
Kısaca: yetersiz ...devamı ☟


1. anlamı s., i. sessiz, suskun; dilsiz; huk. kendini savunmayan (sanık); i., dilb. sağır ses, okunmayan harf; müz. çalgılarda sesi kısma tertibatı, surdin. deaf mute hem sağır hem dilsiz kimse. mutely z. sessizce, susmuş olarak. muteness i. suskunluk. ,.
2. anlamı sessiz. (harf) okunmayan. dilsiz. sesini kısmak. azaltmak.
3. anlamı sessiz. (harf) okunmayan. dilsiz. sesini kismak. azaltmak.


Mute İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Mute anlamları

  1. (v. t.) To cast off; to molt.
  2. (a.) Incapable of speaking; dumb.
  3. (noun) One who, from deafness, either congenital or from early life, is unable to use articulate language; a deaf-mute.
  4. (a.) Not speaking; uttering no sound; silent.
  5. (noun) The dung of birds.
  6. (noun) One who does not speak, whether from physical inability, unwillingness, or other cause.
  7. (a.) Not uttered; unpronounced; silent; also, produced by complete closure of the mouth organs which interrupt the passage of breath; -- said of certain letters. See 5th Mute, 2.
  8. (noun) A person whose part in a play does not require him to speak.
  9. (noun) A person employed by undertakers at a funeral.
  10. (a.) Not giving a ringing sound when struck; -- said of a metal.
  11. (noun) A little utensil made of brass, ivory, or other material, so formed that it can be fixed in an erect position on the bridge of a violin, or similar instrument, in order to deaden or soften the tone.
  12. (noun) A letter which represents no sound; a silent letter; also, a close articulation; an element of speech formed by a position of the mouth organs which stops the passage of the breath; as, p, b, d, k, t.
  13. (noun) Among the Turks, an officer or attendant who is selected for his place because he can not speak.
  14. (v. t. & i.) To eject the contents of the bowels; -- said of birds.

Mute tanım:

Kelime: mute
Söyleniş: 'myüt
İşlev: adjective
Türleri: mut·er; mut·est
Kökeni: alteration of Middle English muet, from Middle French, from Old French mu, from Latin mutus, probably from mu, representation of a muttered sound
1 : unable to speak : DUMB
2 : characterized by absence of speech: as a : felt or experienced but not expressed touched her hand in mute sympathy b : refusing to plead directly or stand trial the prisoner stands mute
3 : remaining silent, undiscovered, or unrecognized
4 a : contributing nothing to the pronunciation of a word the b in plumb is mute b : contributing to the pronunciation of a word but not representing the nucleus of a syllable the e in mate is mute
- mute·ly adverb
- mute·ness noun

Mute ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Damp, Dampen, Deaf-mute, Dull, Dumb, Muffle, Silent, Tongueless, Wordless,


İngilizce Mute kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. mudo; persona que rehusa hablar; sordina
v. enmudecer; poner sordina; bajar la voz, el tono
adj. silencioso, mudo


İngilizce Mute kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. muet; personne qui refuse de parler; silencieux, qui ne produit aucun son
v. calmer, être silencieux; étouffer, amortir (un son)
adj. muet, silencieux, rendre sourd; consonne sourde (grammaire)


İngilizce Mute kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Dämpfer; stumme Person
v. dämpfen
adj. stumm; schweigend


İngilizce Mute kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. muto; (Mus) sordina; prefica; (Fon) consonante esplosiva; (Teat) comparsa
v. smorzare il suono di; (Mus) mettere la sordina a
agg. muto; ammutolito, senza parole; silenzioso, taciturno; tacito, sottinteso


İngilizce Mute kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. mudo; recusa a falar; ofuscante, sem som
v. sossegar, tranquilizar; obscurecer, diminuir o som
adj. mudo, calado, ensurdecedor; (símbolo) repouso (na gramática)


f. sesini kısmak, surdin ile kısmak, yumuşatmak
i. okunmayan harf, surdin, ses kısma düzeni (çalgı)
s. sessiz, suskun, dilsiz


Fransızca Mute kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
[muter] v. shift, transfer


İngilizce Mute kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. stom; weigeraar; gedimd geluid
ww. laten zwijgen, stil maken; dempen (van een geluid)
bn. stom, sprakeloos, zwijgend; stomme klinker


n. one who cannot speak, person who does not utter any noise, dumb; device which temporarily silences the sound on a telephone or television
v. make quieter, reduce the loudness of; make less bright, reduce the intensity of
adj. silent, not making a sound; having no sound, noiseless; unable to speak; unspoken, not expressed in words; not pronounced (as of a letter in a word)


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