

1. anlamı kazıma veya sürtme sesi; sıyırtmak; sürtme, kazıma; kazıyıp toplamak; f, kazıyarak temizlemek, kazımak; selâm verirken ayağını sürterek geri çekmek; çok tutumlu olmak; sürterek gıcırdatmak; çıkmazı scrape acquaintance tanışmaya gayre, varta.
2. anlamı kazımak. kazıyarak çıkartmak. temizlemek. sıyırmak. sıyırtmak. sıyırıp geçmek. sürtmek. sürtünmek. hafifçe dokunmak. zar zor geçinmek. kıt kanaat geçinmek. güç bela idare etmek. zar zor başarmak. kılpayı kurtarmak. kazıma. sürtme. sıyrık. çizik. gıcırtı.


Scrape İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Scrape anlamları

  1. (v. t.) To express disapprobation of, as a play, or to silence, as a speaker, by drawing the feet back and forth upon the floor; -- usually with down.
  2. (v. i.) To occupy one's self with getting laboriously; as, he scraped and saved until he became rich.
  3. (v. i.) To rub over the surface of anything with something which roughens or removes it, or which smooths or cleans it; to rub harshly and noisily along.
  4. (noun) A drawing back of the right foot when bowing; also, a bow made with that accompaniment.
  5. (v. i.) To play awkwardly and inharmoniously on a violin or like instrument.
  6. (v. t.) To remove by rubbing or scraping (in the sense above).
  7. (v. i.) To draw back the right foot along the ground or floor when making a bow.
  8. (noun) The act of scraping; also, the effect of scraping, as a scratch, or a harsh sound; as, a noisy scrape on the floor; a scrape of a pen.
  9. (v. t.) To collect by, or as by, a process of scraping; to gather in small portions by laborious effort; hence, to acquire avariciously and save penuriously; -- often followed by together or up; as, to scrape money together.
  10. (v. t.) To rub over the surface of (something) with a sharp or rough instrument; to rub over with something that roughens by removing portions of the surface; to grate harshly over; to abrade; to make even, or bring to a required condition or form, by moving the sharp edge of an instrument breadthwise over the surface with pressure, cutting away excesses and superfluous parts; to make smooth or clean; as, to scrape a bone with a knife; to scrape a metal plate to an even surface.
  11. (noun) A disagreeable and embarrassing predicament out of which one can not get without undergoing, as it were, a painful rubbing or scraping; a perplexity; a difficulty.

Scrape tanım:

Kelime: scrape
Söyleniş: 'skrAp
İşlev: verb
Türleri: scraped; scrap·ing
Kökeni: Middle English, from Old Norse skrapa; akin to Old English scrapian to scrape, Latin scrobis ditch, Russian skresti to scrape
transitive senses
1 a : to remove from a surface by usually repeated strokes of an edged instrument b : to make (a surface) smooth or clean with strokes of an edged instrument or an abrasive
2 a : to grate harshly over or against b : to damage or injure the surface of by contact with a rough surface c : to draw roughly or noisily over a surface
3 : to collect by or as if by scraping -- often used with up or together scrape up the price of a ticket
intransitive senses
1 : to move in sliding contact with a rough surface
2 : to accumulate money by small economies
3 : to draw back the foot along the ground in making a bow
4 : to make one's way with difficulty or succeed by a narrow margin just scraped by at school
- scrap·er noun
- scrape a leg : to make a low bow

Scrape ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Abrade, Abrasion, Excoriation, Genuflect, Grate, Kowtow, Mark, Scar, Scraping, Scratch, Scratching, Skin, Stub,


İngilizce Scrape kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
v. raspar, bojar, guayar, legrar, limpiar raspando, raer; arañar, rascar
s. raspado, abrasión, erosión, legración, legrado, legradura; apuro, lío; arañazo, rasguño, raspón; chirrido


İngilizce Scrape kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
v. érafler, écorcher; racler, gratter; s'en tirer péniblement
n. racloir, grattoir; grincement; embarras, mauvais pas, pétrin


İngilizce Scrape kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
v. schaben, striegeln; reinigen; skizzieren; umzäunen; unter Mühen erreichen, mühevoll einsammeln; verletzen, knirschen
n. Kratzen; Schaben; Kratzer, Schramme


İngilizce Scrape kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
v. strisciare, sfregare; grattare, stridere; (fig) risparmiare, fare economia, economizzare
s. raschiata, raschiatura; raschio, rumore aspro, stridore; graffio, strisciata; scorticatura, sbucciatura, spellatura; (fam) impiccio, pasticcio, guaio; (fam) velo di burro


İngilizce Scrape kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
v. lixar, escovar; limpar; arranhar; coçar; conseguir com muito esforço; ranger
s. esfregamento; arranhão; complicação, desgraça


f. kazımak, kazıyarak temizlemek, gıcırdatarak çekmek, gıcırdatmak, gıcırtı yapmak, sürtünmek, sıyırmak
i. kazıma sesi, sürtme sesi, kazıma, sürtme, sıyrık, çizik, sıkıntı, çıkmaz, zor durum
ünl. garç, gırç


İngilizce Scrape kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
ww. schrobben, boenen; schoonmaken; krassen; krabben; met moeite bereiken; raspen; met moeite bij elkaar rapen; schieren (van remmen)
zn. gekrab, gekras; kras; strijkage


v. scour, scrub, rub; remove material from a surface by rubbing; achieve or collect with difficulty; grate, produce strident sounds
n. grating, sound of two surfaces rubbing against one another; scratch, abrasion; predicament, difficult situation