

1. anlamı sıra ile uzanan şey; ; germe geriliş; i, f, uzatmak, ; yere sermek; gerinmek; yaymak, germek, sermek; aralıksız süre; uzam; açılmak; çekip uzatmak; uzamak; geniş yer; gerginlik; büyütmek, abartmak mübalağa etmek; yayılmak serilmek, gerilmek.
2. anlamı germek. uzatmak. gerilmek. uzamak. yayılmak. gerinmek. germe. gerilme. gerinme. gerginlik. geniş yer. uzam. aralıksız süre.
3. anlamı genişlet. uzat. germek. uzatmak. gerilmek. uzamak. yayilmak. gerinmek. germe. gerilme. gerinme. gerginlik. genis yer. uzam. araliksiz süre.


Stretch İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Stretch anlamları

  1. (v. t.) To draw or pull out to greater length; to strain; as, to stretch a tendon or muscle.
  2. (v. t.) To cause to extend in breadth; to spread; to expand; as, to stretch cloth; to stretch the wings.
  3. (v. t.) To reach out; to extend; to put forth.
  4. (v. i.) To be extended; to be drawn out in length or in breadth, or both; to spread; to reach; as, the iron road stretches across the continent; the lake stretches over fifty square miles.
  5. (noun) The reach or extent of a vessel's progress on one tack; a tack or board.
  6. (v. i.) To extend or spread one's self, or one's limbs; as, the lazy man yawns and stretches.
  7. (v. i.) To sail by the wind under press of canvas; as, the ship stretched to the eastward.
  8. (noun) Course; direction; as, the stretch of seams of coal.
  9. (v. t.) To draw out to the full length; to cause to extend in a straight line; as, to stretch a cord or rope.
  10. (noun) The extent to which anything may be stretched.
  11. (v. i.) To strain the truth; to exaggerate; as, a man apt to stretch in his report of facts.
  12. (v. t.) To make tense; to tighten; to distend forcibly.
  13. (noun) Act of stretching, or state of being stretched; reach; effort; struggle; strain; as, a stretch of the limbs; a stretch of the imagination.
  14. (v. t.) To exaggerate; to extend too far; as, to stretch the truth; to stretch one's credit.
  15. (v. i.) To be extended, or to bear extension, without breaking, as elastic or ductile substances.
  16. (noun) A continuous line or surface; a continuous space of time; as, grassy stretches of land.

Stretch tanım:

Kelime: stretch
Söyleniş: 'strech
İşlev: verb
Kökeni: Middle English strecchen, from Old English streccan; akin to Old High German strecchan to stretch, Old English stræc firm, severe
transitive senses
1 : to extend (as one's limbs or body) in a reclining position
2 : to reach out : EXTEND stretched out her arms
3 : to extend in length stretched his neck to see what was going on
4 : to fell with or as if with a blow
5 : to cause the limbs of (a person) to be pulled especially in torture
6 : to draw up (one's body) from a cramped, stooping, or relaxed position
7 : to pull taut canvas stretched on a frame
8 a : to enlarge or distend especially by force b : to extend or expand as if by physical force stretch one's mind with a good book c : STRAIN stretched his already thin patience
9 : to cause to reach or continue (as from one point to another or across a space) stretch a wire between two posts
10 a : to amplify or enlarge beyond natural or proper limits the rules can be stretched this once b : to expand (as by improvisation) to fulfill a larger function stretching a dollar
11 : to extend (a hit) to an extra base usually by fast or daring running stretch a single into a double
intransitive senses
1 a : to become extended in length or breadth or both : SPREAD broad plains stretching to the sea b : to extend over a continuous period
2 : to become extended without breaking
3 a : to extend one's body or limbs b : to lie down at full length
- stretch·abil·i·ty /"stre-ch&-'bi-l&-tE/ noun
- stretch·able /'stre-ch&-b&l/ adjective
- stretchy /-chE/ adjective
- stretch a point : to go beyond what is strictly warranted in making a claim or concession
- stretch one's legs 1 : to extend the legs 2 : to take a walk in order to relieve stiffness caused by prolonged sitting

Stretch ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Adulterate, Debase, Dilute, Elongate, Extend, Reach, Reaching, Stint, Stretching, Unfold,

Stretch ile zıt (antonym) anlamlı kelimeler

Contract, Shrink,


İngilizce Stretch kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. elasticidad, flexibilidad; desperezo; trecho, distancia, separación, tramo; región, expansión, superficie; alargamiento, dilatación, estiramiento
v. expandir, alargar, desencoger, estirar, tender; desperezarse; violentar


İngilizce Stretch kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. étirage; élasticité; souplesse; surface; durée; période d'emprisonnement
v. tendre,étendre; s'étirer, tirer; s'étendre


İngilizce Stretch kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Strecken; Dehnung; Spannung; Anspannung; Übertreibung; Überschreitung; Strecke; Fläche
v. spannen; entspannen; ziehen; anziehen; ausrecken


İngilizce Stretch kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. stirata, stiratina; estensione, il tendere; allungamento; tratto, lunghezza; periodo ininterrotto; (fam) periodo di impiego; (sl) carcerazione, detenzione; (fig) abuso, eccesso; elasticità
v. stendere, distendere, allungare; (rifl) stiracchiarsi, stirarsi, stendersi; (rifl) distendersi, allungarsi; allungare tirando; (fig) forzare, travisare, svisare; (fam) far bastare; abbattere


İngilizce Stretch kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. alcance; distância; tirada; trecho; intervalo; luta, esforço; elasticidade; tempo de prisão
v. esticar; estirar; expandir; desenvolver; desenrolar; violentar


f. germek, esnetmek, uzatmak, sermek, yaymak, çekmek (çorap vb.), zorlamak, abartmak, gerinmek, uzamak, yayılmak, yetmek, yeterli gelmek, arayı açmak
i. gerinme, gerginlik, esneme, genişleme, esneklik, uzatma, geniş yer, aralıksız süre, süre, hapis süresi


İtalyanca Stretch kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
adj. stretch, elastic, flexible


İngilizce Stretch kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. (stuk) land/weg/zee, uitgestrektheid; tijd(ruimte), periode; gevangenisstraf; rekbaarheid
ww. zich uitrekken; uitrekken; spannen; uitsteken


n. act of stretching; condition of being stretched; large expanse; stretchiness, elasticity; duration of time; period of imprisonment
v. draw out to the full length, extend, elongate; be extended; reach out; pull, make taut; strain; be pulled; be elongated; lie down; extend over a certain period of time, span
adj. stretch, elastic, flexible


İtalyanca Stretch kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
(materia) élasticité (f)

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