
Kısaca: → Biyolojideki Vespa böcek cinsi için bakınız eşek arısı. ...devamı ☟


|company_name = Vespa
|company_logo = 
|company_type = Subsidiary
|slogan = "Not just a scooter, a way of life"
|founder = 
|foundation = 23 April, 1946 in Florence
|location_city = flagicon|Italy Pontedera
|location_country = Italy
|key_people = 
|num_employees =
|industry = Scooter
|products = 
|revenue =
|parent = Piaggio & Co. SpA 
|owner = 
|net_income =
|homepage =

Klasik Vespa
Klasik Vespa
] veAudrey Hepburn Roma Tatili filminde Vespa ile Roma`yı geziyor.]

Vespa basit bir motosiklet modeli olan scooter`den geliştirilmiştir. 1946 yılında İtalyan Piaggio & Co. S.p.A. firması tarafından üretilmiştir.Vespa tarihin en önemli ve en iyi motosikletlerindendir.

Başlangıçta, Vespa motor mekanizmasının görünen bölgelerini ve kirlerini koruyan boyalı bir saçla kapatılmış, düz bir ayak koyma yeri olan ve dizleri koruyan bir rüzgarlığı olan scooter tipi motor olarak bilindi. Ancak popüler kültürde çok beğenildi ve muazzam bir şöhret yakaldı. Öyle ki, Vespa çok tutuldu ve zarif kişisel taşımacılığın bir sembolü haline geldi.

Vespa`nın en büyük reklamı ise 1952 yılında Audrey Hepburn ve Gregory Peck`in Vespa ile Roma`yı bir uçtan bir uca dolaştıkları Roma Tatili ile olmuştur. Bu filmden sonra 100,000 üzerinde Vespa satılmıştır.

Vespa kullanan ünlüler

  • Ursula Andress - one of her payments was a Vespa
  • Mario Batali
  • Jean Paul Belmondo
  • Lucia Bosí© (and her husband, the matador Dominguin)
  • Marlon Brando
  • Matthew Broderick - Owns Several Bikes GTS 250, 1963 GS160, previously rode a GT 200 in New York (See entry 29 March 2006, more than halfway down the page)
  • Sandra Bullock
  • Charlie Chaplin - his daughter was photographed with his scooter
  • Gary Cooper
  • Robert De NiroCite web|url=|title= DRIVING; My Life, My Vespa|accessdate=2007-12-29|
  • Gí©rard Depardieu
  • Leonardo DiCaprio
  • Salvador Dalí­ added his own touches in 1962. Dali`s Vespa features the name of his muse and companion Gala as well as his infamous signature. Believed to be the most valuable Vespa currently in existence, it is on display at the Piaggio museum in Pontedera
  • Britt EklandCite web|url=!OpenDocument|title=Britt Ekland|accessdate=2007-12-29|
  • Henry Fonda
  • James Gandolfini - has been seen riding a grey Vespa, and has also injured himself when he crashed his Vespa. (see a quarter down the page),2933,194228,00.html
  • Zac GoldsmithCite web|url=|title=EXCLUSIVE: £300M TORY`S BEDDING PAL OF HIS WIFE|accessdate=2007-12-29|
  • Carey Grant
  • Charlton Heston - rode one while filming Ben Hur in Rome
  • Dennis Hopper - his pillion was Steve McQueen, and they crashed it into a car door in New York. Neither had a licence
  • Milla JovovichCite web|url=|title=Vespa 01|accessdate=2007-12-29|
  • Jay Kay (frontman of Jamiroquai) has a new Vespa Vintage GTV 250 scooter, and also owns the limited edition Vespa GT60, with only 999 in the collection worldwide
  • David Koch - limited edition GT60
  • Jane Krakowski - owns a gray LX150 Exalibur
  • Ashton Kutcher - around Los Angeles, it costs him $6 week in gas
  • A. G. Lafley, Chairman & CEO of Procter & Gamble - has several vintage models
  • Matt Lauer - bought a Vespa soon after doing a story on the reintroduction of the brand into the USA
  • Jay Leno - has three
  • Chris Martin of Coldplay and his wife Gwyneth Paltrow,3604,1529413,00.html
  • Dean Martin
  • Jacques Nasser - has two
  • Jamie Oliver
  • Gwyneth Paltrow and her husband Chris Martin,3604,1529413,00.html
  • Sarah Jessica Parker - rides the same Vespa(s) as her husband, Matthew Broderick
  • Steve Price - Australian radio presentercite news | first= | last= | coauthors= | title=Radio star Price charged with drink driving |date=April 16 2007 | publisher= | url = | work =The Sydney Morning Herald | pages = | accessdate = 2007-04-15 | language =
  • Anthony Quinn - and his son Francesco
  • Mickey Rourke - arrested in November 2007 for operating his Vespa under the influence of alcohol.
  • Jerry Seinfeld - has more than one Vespa
  • Kevin Spacey
  • Steven Spielberg
  • Tori Spelling
  • John Wayne - originally rode one on set between takes, later drove one on the streets
  • Raquel Welch
  • Andrew White aka "Whitney" from the Kaiser Chiefshttp://
  • Owen Wilson has a Blue Vespa LX
  • Tiger Woods - has two Vespas on his convert|155|ft|m|sing=on yacht ``Privacy``
  • Reese Witherspoon on a black Vespa on a movie set

- Fransız ordusu için modifiye edilmiş bir Vespa.]




Vespa tanım:

Kelime: vespa



İtalyanca Vespa kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
n. wasp, hornet


Portekizce Vespa kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
n. buzzer, wasp


İspanyolca Vespa kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
n. scooter, two-wheeled motor vehicle similar to a motorcycle


İtalyanca Vespa kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
(entomologia) guêpe (f)


İtalyanca Vespa kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. wespe


Portekizce Vespa kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
(entomologia) guêpe (f)

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