

1. anlamı s., i. doğal, tabii, asıl, doğuştan; normal, suni olmayan; tabiata uygun; müz. doğal, natürel; i., A.B.D., k.dili doğuştan hünerli kimse; müz. be kar; piyanonun beyaz tuşu; (eski) doğuştan budala. natural child gayri meşru çocuk; öz çocuk. natura.
2. anlamı doğaya özgü. doğal. olağan. normal. doğuştan. doğuştan yetenekli kişi. başarılı kişi. (bir işe) çok uygun kişi/şey.


Natural İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Natural anlamları

  1. (a.) Conformed to truth or reality
  2. (a.) Begotten without the sanction of law; born out of wedlock; illegitimate; bastard; as, a natural child.
  3. (a.) Of or pertaining to a key which has neither a flat nor a sharp for its signature, as the key of C major.
  4. (a.) Having the character or sentiments properly belonging to one's position; not unnatural in feelings.
  5. (a.) Connected by the ties of consanguinity.
  6. (a.) Conformed to the order, laws, or actual facts, of nature; consonant to the methods of nature; according to the stated course of things, or in accordance with the laws which govern events, feelings, etc.; not exceptional or violent; legitimate; normal; regular; as, the natural consequence of crime; a natural death.
  7. (a.) Produced by natural organs, as those of the human throat, in distinction from instrumental music.
  8. (a.) Belonging to, to be taken in, or referred to, some system, in which the base is 1; -- said or certain functions or numbers; as, natural numbers, those commencing at 1; natural sines, cosines, etc., those taken in arcs whose radii are 1.
  9. (a.) Applied to an air or modulation of harmony which moves by easy and smooth transitions, digressing but little from the original key.
  10. (noun) Natural gifts, impulses, etc.
  11. (a.) Having to do with existing system to things; dealing with, or derived from, the creation, or the world of matter and mind, as known by man; within the scope of human reason or experience; not supernatural; as, a natural law; natural science; history, theology.
  12. (noun) One born without the usual powers of reason or understanding; an idiot.
  13. (a.) Springing from true sentiment; not artifical or exaggerated; -- said of action, delivery, etc.; as, a natural gesture, tone, etc.
  14. (noun) A character [/] used to contradict, or to remove the effect of, a sharp or flat which has preceded it, and to restore the unaltered note.
  15. (a.) Of or pertaining to the lower or animal nature, as contrasted with the higher or moral powers, or that which is spiritual; being in a state of nature; unregenerate.
  16. (a.) Resembling the object imitated; true to nature; according to the life; -- said of anything copied or imitated; as, a portrait is natural.
  17. (a.) Fixed or determined by nature; pertaining to the constitution of a thing; belonging to native character; according to nature; essential; characteristic; not artifical, foreign, assumed, put on, or acquired; as, the natural growth of animals or plants; the natural motion of a gravitating body; natural strength or disposition; the natural heat of the body; natural color.
  18. (noun) A native; an aboriginal.
  19. (a.) Connected by the ties of consanguinity.
  20. (a.) Springing from true sentiment; not artifical or exaggerated; -- said of action, delivery, etc.; as, a natural gesture, tone, etc.
  21. (noun) A character [/] used to contradict, or to remove the effect of, a sharp or flat which has preceded it, and to restore the unaltered note.
  22. (a.) Applied to an air or modulation of harmony which moves by easy and smooth transitions, digressing but little from the original key.
  23. (a.) Of or pertaining to a key which has neither a flat nor a sharp for its signature, as the key of C major.
  24. (noun) A native; an aboriginal.
  25. (a.) Having the character or sentiments properly belonging to one's position; not unnatural in feelings.
  26. (noun) One born without the usual powers of reason or understanding; an idiot.
  27. (a.) Conformed to truth or reality
  28. (a.) Having to do with existing system to things; dealing with, or derived from, the creation, or the world of matter and mind, as known by man; within the scope of human reason or experience; not supernatural; as, a natural law; natural science; history, theology.
  29. (noun) Natural gifts, impulses, etc.
  30. (a.) Of or pertaining to the lower or animal nature, as contrasted with the higher or moral powers, or that which is spiritual; being in a state of nature; unregenerate.
  31. (a.) Resembling the object imitated; true to nature; according to the life; -- said of anything copied or imitated; as, a portrait is natural.
  32. (a.) Fixed or determined by nature; pertaining to the constitution of a thing; belonging to native character; according to nature; essential; characteristic; not artifical, foreign, assumed, put on, or acquired; as, the natural growth of animals or plants; the natural motion of a gravitating body; natural strength or disposition; the natural heat of the body; natural color.
  33. (a.) Produced by natural organs, as those of the human throat, in distinction from instrumental music.
  34. (a.) Conformed to the order, laws, or actual facts, of nature; consonant to the methods of nature; according to the stated course of things, or in accordance with the laws which govern events, feelings, etc.; not exceptional or violent; legitimate; normal; regular; as, the natural consequence of crime; a natural death.
  35. (a.) Begotten without the sanction of law; born out of wedlock; illegitimate; bastard; as, a natural child.
  36. (a.) Belonging to, to be taken in, or referred to, some system, in which the base is 1; -- said or certain functions or numbers; as, natural numbers, those commencing at 1; natural sines, cosines, etc., those taken in arcs whose radii are 1.

Natural tanım:

Kelime: nat·u·ral
Söyleniş: 'na-ch&-r&l, 'nach-r&l
İşlev: adjective
Kökeni: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin naturalis of nature, from natura nature
1 : based on an inherent sense of right and wrong natural justice
2 a : being in accordance with or determined by nature b : having or constituting a classification based on features existing in nature
3 a (1) : begotten as distinguished from adopted; also : LEGITIMATE (2) : being a relation by actual consanguinity as distinguished from adoption natural parents b : ILLEGITIMATE a natural child
4 : having an essential relation with someone or something : following from the nature of the one in question his guilt is a natural deduction from the evidence
5 : implanted or being as if implanted by nature : seemingly inborn a natural talent for art
6 : of or relating to nature as an object of study and research
7 : having a specified character by nature a natural athlete
8 a : occurring in conformity with the ordinary course of nature : not marvelous or supernatural natural causes b : formulated by human reason alone rather than revelation natural religion natural rights c : having a normal or usual character events followed their natural course
9 : possessing or exhibiting the higher qualities (as kindliness and affection) of human nature a noble... brother... ever most kind and natural -- Shakespeare
10 a : growing without human care; also : not cultivated natural prairie unbroken by the plow b : existing in or produced by nature : not artificial natural turf natural curiosities c : relating to or being natural food
11 a : being in a state of nature without spiritual enlightenment : UNREGENERATE natural man b : living in or as if in a state of nature untouched by the influences of civilization and society
12 a : having a physical or real existence as contrasted with one that is spiritual, intellectual, or fictitious a corporation is a legal but not a natural person b : of, relating to, or operating in the physical as opposed to the spiritual world natural laws describe phenomena of the physical universe
13 a : closely resembling an original : true to nature b : marked by easy simplicity and freedom from artificiality, affectation, or constraint c : having a form or appearance found in nature
14 a : having neither flats nor sharps the natural scale of C major b : being neither sharp nor flat c : having the pitch modified by the natural sign
15 : of an off-white or beige color
- nat·u·ral·ness /-n&s/ noun
synonyms NATURAL, INGENUOUS, NAIVE, UNSOPHISTICATED, ARTLESS mean free from pretension or calculation. NATURAL implies lacking artificiality and self-consciousness and having a spontaneousness suggesting the natural rather than the man-made world her unaffected, natural manner . INGENUOUS implies inability to disguise or conceal one's feelings or intentions the ingenuous enthusiasm of children . NAIVE suggests lack of worldly wisdom often connoting credulousness and unchecked innocence politically naive . UNSOPHISTICATED implies a lack of experience and training necessary for social ease and adroitness unsophisticated adolescents . ARTLESS suggests a naturalness resulting from unawareness of the effect one is producing on others artless charm . synonym see in addition REGULAR

Natural ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Born, Cancel, Innate, Instinctive, Lifelike, Raw, Rude,

Natural ile zıt (antonym) anlamlı kelimeler

Artificial, Flat, Sharp, Supernatural, Unnatural, Unreal,


İngilizce Natural kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
adj. natural; al natural, crudo, sin afectación; originario
s. natural, sencillo, genuino, llano; nativo; bastardo, ilegítimo


İngilizce Natural kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
adj. naturel, conforme aux lois de la nature; normal; inné, instictif; organique, physique; non artificiel, relatif à la nature
n. talent, don, talent naturel pour jouer un rôle; touche blanche du piano; personne stupide, sot; imbécile (Argot)


İngilizce Natural kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
adj. natürlich; der Natur; materiell
n. Natur-; ohne Vorzeichen; Idiot (in); weiße Taste beim Klavier, Aulösungszeichen; Naturtalent


İngilizce Natural kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
agg. di natura, naturale; ovvio, che va da sè; semplice, spontaneo, schietto; innato, congenito, connaturato; caratteristico, tipico, proprio; illegittimo
s. (fam) chi ha doti naturali; persona adatta; (Mus) bequadro; nota naturale; (slang) idiota, deficiente


İngilizce Natural kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
adj. natural; relativo à natureza
s. natural; pessoa que possui dom natural para um certo trabalho (gíria); verdadeiro; idiota; bastardo


s. doğal, tabii, natürel, doğuştan


Portekizce Natural kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
adj. native, lifelike


İspanyolca Natural kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
adj. natural, native; lifelike; fresh; simple, easy; plain


İngilizce Natural kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
bn. natuurlijk, van de natuur; stoffelijk
zn. natuurtalent


adj. conforming to the laws of nature; normal; inborn, instinctive; of or relating to nature; not artificial, organic; physical, earthbound
n. person with innate talent for a certain role (Slang); stupid person; white piano key
adj. natural, native; lifelike; fresh; simple, easy; plain


Portekizce Natural kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
1. (geral) naturel2. (substância) brut; naturel
3. (criança) illégitime4. (ciência) physique
5. (pessoa) simple; naturel6. (comportamento) naturel; spontané


İspanyolca Natural kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. naturtrieb, natur, naturell, einwohner, eingeborene, landsmann, inländer
a. natürlich, naturgegeben, naturrein, naturgemäß, naturgetreu, lebensecht, echt, urwüchsig, angeboren, gebürtig, ursprünglich, ungezwungen, zwanglos, ungeziert, ungekünstelt, kunstlos, normal, schlicht, selbstve

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