

1. anlamı parazit.
2. anlamı asalak. parazit. başkalarının sırtından geçinen kişi.


Parasite İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Parasite anlamları

  1. (noun) An animal which steals the food of another, as the parasitic jager.
  2. (noun) An animal which lives during the whole or part of its existence on or in the body of some other animal, feeding upon its food, blood, or tissues, as lice, tapeworms, etc.
  3. (noun) An animal which habitually uses the nest of another, as the cowbird and the European cuckoo.
  4. (noun) A plant living on or within an animal, and supported at its expense, as many species of fungi of the genus Torrubia.
  5. (noun) One who frequents the tables of the rich, or who lives at another's expense, and earns his welcome by flattery; a hanger-on; a toady; a sycophant.
  6. (noun) A plant obtaining nourishment immediately from other plants to which it attaches itself, and whose juices it absorbs; -- sometimes, but erroneously, called epiphyte.

Parasite tanım:

Kelime: par·a·site
Söyleniş: 'par-&-"sIt
İşlev: noun
Kökeni: Middle French, from Latin parasitus, from Greek parasitos, from para- sitos grain, food
1 : a person who exploits the hospitality of the rich and earns welcome by flattery
2 : an organism living in, with, or on another organism in parasitism
3 : something that resembles a biological parasite in dependence on something else for existence or support without making a useful or adequate return
- par·a·sit·ic /"par-&-'si-tik/ also par·a·sit·i·cal /-ti-k&l/ adjective
- par·a·sit·i·cal·ly /-ti-k(&-)lE/ adverb
synonyms PARASITE, SYCOPHANT, TOADY, LEECH, SPONGE mean a usually obsequious flatterer or self-seeker. PARASITE applies to one who clings to a person of wealth, power, or influence or is useless to society a jet-setter with an entourage of parasites . SYCOPHANT adds to this a strong suggestion of fawning, flattery, or adulation a powerful prince surrounded by sycophants . TOADY emphasizes the servility and snobbery of the self-seeker cultivated leaders of society and became their toady . LEECH stresses persistence in clinging to or bleeding another for one's own advantage a leech living off his family and friends . SPONGE stresses the parasitic laziness, dependence, and opportunism of the cadger a shiftless sponge, always looking for a handout .

Parasite ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Leech, Sponge, Sponger,

Parasite ile zıt (antonym) anlamlı kelimeler



İngilizce Parasite kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. parásito


İngilizce Parasite kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. parasite, organisme végétal ou animal qui vit aux dépens d'un autre; personne qui vit au dépens de la société


İngilizce Parasite kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Parasit


İngilizce Parasite kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. (Biol) parassita; scroccone; (fig) adulatore, (spreg) leccapiedi


İngilizce Parasite kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. parasita


i. parazit, asalak, beleşçi, parazit ses


Fransızca Parasite kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
adj. parasitical, living on or inside another organism; obtaining its livelihood from another creature


Portekizce Parasite kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
[parasitar] v. parasitize, infect with parasites


İngilizce Parasite kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. parasiet, klaploper, woekerplant, woekerdier


n. organism which lives on or inside another organism; organism that obtains its livelihood at the expense of another creature adj. parasitical, living on or inside another organism; obtaining its livelihood from another creature v. parasitize, live as parasite


Fransızca Parasite kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
1. (biologie - botanique) parasitisch; parasitair2. (biologie) parasiet (m); woekerdier (n) 3. (botanique) parasiet (m); woekerplant (m/f)4. (politique) meeloper (m) 5. (conduite - homme) parasiet (m); tafelschuimer (m); uitvreter (m) {informal}; klaploper (m); bietser (m); profiteur (m)6. (conduite - femme) parasiet (m); tafelschuimster (f); uitvreetster (f) {informal}; klaploopster (f); profiteur (m)


Fransızca Parasite kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. parasit, schmarotzer, nassauer adj. parasitär, parasitisch


Fransızca Parasite kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
1. (biologie - botanique) parassitico; parassitario2. (biologie) parassita (m) 3. (botanique) parassita (m)4. (politique) tirapiedi {invariable}; leccapiedi {invariable} 5. (conduite - homme) scroccone (m); accattone (m); parassita (m)6. (conduite - femme) scroccona (f); accattona (f); parassita (f)


Fransızca Parasite kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
1. (biologie - botanique) parasítico; parasitário2. (biologie) parasita (m) 3. (botanique) parasita (m)4. (politique) parasita (m/f); sujeito apadrinhado 5. (conduite - homme) parasita (m); filão (m) (slang; Lat. Amer.); aproveitador (m); zangão (m)6. (conduite - femme) parasita (f); filona (f) (slang; Lat. Amer.); papa-jantares (f) (informal; Lat. Amer.); sanguessuga (f)


Fransızca Parasite kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
1. (biologie - botanique) parasitario2. (biologie) parásito (m) 3. (botanique) parásito (m)4. (politique) pegote (m) 5. (conduite - homme) gorrón (m); sablista (m); parásito (m)6. (conduite - femme) gorrona (f); sablista (f); parásita (f); zángano (m){informal}


Fransızca Parasite kelimesinin Türkçe karşılığı.
[le] asalak, parazit