
Kısaca: ''Press'', yönetmen Sedat Yılmaz'ın ilk sinema filmidir. ...devamı ☟


Press, yönetmen Sedat Yılmaz'ın ilk sinema filmidir. Film, 1992 yılında Özgür Gündem gazetesinin Diyarbakır bürosunda çalışan gazetecilerin bölgede mesleklerini icra etme koşullarını konu almaktadır. Galası 12 Ekim 2010 tarihinde 47. Antalya Altın Portakal Film Festivali'nde gerçekleşmiştir. Ödüller *22. Ankara Uluslararası Film Festivali :*Umut Veren Yeni Yönetmen Ödülü (Sedat Yılmaz) :*Onat Kutlar En İyi Senaryo Ödülü (Sedat Yılmaz) :*Umut Veren Yeni Erkek Oyuncu Ödülü (Aram Dildar) *30. Uluslararası İstanbul Film Festivali :*Jüri Özel Ödülü (Sedat Yılmaz) :*Jüri Özel Ödülü (FACE) (Sedat Yılmaz) :*Fipresci Ödülü (Sedat Yılmaz) *44. Sinema Yazarları Derneği


:*En Iyi Yardimci Kadin Oyuncu Odulu (Asiye Dinçsoy) *47. Antalya Altın Portakal Film Festivali :*Jüri Özel Ödülü (Sedat Yılmaz) :*Behlül Dal Jüri Özel Ödülü (Aram Dildar)




1. anlamı f., i. zorla hizmete almak; bahriye hizmetine zorlamak; i. askerliğe, özellikle bahriyeye zorla alma. press gang bahriyeye zorla asker toplama bölüğü. ,topluluk/basın/pres/baskı,press baskı yap/bastır.
2. anlamı sıkıştırma. baskı. tazyik. (el) sıkma. sıkma makinesi. pres. cendere. makine. iş çokluğu. iş sıkışıklığı. ütü yapma. ütüleme. bası. basın mensupları. gazeteciler. basımevi. matbaaaa. basım. baskı makinesi. matbaaaa makinesi. bastırmak. basmak. sıkıştırmak. sı.


Press İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Press anlamları

  1. (v. i.) To exert pressure; to bear heavily; to push, crowd, or urge with steady force.
  2. (v.) To exercise very powerful or irresistible influence upon or over; to constrain; to force; to compel.
  3. (noun) Specifically, a printing press.
  4. (noun) The art or business of printing and publishing; hence, printed publications, taken collectively, more especially newspapers or the persons employed in writing for them; as, a free press is a blessing, a licentious press is a curse.
  5. (v.) To squeeze, in order to extract the juice or contents of; to squeeze out, or express, from something.
  6. (v.) To drive with violence; to hurry; to urge on; to ply hard; as, to press a horse in a race.
  7. (v.) To urge, or act upon, with force, as weight; to act upon by pushing or thrusting, in distinction from pulling; to crowd or compel by a gradual and continued exertion; to bear upon; to squeeze; to compress; as, we press the ground with the feet when we walk; we press the couch on which we repose; we press substances with the hands, fingers, or arms; we are pressed in a crowd.
  8. (noun) Urgent demands of business or affairs; urgency; as, a press of engagements.
  9. (noun) An apparatus or machine by which any substance or body is pressed, squeezed, stamped, or shaped, or by which an impression of a body is taken; sometimes, the place or building containing a press or presses.
  10. (noun) A multitude of individuals crowded together; / crowd of single things; a throng.
  11. (v.) To try to force (something upon some one); to urge or inculcate with earnestness or importunity; to enforce; as, to press divine truth on an audience.
  12. (v.) To straiten; to distress; as, to be pressed with want or hunger.
  13. (v. i.) To move on with urging and crowding; to make one's way with violence or effort; to bear onward forcibly; to crowd; to throng; to encroach.
  14. (noun) An East Indian insectivore (Tupaia ferruginea). It is arboreal in its habits, and has a bushy tail. The fur is soft, and varies from rusty red to maroon and to brownish black.
  15. (v.) To embrace closely; to hug.
  16. (noun) An upright case or closet for the safe keeping of articles; as, a clothes press.
  17. (v. i.) To urge with vehemence or importunity; to exert a strong or compelling influence; as, an argument presses upon the judgment.
  18. (noun) The act of pressing or thronging forward.
  19. (v.) To oppress; to bear hard upon.
  20. (noun) A commission to force men into public service, particularly into the navy.
  21. (v.) To squeeze in or with suitable instruments or apparatus, in order to compact, make dense, or smooth; as, to press cotton bales, paper, etc.; to smooth by ironing; as, to press clothes.
  22. (noun) To force into service, particularly into naval service; to impress.

Press tanım:

Kelime: press
Söyleniş: 'pres
İşlev: noun
Kökeni: Middle English presse, from Old French, from presser to press
1 a : a crowd or crowded condition : THRONG b : a thronging or crowding forward or together
2 a : an apparatus or machine by which a substance is cut or shaped, an impression of a body is taken, a material is compressed, pressure is applied to a body, liquid is expressed, or a cutting tool is fed into the work by pressure b : a building containing presses or a business using presses
4 a : an action of pressing or pushing : PRESSURE b : an aggressive pressuring defense employed in basketball often over the entire court area
5 : the properly smoothed and creased condition of a freshly pressed garment out of press
6 a : PRINTING PRESS b : the act or the process of printing c : a printing or publishing establishment
7 a : the gathering and publishing or broadcasting of news : JOURNALISM b : newspapers, periodicals, and often radio and television news broadcasting c : news reporters, publishers, and broadcasters d : comment or notice in newspapers and periodicals is getting a good press
8 : any of various pressure devices (as one for keeping sporting gear from warping when not in use)
9 : a lift in weight lifting in which the weight is raised to shoulder height and then smoothly extended overhead without assist from the legs -- compare CLEAN AND JERK, SNATCH

Press ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Adjure, Agitate, Beseech, Bid, Campaign, Closet, Compact, Compress, Conjure, Constrict, Contract, Crusade, Crush, Entreat, Exhort, Fight, Insistence, Jam, Pressing, Pressure, Push, Squeeze, Urge, Wardrobe, Weigh,


İngilizce Press kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. prensa, imprenta; urgencia
v. presionar, apremiar, apurar, instar, urgir, urgir a; prensar, apretar, comprimir, estrujar; empujar hacia abajo, oprimir; ser apremiante, ser acucioso; imprentar


İngilizce Press kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. presse, journaux; pression; foule; pressoir; imprimerie
v. appuyer sur; mettre sous presse; estamper; pressurer, presser; harceler; repasser, donner un coup de fer; exercer une pression; retirer un produit de la circulation


İngilizce Press kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Presse; Walze; Druck
v. pressen; drücken; Druck ausüben


İngilizce Press kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. (Tip) macchina da stampa, stampatrice; pressa a mano; stamperia, tipografia; (collett) giornalisti; critica sui giornali; stretta, pressione; torchio; folla, calca, pigia pigia; pressoio
v. premere, pigiare, spingere; stringere; pressare, spremere; schiacciare, appiattire; stirare; incalzare; sollecitare, insistere, fare pressione su; insistere su; spingere a fondo; stampare; (Strad


İngilizce Press kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. imprensa; prensa; pressão; multidão
v. espremer; prensar; imprensar; apertar


f. baskı yapmak, sıkıştırmak, sıkmak, basmak, sıkmak (limon vb.), topluca ilerlemek, zorlamak, ütülemek, preslemek, acil olmak
i. basın, basın mensupları, baskı, sıkacak, pres, cendere, mengene, matbaa makinesi, pres ütü, sıkışıklık, acele, kalabalık, izdiham, zorla askere alma


İngilizce Press kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. pers, drukpers, drukkerij, gedrang
ww. uitpersen, oppersen, uitdrukken, uitknijpen, drukken, prangen, knellen, pressen, verdringen : zich verdringen, opdringen, dringen, presseren


n. journals and newspapers collectively; act or process of printing; roller used to flatten or straighten objects; pressure, act of pressing
v. push, apply pressure; iron, remove creases or wrinkles by applying pressure; confiscate for public or government use
v. squeeze, press, apply pressure, apply force or weight; pack in, cram together, become stuck, cause to be stuck; oppress, suppress

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