
Kısaca: Passer, serçegiller (Passeridae) familyasından bir kuş cinsi. ...devamı ☟


{{Taksokutu | renk = lightblue | ad = ``Passer`` | resim = House sparrow1.jpg | image_width = 250px | resim_bilgi = ``Passer domesticus`` | statü = | alem = Animalia | şube = Chordata | sınıf = Aves | takım = Passeriformes | familya = Passeridae | cins = Passer`` | cins_yazar = Brisson, 1760 | altbaşlık = Türler | açıklama = Metne bakınız. }} Passer``, Passeridae (serçegiller) familyasından bir kuş cinsi.





1. anlamı i. geçiş, geçme; paso, şebeke; sınavda geçme; boğaz, geçit, dar yol; ask. hatlardan geçme izni; hal, durum; meç hamlesi; hokkabazların kaybetme oyunu; top oyunlarında topu elden ele geçirme, pas. free pass ücretsiz giriş sağlayan paso. bring to p.
2. anlamı geçen kimse.
3. anlamı geçmek. uğramak. gösterilmek. oynamak. solmak. ölmek. dolaşmak. geçirmek. giymek. süzmek. bağışlamak. affetmek.


Passer İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Passer anlamları

  1. (noun) One who passes; a passenger.

Passer tanım:

Kelime: pass
Söyleniş: 'pas
İşlev: verb
Kökeni: Middle English, from Old French passer, from (assumed) Vulgar Latin passare, from Latin passus step -- more at PACE
intransitive senses
2 a : to go away : DEPART b : DIE -- often used with on
3 a : to move in a path so as to approach and continue beyond something : move past; especially : to move past another vehicle going in the same direction b : to run the normal course -- used of time or a period of time the hours pass quickly
4 a : to go or make one's way through allow no one to pass b : to go uncensured, unchallenged, or seemingly unnoticed let the remark pass
5 : to go from one quality, state, or form to another passes from a liquid to a gaseous state
6 a : to sit in inquest or judgment b (1) : to render a decision, verdict, or opinion the court passed on the legality of wiretapping (2) : to become legally rendered judgment passed for the plaintiff
7 : to go from the control, ownership, or possession of one person or group to that of another the throne passed to the king's son title passes to the buyer upon payment in full
8 a : HAPPEN, OCCUR b : to take place or be exchanged as or in a social, personal, or business interaction words passed
9 a : to become approved by a legislature or body empowered to sanction or reject the proposal passed b : to undergo an inspection, test, or course of study successfully
10 a : to serve as a medium of exchange b : to be accepted or regarded drivel that passes for literature c : to identify oneself or be identified as something one is not tried to pass as an adult Mom could pass as my sister
11 a obsolete : to make a pass in fencing b : to throw or hit a ball or puck to a teammate -- often used with off
12 a : to decline to bid, double, or redouble in a card game b : to withdraw from the current poker pot
transitive senses
1 : to go beyond: as a : SURPASS, EXCEED passes all expectations b : to advance or develop beyond c : to go past (one moving in the same direction)
2 : to omit a regularly scheduled declaration and payment of (a dividend)
3 a : to go across, over, or through : CROSS b : to live through (as an experience or peril) : UNDERGO c : to go through (as a test) successfully
4 a : to secure the approval of the bill passed the Senate b : to cause or permit to win approval or legal or official sanction pass a law c : to give approval or a passing grade to pass the students
5 a : to let (as time or a period of time) go by especially while involved in a leisure activity I'll read to pass the time b : to let go unnoticed : OVERLOOK, DISREGARD
6 a : PLEDGE b : to transfer the right to or property in pass title to a house
7 a : to put in circulation pass bad checks b (1) : to transfer or transmit from one to another (2) : to relay or communicate (as information) to another c : to cause or enable to go : TRANSPORT d : to throw or hit (a ball or puck) especially to a teammate
8 a : to pronounce (as a sentence or opinion) especially judicially b : UTTER passed a cutting remark
9 a : to cause or permit to go past or through a barrier b : to move or cause to move in a particular manner or direction passed my hand over my face pass the rope through the loop c : to cause to march or go by in order pass the troops in review
10 : to emit or discharge from a bodily part and especially the bowels
11 a : to give a base on balls to b : to hit a ball past (an opponent) in a game (as tennis)
- pass·er noun
- pass muster : to gain approval or acceptance
- pass the buck : to shift a responsibility to someone else
- pass the hat : to take up a collection for money
- pass the time of day : to exchange greetings or engage in pleasant conversation

Passer ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler



İngilizce Passer kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. transeúnte; pasante; peatón; viandante


İngilizce Passer kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Passant; Vorübergehender; Durchreisender


İngilizce Passer kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. passante; ospite di passaggio


İngilizce Passer kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. passagem; ato de passar; visita passageira


Fransızca Passer kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
v. pass, go; proceed; pass for; slip by, go by, roll by; call, visit, drop by; go over; spend; run, skip; hand, hand down


Flemenkçe Passer kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
n. compasses, fitter


Flemenkçe Passer kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
(wiskunde) compas (m)


Fransızca Passer kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
1. (à pied) voorbijgaan; passeren2. (café) door een filter lopen; doorlopen3. (mal) minder worden 4. (objet) aanreiken; geven5. (téléphone) verbinden; doorverbinden6. (couleur) vervagen 7. (objets) aanreiken; reiken; geven; doorgeven; verder geven8. (temps) spenderen; doorbrengen; verstrijken; voorbijgaan; verlopen; overheen gaan; verdrijven


Fransızca Passer kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
v. abgeben, ablegen, abspielen, anstecken, auslassen, ausrichten, durchbekommen, durchbrechen, durchdringen, fahren, filtern, fließen, gehen, gelten, herumreichen, hinwegsehen, klettern, machen, passen, passieren, prüfung: eine prüfung ablegen, pürieren,


Fransızca Passer kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
1. (à pied) passare2. (café) filtrare; colare3. (mal) passare lentamente 4. (objet) passare; porgere; allungare5. (téléphone) far parlare con; mettere in linea con; passare6. (couleur) sbiadire; stingere; scolorare 7. (objets) passare; dare; far passare8. (temps) passare; trascorrere; scorrere; ammazzare; far passare


Fransızca Passer kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
1. (à pied) passar2. (café) passar; coar3. (mal) acalmar; abrandar; melhorar 4. (objet) alcançar; passar5. (téléphone) pôr na linha com; ligar com6. (couleur) desbotar 7. (objets) entregar; dar; passar adiante; passar8. (temps) gastar; passar; decorrer; transcorrer; correr; passar correndo; passar voando; passar o tempo; matar o tempo {informal}


Fransızca Passer kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
1. (à pied) pasar2. (café) filtrar3. (mal) desaparecer; disiparse 4. (objet) alcanzar; pasar; dar5. (téléphone) poner con6. (couleur) descolorarse 7. (objets) entregar; dar; pasar a; pasar8. (temps) pasar; transcurrir; trascurrir; pasar el tiempo


Fransızca Passer kelimesinin Türkçe karşılığı.
geçmek; uğramak; gösterilmek, oynamak; solmak; ölmek; dolaşmak; geçirmek; giymek; süzmek; bağışlamak, affetmek

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