

1. anlamı i.,den. dört köşe yelkenin gradin yakası veya astarı. ,doktor/sülük.
2. anlamı sülük. asalak. parazit.


Leech İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Leech anlamları

  1. (noun) See 2d Leach.
  2. (noun) Any one of numerous genera and species of annulose worms, belonging to the order Hirudinea, or Bdelloidea, esp. those species used in medicine, as Hirudo medicinalis of Europe, and allied species.
  3. (noun) A physician or surgeon; a professor of the art of healing.
  4. (v. t.) To bleed by the use of leeches.
  5. (v. t.) See Leach, v. t.
  6. (noun) The border or edge at the side of a sail.
  7. (v. t.) To treat as a surgeon; to doctor; as, to leech wounds.
  8. (noun) A glass tube of peculiar construction, adapted for drawing blood from a scarified part by means of a vacuum.

Leech tanım:

Kelime: leech
Söyleniş: 'lEch
İşlev: noun
Kökeni: Middle English leche, from Old English l[AE]ce; akin to Old High German lAhhi physician
2 [from its former use by physicians for bleeding patients] : any of numerous carnivorous or bloodsucking usually freshwater annelid worms (class Hirudinea) that have typically a flattened lanceolate segmented body with a sucker at each end
3 : a hanger-on who seeks advantage or gain
synonym see PARASITE
- leech·like /-"lIk/ adjective

Leech ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Bleed, Bloodsucker, Parasite, Phlebotomize, Sponge, Sponger,


İngilizce Leech kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. sanguijuela; médico (dilecto) v. pegarse como una sanguijuela; sangrar a un paciente con sanguijuelas


İngilizce Leech kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. sangsue; parasite; extorqueur; médecin (familier) v. coller comme une sangsue; opérer une saignée avec une sangsue


İngilizce Leech kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Egel, Blutegel; Blutsauger (abwertend für Arzt) v. schmarotzen; Blut saugen; Parasit sein


İngilizce Leech kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. (Zool) sanguisuga, mignatta; piovra; (Med) flebotomo; (ant, scherz) medico v. comportarsi da sanguisuga; attaccarsi come una sanguisuga; salassare, usare la sanguisuga per succhiare prelevare il sangue


İngilizce Leech kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. sanguessuga; parasita, pessoa parasita; médico (gíria) v. parasitar, apegar-se como um parasita, grudar-se como uma sanguessuga; retirar sangue por meio de sanguessugas


i. sülük, asalak tip, doktor (kötü)


İngilizce Leech kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. bloedzuiger; parasiet, iemand die parasiteert; dokter (slang) ww. aderlaten met bloedzuigers, bloedzuigers aanleggen/zetten; genezen/helen


n. bloodsucking worm; person who clings to another without giving anything in return, parasite; doctor, physician (Archaic) v. cling to, stick to like a leech; draw blood using leeches