b : free from ostentation or display
3 : of humble origin or modest position a simple farmer
4 a : lacking in knowledge or expertise a simple amateur of the arts b : STUPID; especially : mentally retarded c : not socially or culturally sophisticated : NAIVE; also : CREDULOUS
5 a : SHEER, UNMIXED simple honesty b : free of secondary complications a simple vitamin deficiency c (1) : having only one main clause and no subordinate clauses a simple sentence (2) of a subject or predicate : having no modifiers, complements, or objects d : constituting a basic element : FUNDAMENTAL e : not made up of many like units a simple eye
6 : free from elaboration or figuration simple harmony
7 a (1) : not subdivided into branches or leaflets a simple stem a simple leaf (2) : consisting of a single carpel (3) : developing from a single ovary a simple fruit b : controlled by a single gene simple inherited characters
8 : not limited or restricted : UNCONDITIONAL a simple obligation
9 : readily understood or performed simple directions the adjustment was simple to make
10 of a statistical hypothesis : specifying exact values for one or more statistical parameters -- compare COMPOSITE 3
- sim·ple·ness /-p&l-n&s/ noun
synonyms SIMPLE, FOOLISH, SILLY, FATUOUS, ASININE mean actually or apparently deficient in intelligence. SIMPLE implies a degree of intelligence inadequate to cope with anything complex or involving mental effort considered people simple who had trouble with computers . FOOLISH implies the character of being or seeming unable to use judgment, discretion, or good sense foolish stunts . SILLY suggests failure to act as a rational being especially by ridiculous behavior the silly antics of revelers . FATUOUS implies foolishness, inanity, and disregard of reality fatuous conspiracy theories . ASININE suggests utter and contemptible failure to use normal rationality or perception an asinine plot . synonym see in addition EASY

Simple ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Bare, Childlike, Elementary, Half-witted, Mere, Simple-minded, Simpleton,

Simple ile zıt (antonym) anlamlı kelimeler

Complex, Compound,


İngilizce Simple kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. simple, tonto; planta medicinal
adj. simple, fácil, poco complicado, sencillo; simplista, no sofisticado; común y corriente, incomplejo, liso y llano, sin adornos; simplón, asimplado, bobalicón, elemental, rudimentario


İngilizce Simple kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. simple, ingénu, ordinaire; herbe médicinale, plante médicinale (archaïque)
adj. simple; ordinaire; ingénu; bête; innocent; simplet


İngilizce Simple kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Trottel; Heilpflanze (veraltete Anwendung)
adj. einfach; dumm; einfältig


İngilizce Simple kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. semplici
agg. semplice, chiaro, elementare, facile, piano; modesto, senza pretese, alla buona; privo di ricercatezza, naturale; senza superbia; credulone, sempliciotto, ingenuo; stupido; sciocco; comune; vero, puro


İngilizce Simple kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. idiota, vagabundo; erva medicinal, planta medicinal (uso arcaico)
adj. simples; norma; desmontado; tolo, ingênuo, inocente; simples modo de andar


i. kocakarı ilacı
s. basit, sade ve basit, kolay, gösterişsiz, sade, yalın, saf, temiz kalpli, alçakgönüllü, kendi halinde, acemi, iradesiz, tam


Fransızca Simple kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
adj. simple, natural; unaffected, unsophisticated, straightforward; easy; mere; simple minded, unvarnished; honest, chaste; informal, plain, austere


Almanca Simple kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
adj. open-and-shut


İspanyolca Simple kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
adj. simple; mere; plain; bare


İngilizce Simple kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. Zwakzinnig, simpel, onnozel; geneeskundige plant/ kruid
bn. eenvoudig, enkelvoudig; simpel; onnozel


n. stupid person, foolish person; something simple; substance unmixed with other substances; commoner; plant with medicinal qualities, herbal medication (Archaic)
adj. not mixed with anything; easy, uncomplicated; modest, unaffected; ordinary; plain, not elaborate, unadorned; stupid, dumb, not intelligent
adj. simple, natural; unaffected, unsophisticated, straightforward; easy; mere; simple minded, unvarnished; honest, chaste; informal, plain, austere


Fransızca Simple kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
1. (général) niet ingewikkeld; enkelvoudig; bescheiden; eenvoudig2. (billet) enkele reis3. (explication) eenvoudig; simpel; niet ingewikkeld
4. (direct) simpel; ongecompliceerd5. (technique) ongecompliceerd; eenvoudig6. (vêtements) simpel; gewoon; eenvoudig
7. (personne) eenvoudig; ongekunsteld; natuurlijk8. (conduite) eenvoudig; bescheiden; simpel; dwaas; dom


Almanca Simple kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.


Fransızca Simple kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. einzel
adj. einfach, leicht, unkompliziert, simple, simpel, ordinär, derb, bescheiden, schlicht, bodenständig


Fransızca Simple kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
1. (général) non complicato; semplice; senza pretese2. (billet) di andata3. (explication) semplice; senza complicazioni
4. (direct) semplice; chiaro; lineare5. (technique) semplice6. (vêtements) semplice; sobrio
7. (personne) semplice; genuino; schietto; naturale8. (conduite) semplice; ingenuo; sciocco; sempliciotto


Fransızca Simple kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
1. (général) descomplicado; simples; despretensioso2. (billet) de ida3. (explication) simples; clara; descomplicada
4. (direct) direto; claro; simples5. (technique) simples; claro; descomplicado6. (vêtements) simples
7. (personne) simplório; simples; pouco sofisticado; natural8. (conduite) simples; mero; ingênuo; inocente; bobo

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