Cilt 1 *1 Blitzkrieg *2 Nasyonal Sosyalist Alman İşçi Partisi Leaders *3 The Germans Strike North *4 Conquest of Norway *5 Breakthrough at Sedan *6 Dunkirk *7 The Fall of France *8 The Plan to Invade Britain *9 The Battle of Britain *10 Italian Fiasco *11 Menace at Sea *12 Victory in the Desert *13 Rommel: The Desert Fox *14 Hitler's Revenge on Yugoslavia *15 Hitler Drives the Allies out of Greece *16 The Sinking of the Bismarck Cilt 2 *17 Civilians in the Front Line *18 How Crete was Lost *19 Desert Tragedy: Frenchman Fights Frenchman in Syria *20 Duels with the Afrika Korps *21 Operation Barbarossa *22 Barbarossa *23 Russia Blunts the Blitzkreig *24 Target Rommel *25 Pearl Harbor *26 Malaya *27 Battle for Moscow *28 Hit and Run *29 The General who Never Lost a Battle *30 100 Bomber Raid *31 How? *32 Banzai Cilt 3 *33 Showdown at Midway *34 Tobruk Falls *35 The Siege of Sebastapol *36 First Alamein *37 Suicide Invasion *38 Stalingrad *39 Alamein *40 Guadalcanal *41 Operation Torch *42 Life in France *43 Scrap the Battle Fleet *44 Death of an Army *45 The Crime at Katyn Wood *46 Tunisia: The Noose Tightens *47 Wingate Minus Myth *48 Africa the End Cilt 4 *49 Battle for the Sea Lanes *50 The Greatest Tank Battle in History *51 Italians Quit *52 Allies Invade Italy *53 'The Bolshevik Horde' *54 Did the Germans Stop Monty ? *55 War at the Top *56 Guadalcanal to Bougainville *57 Marines at Tarawa ! *58 Was Anzio Worth It ? *59 Casino Falls *60 Bafraider Destroyed *61 Kohima and Imphal *62 Pre D-Day - Hitler's Fortress Europe *63 Pre D-Day - The Allied War Machine *64 Pre D-Day - Europe's Secret Armies Cilt 5 *65 D-Day *66 Battle of the Hedgerows *67 The Great Marianas Turkey Shoot *68 The Bomb Plot *69 The Red Army Bursts into Poland *70 Allies Smash Two German Armies *71 Prisoner on the Kwai *72 Paris Freed *73 Arnhem *74 Inside the Camps *75 The Incredible Career of Richard Sorge *76 The Strange Career and Spectacular Death of the Tirpitz *77 The Soviet View of 'Liberation' *78 The Red Army's Drive to the Gates of Berlin *79 Bombing *80 Victory in Italy Cilt 6 *81 The Allies Hit Back *82 Iwo Jima *83 Whatever the enemy does, he can never reckon on a capitulation. *84 Victory in Italy *85 Into the Heart of Hitler's Reich *86 Fall of Berlin *87 Hitler Dead *88 Fier Raids on Japan *89 Cult of the Kami-Kazes *90 The Race to Rangoon *91 Japan's Last Hope *92 Hiroshima, Nagasaki *93 The War an Overview *94 Blister Gas, Chlorine gas, Blood gas, Nerve gas Cilt 7 *95 Tanks, guns, men *96 Index *97 The World and the Bomb *98 The Perils of Peace *99 Big Four Take Over *100 Facing up to Defeat *101 Brave New World *102 The Propoganda War *103 Hitler's Foreign Legions *104 U-Boat *105 Dambusters *106 Heraldry of War *107 Waffen-SS *108 Czechoslavakia Fights Back *109 Belsen *110 The Soldier *111 Life at Home *112 The Leaders and their Generals Cilt 8 *113 Chiang and his Generals *114 Diplomacy in War *115 Strategy and Tactics *116 Forts *117 Trials at Nuremberg *118 Struggle Over Israel *119 France Retreats *120 Indonesia *121 Vietnam's Fight for Freedom *122 The Spread of Communism *123 The Years of Reconstruction *124 Artists at War *125 Mao's Victory *126 The Violent Peace *127 Chronology 1933-1944 *128 Chronology 1945-1949 Bibliography
Özel sayılar Özel sayılardan bazıları şunlardır: * Allied Aircraft (Müttefik Uçakları) * Axis Tanks (Mihver Devletlerinin Tankları) * Marines (Deniz Piyadeleri) * Allied Tanks (Müttefik Tankları) * Axis Aircraft (Mihver Uçakları) * Allied Warships (Müttefik Savaş Gemileri) * Axis Warships (Mihver Savaş Gemileri) * Patton (General Patton) * 8th Air Force (8. Hava Kuvvetleri) * Airborne Operations (Hava İndirme Operasyonları) * Airborne Warfare 1941-1945 (Hava İndirme Savaşı) * Battle of the Atlantic (Atlantik Savaşı) * The Desert War (Çöl Savaşı) * War Planes 1945-1976 (Savaş Uçakları) * Bombers 1914-1939 (Bombardıman Uçakları, 1914-1939) * Bombers 1939-1945 (Bombardıman Uçakları, 1939-1945) * Allied Secret Weapons (Müttefik Gizli Silahları') * German Secret Weapons (Alman Gizli Silahları') * Battleships 1856-1919 (Savaş Gemileri) * Big Guns Artillery 1914-18 (Büyük Toplar) * D-Day Invasion of Hitler's Europe (Hitler Avrupasına Büyük Çıkarma) * German Fighting Vehicles (Alman Savaş Araçları) * Handguns 1300-1870 (Tabancalar, 1300-1870) * Handguns 1870-1978 (Tabancalar, 1870-1978) * Helicopters 1900-1960 (Helikopterler, 1900-1960) * Helicopters at War (Helikopterler Savaşta) * Heraldry of war Medals, Badges and Uniforms (Savaş Madalyaları, Nişanlar, Üniformalar) * Jet Fighters (Jet Savaş Uçakları) * Machine Gun (Makineli Tüfek) * Sea Warfare 1939-45 (Deniz Savaşları) * Submachine Gun (Hafif Makineli Tüfekler) * Submarines. The First (İlk Denizaltılar) * Submarines, since 1919 (1919'dan Bu Yana Denizaltılar) * Tank Story (Tankın Öyküsü) * War in the Air 1939- 1945 (Hava Savaşları) * Warplanes. The First (İlk Savaş Uçakları) * Warplanes 1939-1945 (Savaş Uçakları,1939-1945) * Warplanes 1945-1976 (Savaş Uçakları,1945-1976) * Warships of the First World War (Birinci Dünya Savaşı'nın Savaş Gemileri) * Warships of Second World War (İkinci Dünya Savaşı'nın Savaş Gemileri) * Weapons of the Israeli Arab war 1973 (Arap-İsrail Savaşı'nın Silahları) * Weapons of War (Savaş Silahları)
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