

1. anlamı (f). yerleştirmek, oturtmak; sabitleştirmek; kararlaştırmak; (A.B.D). düzene sokmak; (A.B.D)., (k).dili tamir etmek; (A.B.D). (yemek) hazırlamak; (k).dili rüşvet yoluyla sonucu garanti altına almak; spor şike yapmak; (A.B.D)., (k).dili yola getir.
2. anlamı saptamak. belirlemek. düzenlemek. kararlaştırmak. onarmak. sıkıca tutturmak. yerleştirmek. sabitleştirmek. oturtmak. şike yapmak. (birisine yiyecek.içecek.vb.) hazırlamak. ile ilgilenmek. icabına bakmak. hakkından gelmek. kötü ve güç durum. boktan durum.
3. anlamı sabit. çevik.


Fix İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Fix anlamları

  1. (v. t.) To transfix; to pierce.
  2. (noun) A position of difficulty or embarassment; predicament; dilemma.
  3. (v. i.) To become fixed; to settle or remain permanently; to cease from wandering; to rest.
  4. (v. i.) To become firm, so as to resist volatilization; to cease to flow or be fluid; to congeal; to become hard and malleable, as a metallic substance.
  5. (v. t.) To render (an impression) permanent by treating with such applications as will make it insensible to the action of light.
  6. (a.) Fixed; solidified.
  7. (v. t.) To line the hearth of (a puddling furnace) with fettling.
  8. (v. t.) To hold steadily; to direct unwaveringly; to fasten, as the eye on an object, the attention on a speaker.
  9. (v. t.) To put in order; to arrange; to dispose of; to adjust; to set to rights; to set or place in the manner desired or most suitable; hence, to repair; as, to fix the clothes; to fix the furniture of a room.
  10. (noun) fettling.
  11. (v. t.) To make firm, stable, or fast; to set or place permanently; to fasten immovably; to establish; to implant; to secure; to make definite.

Fix tanım:

Kelime: fix
Söyleniş: 'fiks
İşlev: verb
Kökeni: Middle English, from Latin fixus, past participle of figere to fasten; akin to Lithuanian dygti to sprout, break through
transitive senses
1 a : to make firm, stable, or stationary b : to give a permanent or final form to: as (1) : to change into a stable compound or available form bacteria that fix nitrogen (2) : to kill, harden, and preserve for microscopic study (3) : to make the image of (a photographic film) permanent by removing unused salts c : AFFIX, ATTACH
2 a : to hold or direct steadily fixes his eyes on the horizon b : to capture the attention of fixed her with a stare
3 a : to set or place definitely : ESTABLISH b : to make an accurate determination of : DISCOVER fixing our location on the chart c : ASSIGN fix the blame
4 : to set in order : ADJUST
5 : to get ready : PREPARE fix lunch
6 a : REPAIR, MEND fix the clock b : RESTORE, CURE the doctor fixed him up c : SPAY, CASTRATE
7 a : to get even with b : to influence the actions, outcome, or effect of by improper or illegal methods the race had been fixed
intransitive senses
1 : to become firm, stable, or fixed
2 : to get set : be on the verge we're fixing to leave soon
3 : to direct one's attention or efforts : FOCUS; also : DECIDE, SETTLE -- usually used with on
synonym see FASTEN
- fix·able /'fik-s&-b&l/ adjective

Fix ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Bushel, Cook, Deposit, Determine, Doctor, Fasten, Fixing, Fixture, Get, Hole, Jam, Limit, Localization, Locating, Location, Make, Mend, Mending, Mess, Muddle, Pickle, Posit, Prepare, Ready, Repair, Reparation, Restore, Secure, Set, Situate, Specify, Sterilize, Unsex,

Fix ile zıt (antonym) anlamlı kelimeler

Break, Bust, Unfasten,


İngilizce Fix kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. apuro, aprieto, situación problemática; soborno, cohecho
v. arreglar, componer, reacondicionar, reparar; preparar, aliñar, alistar, aparejar, dejar listo; fijar, asegurar, prensar, sujetar


İngilizce Fix kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. embarras, ennui, pétrin (argot); localisation, endroit; injection d'héroïne (argot)
v. fixer, attacher; stabiliser; arranger; réparer; préparer; charger de; soudoyer; arranger le portrait (argot), (se) piquer


İngilizce Fix kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Patsche (Slang), Klemme (Slang); Suppe einbrocken (Slang); Standort (Nautik), Position (Nautik)
v. prägen; einprägen; befestigen; festmachen; anbringen; verankern; bestechen; sich um etwas kümmern (Umgangsprache); reparieren; etwas in Ordnung bringen


İngilizce Fix kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. dilemma, situazione imbarazzante, imbroglio, pasticcio; posizione (navigazione); dose di droga
v. fissare, fermare; pattuire; imprimersi nella mente; tenere fisso; stabilire, determinare; attribuire; (fam) accomodare, riparare; sistemare, mettere in ordine; (fam) preparare, approntare


İngilizce Fix kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. má situação, grande problema, "encrenca" (gíria); localização; injeção de heroína (gíria)
v. determinar; consertar; arrumar; preparar; fixar; estabelecer; subornar; ordenar


f. bağlamak, takmak, yerleştirmek, dikmek (göz), tamir etmek, yapıştırmak, düzeltmek, tespit etmek, saptamak, kararlaştırmak, dik dik bakmak, gözünü dikmek, dikkat çekmek, gözünü ayırmamak, sağlamak, üstesinden gelmek, rüşvet vermek, rüşvetle elde etmek,
i. güç durum, çıkmaz, önceden belirlenmiş sonuç, uyuşturucu iğne, eroin dozu, aşırı doz


Almanca Fix kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
n. embarrassing situation, predicament (Slang); location, position (i.e. of a ship or individual); clear understanding; dose of a narcotic drug or something which is strongly desired (Slang)


İngilizce Fix kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. ongeluksgeval; opsporing, localisatie; gebruik van heroine (slang)
ww. vastmaken; vaststellen; vestigen; opknappen; fixeren; regelen


n. embarrassing situation, predicament (Slang); location, position (i.e. of a ship or individual); clear understanding; dose of a narcotic drug or something which is strongly desired (Slang)
v. determine; set firmly; stabilize; arrange; repair; prepare; attract; focus on; illegally influence the outcome of; take care of (Slang); spay, castrate
v. mainline, shoot up with heroin (Slang); speculate, buy and sell commodities to profit from market fluctuations


Almanca Fix kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
adj. fixe, rapide, deux: en deux temps
adv. vite


Almanca Fix kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
adj. fisso, svelto, fermo
adv. fisso: in maniera fissa, presto, rapidamente


Almanca Fix kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
adj. fijo, ágil, vivo, ligero, expeditivo


Almanca Fix kelimesinin Türkçe karşılığı.
s. sabit, değişmez, çabuk, çevik

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