
Prospect Haritası


1. anlamı maden araştırin prospect beklenen; beklenen şey ümit, i; gözleme, bekleme; görünüş, manzara; muhtemel müşteri; beklenti/manzara/iht, ümitle bekleprospector maden ocağı arayan ki; bakış; ihtimal; maden damarına ait belirti.
2. anlamı olasılık. ihtimal. beklenti. umut. görünüş. manzara. (petrol.altın.vb.) aramak. araştırmak.
3. anlamı olasilik. ihtimal. beklenti. umut. görünüs. manzara aramak. arastirmak.


Prospect İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Prospect anlamları

  1. (v.) Relative position of the front of a building or other structure; face; relative aspect.
  2. (v. i.) To make a search; to seek; to explore, as for mines or the like; as, to prospect for gold.
  3. (v.) That which is hoped for; ground for hope or expectation; expectation; probable result; as, the prospect of success.
  4. (v.) The act of looking forward; foresight; anticipation; as, a prospect of the future state.
  5. (v.) Especially, a picturesque or widely extended view; a landscape; hence, a sketch of a landscape.
  6. (v. t.) To look over; to explore or examine for something; as, to prospect a district for gold.
  7. (v.) That which is embraced by eye in vision; the region which the eye overlooks at one time; view; scene; outlook.
  8. (v.) A position affording a fine view; a lookout.

Prospect tanım:

Kelime: pros·pect
Söyleniş: 'prä-"spekt
İşlev: noun
Kökeni: Middle English, from Latin prospectus view, prospect, from prospicere to look forward, exercise foresight, from pro- forward specere to look -- more at PRO-, SPY
2 a (1) : an extensive view (2) : a mental consideration : SURVEY b : a place that commands an extensive view : LOOKOUT c : something extended to the view : SCENE d archaic : a sketch or picture of a scene
3 obsolete : ASPECT
4 a : the act of looking forward : ANTICIPATION b : a mental picture of something to come : VISION c : something that is awaited or expected : POSSIBILITY d plural (1) : financial expectations (2) : CHANCES
5 : a place showing signs of containing a mineral deposit
6 a : a potential buyer or customer b : a likely candidate
- in prospect : possible or likely for the future
synonyms PROSPECT, OUTLOOK, ANTICIPATION, FORETASTE mean an advance realization of something to come. PROSPECT implies expectation of a particular event, condition, or development of definite interest or concern the prospect of a quiet weekend . OUTLOOK suggests a forecasting of the future a favorable outlook for the economy . ANTICIPATION implies a prospect or outlook that involves advance suffering or enjoyment of what is foreseen the anticipation of her arrival . FORETASTE implies an actual though brief or partial experience of something forthcoming the frost was a foretaste of winter .

Prospect ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Aspect, Candidate, Expectation, Outlook, Panorama, Prognosis, Scene, View, Vista,


İngilizce Prospect kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. prospecto, esperanza, perspectiva; cliente probable, cliente eventual, cliente potencial, comprador eventual v. prospectar


İngilizce Prospect kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. vue, prespective, chance; éventualité, probabilité; espérance; avenir; perspective; paysage; vue; client potentiel (Economie) v. explorer, prospecter, aller à la découverte; prospecter un terrain (recherche de minerai)


İngilizce Prospect kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Hoffnung; Chance; Aussicht; Aussehen; möglicher Kunde v. suchen (nach Mineralien, Öl); erkunden (Gebiet)


İngilizce Prospect kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. possibilità, prospettiva; veduta, vista panoramica; osservatorio; (fig) visione, idea, concetto; cliente eventuale, possibile cliente; candidato potenziale v. (Minier) fare ricerche; (fig) indagare, esaminare, investigare


İngilizce Prospect kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. esperança; possibilidade, chance; prospecto v. examinar (a área); explorar, buscar (querosene, petróleo)


f. maden aramak, aramak (petrol vs.), ümit vermek (maden) i. manzara, görünüm, beklenti, olasılık, umut, ihtimal, maden damarı belirtisi, muhtemel müşteri


Flemenkçe Prospect kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
n. perspective


İngilizce Prospect kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. vergezicht, verschiet, uitzicht, vooruitzicht, verwachting, vindplaats : vermoedelijke vindplaats van olie, vindplaats : vermoedelijke vindplaats van erts ww. zoeken naar olie, zoeken naar erts


n. chance, probability of advancement or success; hope, promise; view, vista, scene; outlook, perspective; potential customer (Economics) v. search for valuable materials (such as gold, oil, etc.); examine an area for the presence of valuable materials n. perspective


Fransızca Prospect kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
(commerce) mogelijke klant (m)


Fransızca Prospect kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
(commerce) cliente eventuale


Fransızca Prospect kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
(commerce) pretendente (m)


Fransızca Prospect kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
(commerce) cliente eventual

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