Ragnarok İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Ragnarok anlamları
- (noun) Alt. of Ragnarok
- (noun) The so-called "Twilight of the Gods" (called in German Gotterdammerung), the final destruction of the world in the great conflict between the Aesir (gods) on the one hand, and on the other, the gaints and the powers of Hel under the leadership of Loki (who is escaped from bondage).
Ragnarok tanım:
Kelime: Rag·na·rok
Söyleniş: 'rag-n&-"räk, -r&k
İşlev: noun
Kökeni: Old Norse Ragnarok, literally, fate of the gods, from ragna, genitive plural of regin gods rok fate, course (later rendered as Ragnarøkkr, literally, twilight of the gods)
: the final destruction of the world in the conflict between the Aesir and the powers of Hel led by Loki -- called also Twilight of the Gods