

1. anlamı kayıtsız/ihmalci.
2. anlamı ihmalci. kayıtsız. dikkatsiz.


Negligent İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Negligent anlamları

  1. (a.) Apt to neglect; customarily neglectful; characterized by negligence; careless; heedless; culpably careless; showing lack of attention; as, disposed in negligent order.
  2. (a.) Apt to neglect; customarily neglectful; characterized by negligence; careless; heedless; culpably careless; showing lack of attention; as, disposed in negligent order.

Negligent tanım:

Kelime: neg·li·gent
Söyleniş: -j&nt
İşlev: adjective
Kökeni: Middle English, from Middle French & Latin; Middle French, from Latin neglegent-, neglegens, present participle of neglegere
1 : marked by or given to neglect especially habitually or culpably : not taking prudent care
2 : marked by a carelessly easy manner
- neg·li·gent·ly adverb
synonyms NEGLIGENT, NEGLECTFUL, LAX, SLACK, REMISS mean culpably careless or indicative of such carelessness. NEGLIGENT implies inattention to one's duty or business negligent about writing a note of thanks . NEGLECTFUL adds a more disapproving implication of laziness or deliberate inattention a society callously neglectful of the poor . LAX implies a blameworthy lack of strictness, severity, or precision a reporter lax about accurate quotation . SLACK implies want of due or necessary diligence or care slack workmanship and slipshod construction . REMISS implies blameworthy carelessness shown in slackness, forgetfulness, or neglect had been remiss in her familial duties .


İngilizce Negligent kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
adj. negligente, abandonado, dejado, descuidado, desidioso, perdulario


İngilizce Negligent kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
adj. négligent; insouciant


İngilizce Negligent kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
adj. nachlässig; schlampig; unvorsichtig


İngilizce Negligent kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
agg. negligente, trascurato, incurante, noncurante


İngilizce Negligent kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
adj. negligente; desatencioso, que não usa de cautela


s. ihmalci, ihmalkâr, savsak, umursamaz, lakayt


İngilizce Negligent kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
bn. nalatig; verwaarloosd; onvoorzichtig


adj. neglectful; remiss; inattentive, careless; guilty of negligence
adj. negligent, careless, delinquent; forgetful, heedless; incautious, slack
v. neglect, disregard, fall down; leave out, cut it, eliminate; fail, overlook; pass over, scorn, slight