

1. anlamı (f). şekil vermek, uydurmak; tasarlamak; düzenlemek, tertip etmek, yapmak; çerçevelemek; çatmak, kurmak; argo yalan yere suç yüklemek; ilerlemek; becermek, uydurmak.,sera/çerçeve/iskelet/yapı,xyz uydur/kur/çerçevele.
2. anlamı çerçevelemek. dile getirmek. belirtmek. ifade etmek. uydurma kanıtlarla suçsuz birini suçlu göste.... dalavere yapmak. gizli dolaplar çevirmek. iskelet. çatı. çerçeve. beden. gövde. vücut biçimi.


Frame İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Frame anlamları

  1. (v. t.) To provide with a frame, as a picture.
  2. (v. i.) To shape; to arrange, as the organs of speech.
  3. (v. t.) To originate; to plan; to devise; to contrive; to compose; in a bad sense, to invent or fabricate, as something false.
  4. (noun) Contrivance; the act of devising or scheming.
  5. (noun) Anything composed of parts fitted and united together; a fabric; a structure; esp., the constructional system, whether of timber or metal, that gives to a building, vessel, etc., its model and strength; the skeleton of a structure.
  6. (noun) A structure of four bars, adjustable in size, on which cloth, etc., is stretched for quilting, embroidery, etc.
  7. (v. t.) To cause; to bring about; to produce.
  8. (v. t.) To fit to something else, or for some specific end; to adjust; to regulate; to shape; to conform.
  9. (noun) The skeleton structure which supports the boiler and machinery of a locomotive upon its wheels.
  10. (v. t.) To construct by fitting and uniting the several parts of the skeleton of any structure; specifically, in woodwork, to put together by cutting parts of one member to fit parts of another. See Dovetail, Halve, v. t., Miter, Tenon, Tooth, Tusk, Scarf, and Splice.
  11. (noun) A kind of open case or structure made for admitting, inclosing, or supporting things, as that which incloses or contains a window, door, picture, etc.; that on which anything is held or stretched
  12. (v. t.) To support.
  13. (noun) Particular state or disposition, as of the mind; humor; temper; mood; as, to be always in a happy frame.
  14. (noun) A glazed portable structure for protecting young plants from frost.
  15. (noun) A term applied, especially in England, to certain machines built upon or within framework; as, a stocking frame; lace frame; spinning frame, etc.
  16. (noun) Form; shape; proportion; scheme; structure; constitution; system; as, a frameof government.
  17. (v. i.) To proceed; to go.
  18. (noun) A stand to support the type cases for use by the compositor.
  19. (noun) A molding box or flask, which being filled with sand serves as a mold for castings.
  20. (noun) The bodily structure; physical constitution; make or build of a person.
  21. (noun) The ribs and stretchers of an umbrella or other structure with a fabric covering.
  22. (noun) In games: (a) In pool, the triangular form used in setting up the balls; also, the balls as set up, or the round of playing required to pocket them all; as, to play six frames in a game of 50 points. (b) In bowling, as in tenpins, one of the several innings forming a game.

Frame tanım:

Kelime: frame
Söyleniş: 'frAm
İşlev: verb
Türleri: framed; fram·ing
Kökeni: Middle English, to benefit, construct, from Old English framian to benefit, make progress; akin to Old Norse fram forward, Old English fram from
transitive senses
1 : to construct by fitting and uniting the parts of the skeleton of (a structure)
2 a : PLAN, CONTRIVE framed a new method of achieving their purpose b : SHAPE, CONSTRUCT c : to give expression to : FORMULATE d : to draw up (as a document)
3 a : to devise falsely (as a criminal charge) b : to contrive the evidence against (an innocent person) so that a verdict of guilty is assured c : FIX 7b
4 : to fit or adjust especially to something or for an end : ARRANGE
5 obsolete : PRODUCE
6 : to enclose in a frame; also : to enclose as if in a frame
intransitive senses
1 archaic : PROCEED, GO
2 obsolete : MANAGE
- fram·able or frame·able /'frA-m&-b&l/ adjective
- fram·er noun

Frame ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Anatomy, Border, Build, Cast, Chassis, Compose, Couch, Ensnare, Entrap, Figure, Flesh, Form, Framework, Framing, Inning, Outline, Physique, Put, Redact, Shape, Skeleton, Soma,


İngilizce Frame kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. marco, banzo, cuaderna, recuadro; armadura, armazón, bastidor, montura; estado del viento; imagen (cine); (internet) protocolo que incluye un paquete de datos con campos de dirección específicos
v. enmarcar, dar marco a, encuadrar, poner en un marco, recuadrar; tramar, formar, idear


İngilizce Frame kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. cadre (photo); (image) trame; (ciné) image; ossature; charpente; châssis (auto); bâti; armature; membrure, (bâteau); état (d'esprit); (informatique) protocole avec bloc de données" avec un champ adresses; métier (à broder)
v. encadrer; servir comme cadre à; incriminer; tomber dans le piège; assembler, construire; modeler; formuler


İngilizce Frame kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Rahmen; Skelett; Struktur; Körperbau; Laune; Bild in einem Film; (Internet) Protokoll das "Informationspakete" beinhaltet (mit Kopf- und Fußnoten)
v. ersinnen; gestalten; bilden; entwerfen; schaffen; etwas aushecken; jmd reinlegen


İngilizce Frame kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. cornice; armatura; ossatura; costruzione; stato d'animo; immagine (di un film); (su Internet) protocollo che comprende pacchetti di dati organizzati secondo uno schema di base comune con campi per titoli
v. incorniciare; racchiudere; montare; condannare; incastrare (slang)


İngilizce Frame kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. estrutura, forma, sistema, plano; quadro, armação, moldura, molde; chassi; esqueleto, compleição corporal, constituição física; disposição de espírito, humor; fotograma; quadro (Internet - protocolo contendo blocos de dados com cabeçalho e rodapé)
v. fabricar; armar; formar; construir; ajustar; compor; enquadrar; forjar; emoldurar


f. çerçevelemek, kurmak, düzenlemek, ifade etmek, uydurmak, iş çevirmek, çamur atmak, komplo kurmak
i. çerçeve, çatı, şasi, iskelet, beden, yapı, yaradılış, kare (film, çizgi roman), sera, tezgâh, arka plân


Almanca Frame kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
v. enclose in a frame (i.e. a picture); contrive false evidence against, set up (Slang); construct, build; fashion; formulate


Flemenkçe Frame kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
n. frame, structure


İngilizce Frame kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. lijst; montuur; kozijn; bouw; lichaamsbouw; humeur; beeld (in film); (op internet) protocol dat "gegevenspakket" bevat met adresveld en slotveld
ww. ontwerpen, uitdenken, formuleren, vormen, verzinnen; inlijsten, omlijsten; (iem.) erin luizen, (opzettelijk) vals beschuldigen


n. casing; skeleton; structure; body structure; mood; picture in a film; (Internet) data packet that includes header and footer fields that are needed to display data on a physical medium
v. enclose in a frame (i.e. a picture); contrive false evidence against, set up (Slang); construct, build; fashion; formulate
n. frame, structure

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