Interior İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Interior anlamları
- (a.) Remote from the limits, frontier, or shore; inland; as, the interior parts of a region or country.
- (noun) The inland part of a country, state, or kingdom.
- (a.) Being within any limits, inclosure, or substance; inside; internal; inner; -- opposed to exterior, or superficial; as, the interior apartments of a house; the interior surface of a hollow ball.
- (noun) That which is within; the internal or inner part of a thing; the inside.
Interior tanım:
Kelime: in·te·ri·or
Söyleniş: in-'tir-E-&r
İşlev: adjective
Kökeni: Middle French & Latin; Middle French, from Latin, comparative of (assumed) Old Latin interus inward, on the inside; akin to Latin inter
1 : lying, occurring, or functioning within the limiting boundaries : INNER an interior point of a triangle
2 : belonging to mental or spiritual life a simple interior piety
3 : belonging to the inner constitution or concealed nature of something interior meaning of a poem
4 : lying away or remote from the border or shore
- in·te·ri·or·ly