

1. anlamı bitek, verimli, bereketli, mümbit; servet sahibi, zengin; lezzetli, yağlı, ağır; para, richly, dolgun tuhaf, hoş, parlak gür, nüktthe rich zenginler, servet sahiplricheszenginlik, servet; çok, bol; mükellef.
2. anlamı zengin. varsıl. bitek. verimli. bereketli. bol. çok. (yemek) yağlı. ağır. canlı. parlak. (ses) gür. dolgun. kalın. pahalı. lüks. gülünç. komik. (the ile) zenginler.


Rich İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Rich anlamları

  1. (superl.) Abounding in humor; exciting amusement; entertaining; as, the scene was a rich one; a rich incident or character.
  2. (superl.) Abounding in agreeable or nutritive qualities; -- especially applied to articles of food or drink which are high-seasoned or abound in oleaginous ingredients, or are sweet, luscious, and high-flavored; as, a rich dish; rich cream or soup; rich pastry; rich wine or fruit.
  3. (superl.) Yielding large returns; productive or fertile; fruitful; as, rich soil or land; a rich mine.
  4. (v. t.) To enrich.
  5. (superl.) Abounding in beauty; gorgeous; as, a rich landscape; rich scenery.
  6. (superl.) Full of sweet and harmonius sounds; as, a rich voice; rich music.
  7. (superl.) Having an abundance of material possessions; possessed of a large amount of property; well supplied with land, goods, or money; wealthy; opulent; affluent; -- opposed to poor.
  8. (superl.) Hence, in general, well supplied; abounding; abundant; copious; bountiful; as, a rich treasury; a rich entertainment; a rich crop.
  9. (superl.) Not faint or delicate; vivid; as, a rich color.
  10. (superl.) Composed of valuable or costly materials or ingredients; procured at great outlay; highly valued; precious; sumptuous; costly; as, a rich dress; rich silk or fur; rich presents.

Rich tanım:

Kelime: rich
Söyleniş: 'rich
İşlev: adjective
Kökeni: Middle English riche, from Old English rIce; akin to Old High German rIhhi rich, Old English rIce kingdom, Old High German rIhhi, n.; all from prehistoric Germanic words borrowed from Celtic words akin to Old Irish (genitive ríg) king -- more at ROYAL
1 : having abundant possessions and especially material wealth
2 a : having high value or quality b : well supplied a city rich in traditions
3 : magnificently impressive : SUMPTUOUS
4 a : vivid and deep in color a rich red b : full and mellow in tone and quality a rich voice c : having a strong fragrance rich perfumes
5 : highly productive or remunerative a rich mine
6 a : having abundant plant nutrients rich soil b : highly seasoned, fatty, oily, or sweet rich foods c : high in the combustible component a rich fuel mixture d : high in some component cholesterol-rich foods
7 a : ENTERTAINING; also : LAUGHABLE b : MEANINGFUL, SIGNIFICANT rich allusions c : LUSH rich meadows
8 : pure or nearly pure rich lime
- rich·ness noun
synonyms RICH, WEALTHY, AFFLUENT, OPULENT mean having goods, property, and money in abundance. RICH implies having more than enough to gratify normal needs or desires became rich through shrewd investing . WEALTHY stresses the possession of property and intrinsically valuable things wealthy landowners . AFFLUENT suggests prosperity and an increasing wealth an affluent society . OPULENT suggests lavish expenditure and display of great wealth, more often applying to things than people an opulent mansion .

Rich ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Ample, Copious, Deep, Fat, Fertile, Plenteous, Plentiful, Productive, Robust,

Rich ile zıt (antonym) anlamlı kelimeler

Lean, Poor,


İngilizce Rich kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
adj. rico, abundante, acaudalado, adinerado, afluente, alhajado, amonedado, caudaloso, opulento, pudiente, solvente; sustancioso; fértil; enriquecedor
s. rico


İngilizce Rich kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
adj. riche; magnifique; plein, luxueux; abondant, profond, fort, puissant
n. riche, personne possédant de grandes ressources financières ou de biens


İngilizce Rich kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
adj. reich; prächtig; gehaltvoll (Nahrung); reichlich; wertvoll
n. Reichtum; Fülle


İngilizce Rich kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
agg. ricco; pieno, abbondante; sontuoso, sfarzoso, costoso; magnifico; sostanzioso, molto condito; intenso, molto carico, cupo; profondo; forte; robusto, generoso; prezioso, di valore; fertile
s. ricchi; ricco


İngilizce Rich kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
adj. rico; valioso; farto; profundo; delicioso
s. (os) ricos


s. paralı, zengin, varlıklı, bereketli, verimli, değerli, pahada ağır, pahalı, bol, yoğun, besin değeri yüksek, besleyici, ağır (yiyecek), canlı (renk), gür, esprili, komik, nükteli, anlamlı


İngilizce Rich kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
bn. rijk; weelderig; vol; diep
zn. (de) rijken


adj. affluent, wealthy, having a large fortune; fancy, luxurious; full, having an abundance of; deep, vivid, strong
n. wealthy people, people with great financial resources

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