

1. anlamı terim/vade/dönem, adlandır, demek, adlandırmak, isim vermek; terim, dönem, adlandırmak, demek, süre, çağırmak; iki şahıs veya iki şey arasındaki ilişkiler; bi; terim, bilim ve sanat kavramlarından birini anlatan kelime; şart; söz; mukavele şartları; eks.
2. anlamı (okul) dönem. süre. terim. adlandırmak. çağırmak. demek.


Term İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Term anlamları

  1. (noun) Propositions or promises, as in contracts, which, when assented to or accepted by another, settle the contract and bind the parties; conditions.
  2. (noun) To apply a term to; to name; to call; to denominate.
  3. (noun) The subject or the predicate of a proposition; one of the three component parts of a syllogism, each one of which is used twice.
  4. (noun) The time for which anything lasts; any limited time; as, a term of five years; the term of life.
  5. (noun) In Scotland, the time fixed for the payment of rents.
  6. (noun) A fixed period of time; a prescribed duration
  7. (noun) The menses.
  8. (noun) A member of a compound quantity; as, a or b in a + b; ab or cd in ab - cd.
  9. (noun) That which limits the extent of anything; limit; extremity; bound; boundary.
  10. (noun) In universities, schools, etc., a definite continuous period during which instruction is regularly given to students; as, the school year is divided into three terms.
  11. (noun) The limitation of an estate; or rather, the whole time for which an estate is granted, as for the term of a life or lives, or for a term of years.
  12. (noun) A point, line, or superficies, that limits; as, a line is the term of a superficies, and a superficies is the term of a solid.
  13. (noun) A piece of carved work placed under each end of the taffrail.
  14. (noun) A space of time granted to a debtor for discharging his obligation.
  15. (noun) The time in which a court is held or is open for the trial of causes.
  16. (noun) A word or expression; specifically, one that has a precisely limited meaning in certain relations and uses, or is peculiar to a science, art, profession, or the like; as, a technical term.
  17. (noun) A quadrangular pillar, adorned on the top with the figure of a head, as of a man, woman, or satyr; -- called also terminal figure. See Terminus, n., 2 and 3.

Term tanım:

Kelime: term
Söyleniş: 't&rm
İşlev: noun
Kökeni: Middle English terme boundary, end, from Old French, from Latin terminus; akin to Greek termOn boundary, end, Sanskrit tarman top of a post
1 a : END, TERMINATION; also : a point in time assigned to something (as a payment) b : the time at which a pregnancy of normal length terminates had her baby at full term
2 a : a limited or definite extent of time; especially : the time for which something lasts : DURATION, TENURE term of office lost money in the short term b : the whole period for which an estate is granted; also : the estate or interest held by one for a term c : the time during which a court is in session
3 plural : provisions that determine the nature and scope of an agreement : CONDITIONS terms of sale liberal credit terms
4 a : a word or expression that has a precise meaning in some uses or is peculiar to a science, art, profession, or subject legal terms b plural : expression of a specified kind described in glowing terms
5 a : a unitary or compound expression connected with another by a plus or minus sign b : an element of a fraction or proportion or of a series or sequence
6 plural a : mutual relationship : FOOTING on good terms b : AGREEMENT, CONCORD come to terms
7 : any of the three substantive elements of a syllogism
8 : a quadrangular pillar often tapering downward and adorned on the top with the figure of a head or the upper part of the body
9 : division in a school year during which instruction is regularly given to students
- in terms of : with respect to or in relation to thinks of everything in terms of money
- on one's own terms : in accordance with one's wishes : in one's own way prefers to live on his own terms

Term ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler



İngilizce Term kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. término, dicción, palabra, vocablo; período, cláusula, plazo
v. llamar, llamar de


İngilizce Term kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. terme; mot, expression idiome; semestre, période, temps spécifique; condition, clause; condition, stipulation
v. nommer, désigner, appeller


İngilizce Term kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Wort; Ausdruck; Begriff; Bezeichnung; Periode; Semester; Bedingung
v. (be) nennen; bezeichnen


İngilizce Term kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. termine, parola, vocabolo; periodo, durata; (Scol) trimestre; (Dir) sessione; fine; durata di una carica; scadenza; condizione, termine (di un accordo)
v. definire, chiamare


İngilizce Term kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. palavra, termo, vocábulo; expressão; semestre, período letivo; condição (de um acordo)
v. chamar, designar


f. adlandırmak, isim vermek, demek
i. süre, dönem, koşul, devre, terim, ifade, söz, sınır taşı, adet dönemi, regl dönemi, doğum zamanı


Almanca Term kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
v. name, call, designate


Flemenkçe Term kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
n. term


İngilizce Term kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. bewoording; termijn; kwartaal; tijdperk
ww. noemen, omschrijven als


n. word; expression, idiom; semester; specified time period; condition, stipulation (e.g. the terms of an agreement)
v. name, call, designate
n. term, word; expression, idiom


Flemenkçe Term kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
1. (periode) terme (m)
2. (woorden) terme (m)


Almanca Term kelimesinin Türkçe karşılığı.
i. terim (m)

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