

1. anlamı (f). bağlamak, açılmayacak surette kapamak, sürmelemek, tutturmak; dikmek,ayırmamak (gözünü); üzerine atmak. He fastened his eyes on her. Gözlerini ona dikti. fastener (i). bağlayan şey, bağ, toka, bağlaç. fastening (i). kapalı tutan şey, raptiye, sü.
2. anlamı bağlamak. iliştirmek. tutturmak. (giysi) iliklemek.
3. anlamı baglamak. ilistirmek. tutturmak. (giysi) iliklemek. oruç tutmak. perhiz etmek.


Fasten İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Fasten anlamları

  1. (a.) To fix firmly; to make fast; to secure, as by a knot, lock, bolt, etc.; as, to fasten a chain to the feet; to fasten a door or window.
  2. (a.) To cause to hold together or to something else; to attach or unite firmly; to cause to cleave to something , or to cleave together, by any means; as, to fasten boards together with nails or cords; to fasten anything in our thoughts.
  3. (a.) To cause to take close effect; to make to tell; to lay on; as, to fasten a blow.
  4. (v. i.) To fix one's self; to take firm hold; to clinch; to cling.

Fasten tanım:

Kelime: fas·ten
Söyleniş: 'fa-s&n
İşlev: verb
Türleri: fas·tened; fas·ten·ing /'fas-ni[ng], 'fa-s&n-i[ng]/
Kökeni: Middle English fastnen, from Old English fæstnian to make fast; akin to Old High German festinOn to make fast, Old English fæst fast
transitive senses
1 a : to attach especially by pinning, tying, or nailing b : to make fast and secure c : to fix firmly or securely d : to secure against opening
2 : to fix or set steadily fastened her attention on the main problem
3 : to take a firm grip with the dog fastened its teeth in the shoe
4 a : to attach (oneself) persistently and usually objectionably b : IMPOSE fastened the blame on the wrong person
intransitive senses
1 : to become fast or fixed
2 a : to take a firm grip or hold b : to focus attention
- fas·ten·er /'fas-n&r, 'fa-s&n-&r/ noun
synonyms FASTEN, FIX, ATTACH, AFFIX mean to make something stay firmly in place. FASTEN implies an action such as tying, buttoning, nailing, locking, or otherwise securing fasten the reins to a post . FIX usually implies a driving in, implanting, or embedding fixed the stake in the ground . ATTACH suggests a connecting or uniting by a bond, link, or tie in order to keep things together attach the W-2 form here . AFFIX implies an imposing of one thing on another by gluing, impressing, or nailing affix your address label here .

Fasten ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Fix, Secure, Tighten,

Fasten ile zıt (antonym) anlamlı kelimeler



İngilizce Fasten kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
v. sujetar, abrochar, amarrar, anclar, asegurar, atar, encordonar, fijar, ligar, prensar


İngilizce Fasten kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
v. serrer, renforcer; boutonner, agrafer; coller, rattacher; fermer; se reserrer, s'accrocher


İngilizce Fasten kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
v. festmachen, befestigen, zumachen, zubinden


İngilizce Fasten kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
v. attaccare, fissare; chiudere, assicurare, fermare; attribuire, imputare; concentrare


İngilizce Fasten kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
v. atar, ligar; fortificar; fixar; pregar; segurar; amarrar; unir


f. bağlamak, raptiyelemek, kopçalamak, tutturmak, iliştirmek, kilitlemek, gözünü dikmek, iliklemek, sabitlemek, gözünü ayırmamak, yüklemek, birleşmek, bağlanmak


Almanca Fasten kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
v. secure, bind; be secured or made fast; button, zip; bind, attach; close


İngilizce Fasten kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
ww. dichtgaan, sluiten; vastmaken, bevestigen, dichtdoen


v. secure, bind; be secured or made fast; button, zip; bind, attach; close
n. fast, act of abstaining from eating, lenten, pertaining to the fast days before Easter (Christianity)
v. fast, abstain from eating


Almanca Fasten kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
vasten ,vast


Almanca Fasten kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. diète (f), carême (m), jeûne (m)
v. diète: être à la diète, jeûner, observer un jeûne


Almanca Fasten kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
n. quaresima (f), digiuno (m)
v. digiunare, osservare il digiuno {rel. catt.}