


1. anlamı kapmak; almak; faydalanmak; kiralamak; götürmek; gasp etmek, yakalamak; karşılamak; olmak; satın almak; tuzağa düşürmek; kavramak, anlamak; çıkarmak; kazanmak; yapmak; saymak, farz etmek; seçmek; abone olmak; uğramak; ile gitm; almak, tahammül etmek, götü.
2. anlamı take götür/al.


Taken İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Taken anlamları

  1. () p. p. of Take.

Taken tanım:

Kelime: take
Söyleniş: 'tAk
İşlev: verb
Türleri: took /'tuk/; tak·en /'tA-k&n/; tak·ing
Kökeni: Middle English, from Old English tacan, from Old Norse taka; akin to Middle Dutch taken to take
transitive senses
1 : to get into one's hands or into one's possession, power, or control: as a : to seize or capture physically took them as prisoners b : to get possession of (as fish or game) by killing or capturing c (1) : to move against (as an opponent's piece in chess) and remove from play (2) : to win in a card game able to take 12 tricks d : to acquire by eminent domain
2 : GRASP, GRIP take the ax by the handle
3 a : to catch or attack through the effect of a sudden force or influence taken with a fit of laughing taken ill b : to catch or come upon in a particular situation or action was taken unawares c : to gain the approval or liking of : CAPTIVATE, DELIGHT was quite taken with her at their first meeting
4 a : to receive into one's body (as by swallowing, drinking, or inhaling) take a pill b : to expose oneself to (as sun or air) for pleasure or physical benefit c : to partake of : EAT takes dinner about seven
5 a : to bring or receive into a relation or connection takes just four students a year it's time he took a wife b : to copulate with
6 : to transfer into one's own keeping: a : APPROPRIATE b : to obtain or secure for use (as by lease, subscription, or purchase) take a cottage for the summer I'll take the red one took an ad in the paper
7 a : ASSUME gods often took the likeness of a human being when the college took its present form b (1) : to enter into or undertake the duties of take a job take office took command of the fleet (2) : to move onto or into : move into position on the home team took the field c (1) : to bind oneself by take the oath of office (2) : to make (a decision) especially with finality or authority d : to impose upon oneself take the trouble to do good work e (1) : to adopt as one's own take a stand on the issue take an interest (2) : to align or ally oneself with mother took his side f : to assume as if rightfully one's own or as if granted take the credit g : to have or assume as a proper part of or accompaniment to itself transitive verbs take an object
8 a : to secure by winning in competition took first place b : DEFEAT
9 : to pick out : CHOOSE, SELECT
10 : to adopt, choose, or avail oneself of for use: as a : to have recourse to as an instrument for doing something take a scythe to the weeds b : to use as a means of transportation or progression take the bus c : to have recourse to for safety or refuge take shelter d : to go along, into, or through took a different route e (1) : to proceed to occupy take a seat in the rear (2) : to use up (as space or time) takes a long time to dry (3) : NEED, REQUIRE takes a size nine shoe it takes two to start a fight
11 a : to obtain by deriving from a source : DRAW takes its title from the name of the hero b (1) : to obtain as the result of a special procedure : ASCERTAIN take the temperature take a census (2) : to get in or as if in writing take notes take an inventory (3) : to get by drawing or painting or by photography take a snapshot (4) : to get by transference from one surface to another take a proof take fingerprints
12 : to receive or accept whether willingly or reluctantly take a bribe will you take this call take a bet : as a (1) : to submit to : ENDURE take a cut in pay (2) : WITHSTAND it will take a lot of punishment (3) : SUFFER took a direct hit b (1) : to accept as true : BELIEVE I'll take your word for it (2) : FOLLOW take my advice (3) : to accept with the mind in a specified way took the news hard c : to indulge in and enjoy was taking his ease on the porch d : to receive or accept as a return (as in payment, compensation, or reparation) e : to accept in a usually professional relationship -- often used with on agreed to take him on as a client f : to refrain from hitting at (a pitched ball)
13 a (1) : to let in : ADMIT the boat was taking water fast (2) : ACCOMMODATE the suitcase wouldn't take another thing b : to be affected injuriously by (as a disease) : CONTRACT take cold ; also : to be seized by take a fit take fright c : to absorb or become impregnated with (as dye); also : to be effectively treated by a surface that takes a fine polish
14 a : APPREHEND, UNDERSTAND how should I take your remark b : CONSIDER, SUPPOSE I take it you're not going c : RECKON, ACCEPT taking a stride at 30 inches d : FEEL, EXPERIENCE take pleasure take an instant dislike to someone take offense
15 : to lead, carry, or cause to go along to another place this bus will take you into town took an umbrella with her
16 a : REMOVE take eggs from a nest b (1) : to put an end to (life) (2) : to remove by death was taken in his prime c : SUBTRACT take two from four d : EXACT the weather took its toll
17 a : to undertake and make, do, or perform take a walk take aim take legal action take a test take a look b : to participate in take a meeting
18 a : to deal with take first things first b : to consider or view in a particular relation taken together, the details were significant ; especially : to consider as an example take style, for instance c (1) : to apply oneself to the study of take music lessons take French (2) : to study for especially successfully taking a degree in engineering took holy orders
19 : to obtain money from especially fraudulently took me for all I had
20 : to pass or attempt to pass through, along, or over took the curve too fast
intransitive senses
1 : to obtain possession: as a : CAPTURE b : to receive property under law as one's own
2 : to lay hold : CATCH, HOLD
3 : to establish a take especially by uniting or growing 90 percent of the grafts take
4 a : to betake oneself : set out : GO take after a purse snatcher b chiefly dialect -- used as an intensifier or redundantly with a following verb took and swung at the ball
5 a : to take effect : ACT, OPERATE hoped the lesson he taught would take b : to show the natural or intended effect dry fuel takes readily
6 : CHARM, CAPTIVATE a taking smile
8 : to be seized or attacked in a specified way : BECOME took sick
- tak·er noun
- take a back seat : to have or assume a secondary position or status
- take a bath : to suffer a heavy financial loss
- take account of : to take into account
- take advantage of 1 : to use to advantage : profit by 2 : to impose on : EXPLOIT
- take after : to resemble in features, build, character, or disposition
- take apart 1 : to disconnect the pieces of : DISASSEMBLE 2 : to treat roughly or harshly : tear into
- take a powder : to leave hurriedly
- take care : to be careful or watchful : exercise caution or prudence
- take care of : to attend to or provide for the needs, operation, or treatment of
- take charge : to assume care, custody, command, or control
- take effect 1 : to become operative 2 : to be effective
- take exception : OBJECT took exception to the remark
- take five or take ten : to take a break especially from work
- take for : to suppose to be esp : to suppose mistakenly to be
- take for granted 1 : to assume as true, real, or expected 2 : to value too lightly
- take heart : to gain courage or confidence
- take hold 1 : GRASP, GRIP, SEIZE 2 : to become attached or established : take effect
- take into account : to make allowance for
- take in vain : to use (a name) profanely or without proper respect
- take issue : DISAGREE
- take it on the chin : to suffer from the results of a situation
- take kindly to : to show an inclination to accept or approve
- take notice of : to observe or treat with special attention
- take one's time : to be leisurely about doing something
- take place : HAPPEN, OCCUR
- take root 1 : to become rooted 2 : to become fixed or established
- take shape : to assume a definite or distinctive form
- take stock : to make an assessment
- take the cake : to carry off the prize : rank first
- take the count 1 of a boxer : to be counted out 2 : to go down in defeat
- take the floor : to rise (as in a meeting or a legislative assembly) to make a formal address
- take to 1 : to go to or into take to the woods 2 : to apply or devote oneself to (as a practice, habit, or occupation) take to begging 3 : to adapt oneself to : respond to takes to water like a duck 4 : to conceive a liking for
- take to task : to call to account for a shortcoming : CRITICIZE
- take turns : ALTERNATE
synonyms TAKE, SEIZE, GRASP, CLUTCH, SNATCH, GRAB mean to get hold of by or as if by catching up with the hand. TAKE is a general term applicable to any manner of getting something into one's possession or control take some salad from the bowl . SEIZE implies a sudden and forcible movement in getting hold of something tangible or an apprehending of something fleeting or elusive when intangible seized the suspect . GRASP stresses a laying hold so as to have firmly in possession grasp the handle and pull . CLUTCH suggests avidity or anxiety in seizing or grasping and may imply less success in holding clutching her purse . SNATCH suggests more suddenness or quickness but less force than SEIZE snatched a doughnut and ran . GRAB implies more roughness or rudeness than SNATCH grabbed roughly by the arm .

Taken ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler


Taken ile zıt (antonym) anlamlı kelimeler



İngilizce Taken kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
adj. tomado, ocupado, reservado


İngilizce Taken kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
adj. pris, saisi, capturé; compris; interprété d'une certaine manière; affecté par la maladie


İngilizce Taken kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
[take] v. nehmen; einnehmen; machen (Gefangenen); belegen; mitnehmen v. nehmen; einnehmen; machen (Gefangenen); belegen; mitnehmen adj. besetzt; genommen


İngilizce Taken kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
agg. preso


İngilizce Taken kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
adj. ocupado


s. tutulmuş


İngilizce Taken kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
bn. bezet


adj. understood, interpreted in a certain way; seized, captured; affected by an illness n. task, assignment, Job, charge, labour, labor, office, occasions

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