
Kısaca: Pyramid, İngiliz The Alan Parsons Project grubunun 1978 yılında piyasaya sürdükleri progresif rock türünde üçüncü albümleri. ...devamı ☟


Albüm 2 |Albüm = Pyramid |Resim = The Alan Parsons Project Pyramid.jpg |Müzisyen = The Alan Parsons Project |Çıkış Tarihi = Haziran 1978 |Yılı = 1978 |Format = CD-MC |Kayıt = Abbey Road Studios |Türü = Progresif rock |Şarkı Sayısı = 9 |Süre = 37:46 |Firma = ``Arista Records`` |Prodüktör = Alan Parsons |Klip Şarkıları= |Eleştiri = |Önceki Albüm = I Robot |ÖA.Yılı = 1977 |Sonraki Albüm = Eve |SA.Yılı = 1979

Pyramid, İngiliz The Alan Parsons Project grubunun 1978 yılında piyasaya sürdükleri progresif rock türünde üçüncü albümleri.

Albümdeki parçalar

  1. "Voyager" (enstrümental) - 2:15
  2. "What Goes Up..." - 3:56
  3. "The Eagle Will Rise Again" - 4:03
  4. "One More River" - 4:16
  5. "Can`t Take It with You" - 5:02
  6. "In the Lap of the Gods" (enstrümental) - 5:29
  7. "Pyramania" - 2:43
  8. "Hyper-Gamma-Spaces" (enstrümental) - 4:20
  9. "Shadow of a Lonely Man" - 5:34


Yıl Sıralama Pozisyon
1978 The Billboard 200 26
1978 UK Albums Chart 49





1. anlamı piramit şeklinde şey veya yığın; piramit, son der; pyramidalpiramit şeklipyramidally piramit şeklinde olarak, geom piramit; piramit, ehram.
2. anlamı piramit. ehram.


Pyramid İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Pyramid anlamları

  1. (noun) The series of operations involved in pyramiding. See Pyramid, v. i.
  2. (v. t.) To use, or to deal in, in a pyramiding transaction. See Pyramid, v. i.
  3. (v. i.) To enlarge one's holding or interest in a series of operations on a continued rise or decline by using the profits to buy or sell additional amounts on a margin, as where one buys on a 10% margin 100 shares of stock quoted at 100, holds it till it rises to 105, and then uses the paper profit to buy 50 shares more, etc. The series of operations constitutes a pyramid.
  4. (noun) The game of pool in which the balls are placed in the form of a triangle at spot.
  5. (noun) A solid figure contained by a plane rectilineal figure as base and several triangles which have a common vertex and whose bases are sides of the base.
  6. (noun) A solid body standing on a triangular, square, or polygonal base, and terminating in a point at the top; especially, a structure or edifice of this shape.

Pyramid tanım:

Kelime: pyr·a·mid
Söyleniş: 'pir-&-"mid
İşlev: noun
Kökeni: Latin pyramid-, pyramis, from Greek
1 a : an ancient massive structure found especially in Egypt having typically a square ground plan, outside walls in the form of four triangles that meet in a point at the top, and inner sepulchral chambers b : a structure or object of similar form
2 : a polyhedron having for its base a polygon and for faces triangles with a common vertex -- see VOLUME table
3 : a crystalline form each face of which intersects the vertical axis and either two lateral axes or in the tetragonal system one lateral axis
4 : an anatomical structure resembling a pyramid: as a : any of the conical masses that project from the renal medulla into the kidney pelvis b : either of two large bundles of motor fibers from the cerebral cortex that reach the medulla oblongata and are continuous with the pyramidal tracts of the spinal cord
5 : an immaterial structure built on a broad supporting base and narrowing gradually to an apex the socioeconomic pyramid
- py·ra·mi·dal /p&-'ra-m&-d&l, "pir-&-'mi-/ adjective
- py·ra·mi·dal·ly adverb
- pyr·a·mid·i·cal /"pir-&-'mi-di-k&l/ adjective
[pyramid illustration]


İngilizce Pyramid kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. pirámide v. amontonar; encarecer


İngilizce Pyramid kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. pyramide, figure géométrique qui a pour base un polygone et pour faces latérales des triangles dont les sommets se réunissent en un même point; édifice dont les quatre côtés sont triangulaires (Architectrure); structure de l'Ancienne Egypte où étaient enterrés les Pharaons égyptiens v. construire une pyramide, devenir de plus en plus cher


İngilizce Pyramid kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Pyramide v. teurer werden; Pyramiden bauen


İngilizce Pyramid kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. (Arch, Geom, Biol) piramide v. costruire una piramide; diventar caro


İngilizce Pyramid kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. pirâmide (monumento em forma de pirâmide quadrangular; construção onde os antigos egípcios enterravam seus reis) v. construir pirâmide; ficar caro, encarecer


i. piramit


İngilizce Pyramid kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. piramide


n. geometric figure with a polygonal base and sides which are isosceles triangles; structure in which ancient Egyptians buried their kings v. become more expensive, increase in price; build a pyramid, arrange in the shape of a pyramid

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