

Inside İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Inside anlamları

  1. (adv.) Within the sides of; in the interior; contained within; as, inside a house, book, bottle, etc.
  2. (noun) The part within; interior or internal portion; content.
  3. (a.) Adapted to the interior.
  4. (noun) The inward parts; entrails; bowels; hence, that which is within; private thoughts and feelings.
  5. (a.) Being within; included or inclosed in anything; contained; interior; internal; as, the inside passengers of a stagecoach; inside decoration.
  6. (noun) An inside passenger of a coach or carriage, as distinguished from one upon the outside.

Inside tanım:

Kelime: in·side
Söyleniş: (")in-'sId, 'in-"
İşlev: noun
1 a : an interior or internal part or place : the part within b : inward nature, thoughts, or feeling c : VISCERA, ENTRAILS -- usually used in plural
2 : an inner side or surface
3 a : a position of power, trust, or familiarity only someone on the inside could have told b : confidential information has the inside on what happened at the convention
4 : the area nearest a specified or implied point of reference: as a : the side of home plate nearest the batter b : the middle portion of a playing area c : the area near or underneath the basket in basketball

Inside ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Indoor, Indoors, Inner, Interior, Inwardly, Privileged, Within,

Inside ile zıt (antonym) anlamlı kelimeler

Exterior, Outdoor, Out-of-door, Outside,


İngilizce Inside kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. interior, interioridad adj. interior; confidencial adv. adentro, aquí adentro, bajo techo, interiormente, internamente, por dentro


İngilizce Inside kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. intérieur, la partie intime; intestins (argot) adj. intérieur, interne adv. à l'intérieur; dedans; à la maison; dans le trou (argot)


İngilizce Inside kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Innere; Innen adj. im Innern; privat, vertraulich adv. hinein; in; innen; im Haus; drinnen (Slang)


İngilizce Inside kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. interno; parte interna agg. interno; (fam) riservato, confidenziale, segreto; che si fa al chiuso avv. dentro; al coperto, in casa; (fam) in prigione


İngilizce Inside kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. a parte dentro, interior; dentro; conteúdo adj. interior, interno adv. dentro, por dentro; interiormente; dentro de


i. iç, iç taraf, karın s. iç, içteki, dahili zf. içeride, içeriye


İngilizce Inside kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. binnenkant; binnenste gedeelte; ingewanden(spreektaal) bn. van binnen, innerlijk bw. binnen; naar binnen;in; in huis; in gevangenis (spreektaal)


n. interior; interior part adj. located on or in the inner side; private, confidential, privileged adv. inward; within; in; in the house; in jail (Slang)