
Kısaca: Working title, henüz çekim aşamasında olan bir film için tasarlanan geçici ad. İngilizce'de bazen aynı kavramı açıklamak için provisional title veya scratch terimleri de kullanılmaktadır. ...devamı ☟

Scratch ile ilgili bilgilerin yer aldığı sayfamız: Working title


1. anlamı tahriş etmek, kaşımak; keskin bir şeyle kazıyarak yüzeyini bozmak; kdili acele ile kötü bir şekilde yazmak veya çizmek; yarış listesinden çıkarmak; kaşınmak; cızırdamak; zahmet; çizmek, silmek, bozmak; f, tırmalamak, i; eşelemek; karalamak.
2. anlamı tırmalamak. çizmek. kaşımak. eşelemek. kurcalamak. (listeden) çıkarmak. tırmık. çizik. sıyrık. cızırtı. çıtırtı. kaşıma. derme çatma hazırlanmış şey.


Scratch İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Scratch anlamları

  1. (noun) In various sports, the line from which the start is made, except in the case of contestants receiving a distance handicap.
  2. (a.) Made, done, or happening by chance; arranged with little or no preparation; determined by circumstances; haphazard; as, a scratch team; a scratch crew for a boat race; a scratch shot in billiards.
  3. (noun) A break in the surface of a thing made by scratching, or by rubbing with anything pointed or rough; a slight wound, mark, furrow, or incision.
  4. (noun) Minute, but tender and troublesome, excoriations, covered with scabs, upon the heels of horses which have been used where it is very wet or muddy.
  5. (v. i.) To score, not by skillful play but by some fortunate chance of the game.
  6. (noun) A kind of wig covering only a portion of the head.
  7. (v. t.) To rub and tear or mark the surface of with something sharp or ragged; to scrape, roughen, or wound slightly by drawing something pointed or rough across, as the claws, the nails, a pin, or the like.
  8. (v. t.) To dig or excavate with the claws; as, some animals scratch holes, in which they burrow.
  9. (v. t.) To cancel by drawing one or more lines through, as the name of a candidate upon a ballot, or of a horse in a list; hence, to erase; to efface; -- often with out.
  10. (v. t.) To write or draw hastily or awkwardly.
  11. (noun) A shot which scores by chance and not as intended by the player; a fluke.
  12. (noun) A line across the prize ring; up to which boxers are brought when they join fight; hence, test, trial, or proof of courage; as, to bring to the scratch; to come up to the scratch.
  13. (v. i.) To use the claws or nails in tearing or in digging; to make scratches.

Scratch tanım:

Kelime: scratch
Söyleniş: 'skrach
İşlev: verb
Kökeni: Middle English scracchen, probably blend of scratten to scratch and cracchen to scratch
transitive senses
1 : to scrape or dig with the claws or nails
2 : to rub and tear or mark the surface of with something sharp or jagged
3 : to scrape or rub lightly (as to relieve itching)
4 : to scrape together : collect with difficulty or by effort
5 : to write or draw on a surface
6 a : to cancel or erase by or as if by drawing a line through b : to withdraw (an entry) from competition
8 : to scrape along a rough surface scratch a match
intransitive senses
1 : to use the claws or nails in digging, tearing, or wounding
2 : to scrape or rub oneself lightly (as to relieve itching)
3 : to gather money or get a living by hard work and especially through irregular means and sacrifice
4 : to make a thin grating sound
5 : to withdraw from a contest or engagement
6 : to make a scratch in billiards or pool
- scratch·er noun
- scratch one's back : to accommodate with a favor especially in expectation of like return
- scratch the surface : to make a superficial effort or modest start

Scratch ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Abrasion, Cacography, Chafe, Dent, Excoriation, Fray, Fret, Incision, Itch, Mark, Prick, Rub, Scar, Scrape, Scraping, Scratching, Scrawl, Scribble, Slit,


İngilizce Scratch kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. arañazo, arañadura, rascadura, rasguño, raspón; raya; chiripa; chirrido
v. rascar, arañar, arpar, dar arañazos a, escarbar, rasguñar, rayar


İngilizce Scratch kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. éraflure, égratignure, grattement; gribouillage; ligne de départ; rien, zéro; argent (argot)
v. érafler; égratigner; gratter; se gratter; frotter; rayer; griffonner; effacer; obtenir difficilement


İngilizce Scratch kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Kratzer; Jucken; Schramme; Verletzung, Knirschen; Kritzelei; Startlinie; Nichts, Null; Geld (Slang)
v. kratzen; jucken; sich jucken; blank putzen; knirschen; verletzen; kritzeln; "anmachen", mühsam erreichen; ausradieren


İngilizce Scratch kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. graffio, graffiatura, scalfittura; grattata; suono stridulo, stridore; scarabocchio, sgorbio; (Sport) linea di partenza
v. graffiare, scalfire; grattare, dare una grattata a; cancellare con un tratto di penna, tirare un frego su; incidere; scarabocchiare, scribacchiare, scrivere alla peggio; strofinare, fregare, sfregare


İngilizce Scratch kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. arranhão; raspagem; rangido; ponto de partida; zero à esquerda, nada; dinheiro (gír.)
v. arranhar; coçar-se, raspar-se; lixar; ranger; arrepiar; conseguir com muita dificuldade; apagar


f. kaşımak, kaşınmak, tırmalamak, tırnaklamak, çizmek, kazımak, çıkarmak, karalamak, acele ile yazmak, cızırdamak, çekilmek
i. çizik, sıyrık, kaşıma sesi, gıcırtı, başlangıç çizgisi, çizgi, çızıktırma
s. gelişigüzel, rasgele, avanssız, acele ile toplanmış, derme çatma


Fransızca Scratch kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
(m) n. scratching


İngilizce Scratch kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. schram; krab, -krab; onaangenaam geluid; gegier; gekraak; gekrabbel; beginpunt; vanaf het begin; nul; geld (slang)
ww. schrammen; krabben, -krab; onaangenaam geluidmaken; gieren; kraken; krassen, met moeite behalen; uitwissen


n. scrape, abrasion; cut, small laceration; grating sound produced by scratching; scrawl, scribble; score of zero; starting line for a race; cash, money (Slang)
v. scrape, rub; make a small cut or laceration; scrape with the fingernails to relieve an itch; make a grating sound; scribble, scrawl; achieve or obtain with difficulty; delete, cross out
v. scratch, make a grating sound (disco music)

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