

1. anlamı (s), (i). doğru yolu aramadan istenilen sonucu elde etmek için en kolay yolu teşkil eden; uygun, münasip, muvafık, kestirme; (i). yol, çare, tedbir. expediency (i). yarar veya amaca erişmek için başvurulan çare; politika, bir işi doğru veya haklı olu.
2. anlamı uygun. yerinde. yararlı. umar. çare. yol. önlem.
3. anlamı uygun. yerinde. yararli. münasip. umar. çare. yol. önlem.


Expedient İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Expedient anlamları

  1. (noun) That which serves to promote or advance; suitable means to accomplish an end.
  2. (a.) Hastening or forward; hence, tending to further or promote a proposed object; fit or proper under the circumstances; conducive to self-interest; desirable; advisable; advantageous; -- sometimes contradistinguished from right.
  3. (noun) Means devised in an exigency; shift.
  4. (a.) Quick; expeditious.

Expedient tanım:

Kelime: ex·pe·di·ent
Söyleniş: ik-'spE-dE-&nt
İşlev: adjective
Kökeni: Middle English, from Middle French or Latin; Middle French, from Latin expedient-, expendiens, present participle of expedire to extricate, prepare, be useful, from ex- ped-, pes foot -- more at FOOT
1 : suitable for achieving a particular end in a given circumstance
2 : characterized by concern with what is opportune; especially : governed by self-interest
- ex·pe·di·ent·ly adverb
synonyms EXPEDIENT, POLITIC, ADVISABLE mean dictated by practical or prudent motives. EXPEDIENT usually implies what is immediately advantageous without regard for ethics or consistent principles a politically expedient decision . POLITIC stresses judiciousness and tactical value but usually implies some lack of candor or sincerity a politic show of interest . ADVISABLE applies to what is practical, prudent, or advantageous but lacks the derogatory implication of EXPEDIENT and POLITIC sometimes it's advisable to say nothing .