

İngilizce Yoke kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. yunta, trangallo, yugo
v. uncir, acoyundar, acoyuntar


İngilizce Yoke kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. joug; paire des boeufs; bretelle; jonction, connexion; assujettissement; bobine de déviation, electromagnet sur un écran destiné à diriger un rayon d'electrones)
v. s'atteler à une tache; joindre, unir, associer; hypothéquer, asservir, soumettre


İngilizce Yoke kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Joch; Paar; Schultertrage; Knoten; Verbindung; Unterwerfung; Ableitungsspule, Elektromagnet der zur Richtung von Elektronenstrahlen in Monitoren dient)
v. anjochen, anspannen; zusammenjochen, zusammenspannen; Tiere (an einen Wagen) anspannen; anbinden; anhängen


İngilizce Yoke kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. giogo; paio, coppia; giogo reggisecchi, giogo da acquaiolo; dominio, servitù, soggezione; (fig) legame, vincolo; vincolo coniugale; barra; (Arch) travetto trasversale; (Mecc) brida, morsetto
v. aggiogare, mettere sotto il giogo; attaccare; attaccare un animale da tiro a; (fig) accoppiare, appaiare, unire


İngilizce Yoke kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. canga, jugo; parelha de bois; pala (de um vestido); ligação, união; escravização, opressão; (na informática)
v. cangar, juguir; emparelhar; unir, ligar, casar; escravizar, oprimir


f. boyunduruğa koşmak, evlendirmek, bağlanmak, koşmak
i. boyunduruk, bağ, evlilik bağı, çift, satıcı omuz sırığı


İngilizce Yoke kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. juk, heerschappij; koppeling; schouderblok met tuig (voor trekdieren); onderdrukking; balans/brug/magneetjuk
ww. onder het juk brengen; in/voorspannen; koppelen, verbinden


n. burden; pair of harnessed oxen; shoulder of a garment; connection; slavery; directing coil in a computer monitor
v. put a burden on; connect, join; enslave


1. anlamı esaret, bağ; bağlamak; kulluk, hizmet; çatal; yoke of oxen bir çift öküz, th, yoke of a rudder dümenin boyunduruk yekesi, çalışmak; nigah rabıtası gibi bağ; sakaların omuz sırığı; evlendirmek; i, boyunduruk; yeke; boyunduruğa koşulmuş çift hayvan.
2. anlamı boyunduruk. bağ. hizmet. kulluk. boyunduruğa koşulmuş çift hayvan. boyunduruğa koşmak. bağlamak. birlikte çalışmak.


Yoke İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Yoke anlamları

  1. (noun) A clamp or similar piece that embraces two other parts to hold or unite them in their respective or relative positions, as a strap connecting a slide valve to the valve stem, or the soft iron block or bar permanently connecting the pole pieces of an electromagnet, as in a dynamo.
  2. (noun) A bent crosspiece connecting two other parts.
  3. (v. i.) To be joined or associated; to be intimately connected; to consort closely; to mate.
  4. (noun) Fig.: That which connects or binds; a chain; a link; a bond connection.
  5. (v. t.) To enslave; to bring into bondage; to restrain; to confine.
  6. (noun) A frame worn on the neck of an animal, as a cow, a pig, a goose, to prevent passage through a fence.
  7. (v. t.) To put a yoke on; to join in or with a yoke; as, to yoke oxen, or pair of oxen.
  8. (noun) A band shaped to fit the shoulders or the hips, and joined to the upper full edge of the waist or the skirt.
  9. (noun) A crosspiece upon the head of a boat's rudder. To its ends lines are attached which lead forward so that the boat can be steered from amidships.
  10. (noun) A mark of servitude; hence, servitude; slavery; bondage; service.
  11. (noun) Two animals yoked together; a couple; a pair that work together.
  12. (noun) A frame or piece resembling a yoke, as in use or shape.
  13. (noun) A bar or frame of wood by which two oxen are joined at the heads or necks for working together.
  14. (noun) A portion of the working day; as, to work two yokes, that is, to work both portions of the day, or morning and afternoon.
  15. (noun) A frame of wood fitted to a person's shoulders for carrying pails, etc., suspended on each side; as, a milkmaid's yoke.
  16. (noun) A frame or convex piece by which a bell is hung for ringing it. See Illust. of Bell.
  17. (noun) A tie securing two timbers together, not used for part of a regular truss, but serving a temporary purpose, as to provide against unusual strain.
  18. (noun) The quantity of land plowed in a day by a yoke of oxen.
  19. (v. t.) To couple; to join with another.

Yoke tanım:

Kelime: yoke
Söyleniş: 'yOk
İşlev: noun
Türleri: plural yokes
Kökeni: Middle English yok, from Old English geoc; akin to Old High German joh yoke, Latin jugum, Greek zygon, Sanskrit yuga, Latin jungere to join
1 a : a wooden bar or frame by which two draft animals (as oxen) are joined at the heads or necks for working together b : an arched device formerly laid on the neck of a defeated person c : a frame fitted to a person's shoulders to carry a load in two equal portions d : a bar by which the end of the tongue of a wagon or carriage is suspended from the collars of the harness e (1) : a crosspiece on the head of a boat's rudder (2) : the control device for an airplane's ailerons that is mounted on a column which also serves to operate the elevator f : a frame from which a bell is hung g : a clamp or similar piece that embraces two parts to hold or unite them in position
2 plural usually yoke : two animals yoked or worked together
3 a (1) : an oppressive agency (2) : SERVITUDE, BONDAGE b : TIE, LINK; especially : MARRIAGE
4 : a fitted or shaped piece at the top of a skirt or at the shoulder of various garments

Yoke ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Brace, Couple, Couplet, Coupling, Distich, Duad, Duet, Duo, Dyad, Link, Pair, Span, Twain,

Yoke ile zıt (antonym) anlamlı kelimeler


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