
Kısaca: Mosaic, Süper Bilgisayar Uygulamaları için Ulusal Merkez (National Center for Supercomputing Applications[NCSA])da yazılan bir web tarayıcıdır. 1992 yılı başında geliştirilmeye başlanmıştır ve 7 Ocak 1997`de geliştirilmesi durdurulmuştur. ...devamı ☟


1. anlamı i., s. mozaik; çeşitli parçalardan meydana gelen edebieser; s. mozaik gibi, mozaikli.
2. anlamı mozaik.


Mosaic İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Mosaic anlamları

  1. (noun) A surface decoration made by inlaying in patterns small pieces of variously colored glass, stone, or other material; -- called also mosaic work.
  2. (a.) Of or pertaining to the style of work called mosaic; formed by uniting pieces of different colors; variegated; tessellated; also, composed of various materials or ingredients.
  3. (a.) Of or pertaining to Moses, the leader of the Israelites, or established through his agency; as, the Mosaic law, rites, or institutions.
  4. (noun) A picture or design made in mosaic; an article decorated in mosaic.

Mosaic tanım:

Kelime: mo·sa·ic
Söyleniş: mO-'zA-ik
İşlev: noun
Kökeni: Middle English musycke, from Middle French mosaique, from Old Italian mosaico, from Medieval Latin musaicum, alteration of Late Latin musivum, from Latin museum, musaeum
1 : a surface decoration made by inlaying small pieces of variously colored material to form pictures or patterns; also : the process of making it
2 : a picture or design made in mosaic
3 : something resembling a mosaic a mosaic of visions and daydreams and memories -- Lawrence Shainberg
4 : an organism or one of its parts composed of cells of more than one genotype : CHIMERA 3
5 : any of numerous virus diseases of plants characterized by diffuse light and dark green or yellow and green mottling of the foliage -- compare TOBACCO MOSAIC VIRUS
6 : a composite map made of photographs taken by an aircraft or spacecraft
7 : the part of a television camera tube consisting of many minute photoelectric particles that convert light to an electric charge
- mo·sa·ic·like /-'zA-ik-"lIk/ adjective

Mosaic ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler



İngilizce Mosaic kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. mosaico; nombre de hojeador en el Internet adj. mosaico; mosaico, lo relativo a Moisés, a la religión judía


İngilizce Mosaic kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. mosaïque, assemblage décoratif de petites pierres; ensemble faits de pièces et de morceaux; maladie virale de certains plantes cultivées (Botanique) adj. mosaïque, relatif à Moïse, qui vient de Moïse n. Mosaïc, célèbre navigateur WEB qui a favorisé le développement de la Toile, premier navigateur avec une interface graphiqu, développé par NCSA et distribué gratuitement (Informatique-Internet)


İngilizce Mosaic kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Mosaik, Muster aus Steine oder Fliesen; Schaffung eines Mosaiks; Pflanzenkrankheit die mosaikähnliche Entfärbung der Blätter verursacht (Botanik) adj. mosaisch (auf Mose beziehend) n. Mosaic, Internet Informationsbrowser von NSCA (National Cemter for Supercomputing Applications) entwickelt


İngilizce Mosaic kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. mosaico, decorazione con pietroline o frammenti; combinazione di diverse parti per formare un insieme; (botanica) malattia delle piante che causa una decolorazione a mosaico delle foglie agg. (Art) mosaicato, a mosaico, musivo; (fig) composto da un insieme di elementi diversi; di Mosè o della legge mosaica


İngilizce Mosaic kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. mosaico, desenho formado por pequenas pedras; criação de mosaicos; combinação de partes para formar um todo; doença viral nas plantas que causa o aparecimento de áreas pálidas nas folhas (contrastando com as verdes e normais); nome do primeiro navegador da Internet adj. mosaico; da doutrina de Moisés s. Mosaic, primeiro navegador gráfico da Web criado pela NCSA (National Center for Supercomputing Applications) da Universidade de Illinois


s. mozaik i. musa peygambere ait, musa'dan kalma


İngilizce Mosaic kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. mozaïek bn. Mozaïsch zn. Internet Informatie browser (zoekprogramma) ontwikkeld door NCSA (National Center for Supercomputing Applications)


n. design made with small stones or tiles; creation of mosaics; combination of different parts to make a whole; plant disease causing mosaic-like discoloration of the leaves (Botany) adj. of or pertaining to a mosaic; of Moses, of or pertaining to the law of Moses n. Internet information browser developed by NCSA (National Center for Supercomputing Applications)

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