Eylül Günleri

Kısaca: Eylül Günleri (September Days, Резня армян в Баку / "Bakü'de Ermeni Katliamı"), Rusya İç Savaşı sırasında 1918 yılının Eylül ayında, Bakü'yü zapteden Kafkas İslam Ordusu'nun yerli Azeri güçlerinin desteğiyle etnik Ermenileri öldürdüğü dönemi kasteder.[http://hrw.org/reports/1995/communal/ Human Rights Watch. "Playing the 'Communal Card': Communal Violence and Human Rights"]Croissant. ''Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict'', p. 15. ...devamı ☟

Eylül Günleri (September Days, Резня армян в Баку / "Bakü'de Ermeni Katliamı"), Rusya İç Savaşı sırasında 1918 yılının Eylül ayında, Bakü'yü zapteden Kafkas İslam Ordusu'nun yerli Azeri güçlerinin desteğiyle etnik Ermenileri öldürdüğü dönemi kasteder. İnsan Hakları İzleme Örgütü raporuna göre 10.000 - 20.000 etnik Ermeni öldürülmüştür. Ermeniler, Türk zaferiyle birlikte limanda toplanmıştır.. According to a special commission formed by the Armenian National Council (ANC), a total of 8,988 ethnic Armenians were massacred, among which were 5,248 Armenian inhabitants of Baku, 1,500 Armenian refugees from other parts of the Caucasus who were in Baku, and 2,240 Armenians whose corpses were found in the streets but whose identities were never established - however, this was the casualty count of bodies found in the first three days of massacres. In the longer run, as many as 50,000of Baku's 80,000 person Armenian community were killed and deported. It was the last major massacre of World War I. Avustriya tanıklığı Austrian ambassador to Germany, Hohenlohe, to Austrian foreign minister burian: Vice Marshal Pomiankowski, the Austrian military attaché and plenipotentiary in Turkey, stated to the chief of the Austrian general staff, "In such a case we would be forced not only to protect the Armenians in the Caucasus against massacre but also against hunger..." Yerli tanıklık The man in charge of posts and telegraphs in Baku, one of those who negotiated the surrender of the city and vainly tried to prevent the worst excesses, noted: }} ---> Ayrıca bakınız * Bakü Muharebesi * Mart Olayları * Şuşa Katliamı


