1. anlamı f. eğlendirmek, avutmak, meşgul etmek; misafir etmek, ağırlamak, ikram etmek; misafir kabul etmek; hatırda tutmak; göz önünde bulundurmak. entertain a motion bir teklifi kabul edip kurula arzetmek (başkan). They entertain a great deal çok misafirl. 2. anlamı (misafir) ağırlamak. eğlendirmek. hoşça vakit geçirtmek. (bir öneriyi.vb.) göz önünde bulundurmak. aklında tutmak.
Entertain İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Entertain anlamları
(v. t.) To be at the charges of; to take or keep in one's service; to maintain; to support; to harbor; to keep.
(v. t.) To meet or encounter, as an enemy.
(v. t.) To lead on; to bring along; to introduce.
(v. t.) To give hospitable reception and maintenance to; to receive at one's board, or into one's house; to receive as a guest.
(v. t.) To keep, hold, or maintain in the mind with favor; to keep in the mind; to harbor; to cherish; as, to entertain sentiments.
(noun) Entertainment.
(v. t.) To give reception to; to receive, in general; to receive and take into consideration; to admit, treat, or make use of; as, to entertain a proposal.
(v. t.) To engage the attention of agreeably; to amuse with that which makes the time pass pleasantly; to divert; as, to entertain friends with conversation, etc.
(v. i.) To receive, or provide entertainment for, guests; as, he entertains generously.
Entertain tanım:
Kelime: en·ter·tain Söyleniş:"en-t&r-'tAn İşlev:verb Kökeni: Middle English entertinen, from Middle French entretenir, from entre- inter- tenir to hold -- more at TENABLE transitive senses 1 aarchaic: MAINTAINbobsolete: RECEIVE 2 : to show hospitality to 3 a : to keep, hold, or maintain in the mind I entertain grave doubts about her sincerity b : to receive and take into consideration refused to entertain our plea 4 : to provide entertainment for 5 : to play against (an opposing team) on one's home field or court intransitive senses : to provide entertainment especially for guests synonym see AMUSE - en·ter·tain·ernoun