Kept İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Kept anlamları
- (imp. & p. p.) of Keep
- (imp. & p. p.) of Keep.
Kept tanım:
Kelime: keep
Söyleniş: 'kEp
İşlev: verb
Türleri: kept

Kökeni: Middle English kepen, from Old English cEpan; perhaps akin to Old High German chapfEn to look
transitive senses
1 : to take notice of by appropriate conduct : FULFILL: as a : to be faithful to keep a promise b : to act fittingly in relation to keep the Sabbath c : to conform to in habits or conduct keep late hours d : to stay in accord with (a beat) keep time
2 : PRESERVE, MAINTAIN: as a : to watch over and defend keep us from harm b (1) : to take care of : TEND keep a garden (2) : SUPPORT (3) : to maintain in a good, fitting, or orderly condition -- usually used with up c : to continue to maintain keep watch d (1) : to cause to remain in a given place, situation, or condition keep him waiting (2) : to preserve (food) in an unspoiled condition e : to have or maintain in one's service or at one's disposal keep a mistress -- often used with on kept the cook on ; also : to lodge or feed for pay keep boarders f (1) : to maintain a record in keep a diary (2) : to enter in a book keep records g : to have customarily in stock for sale
3 a : to restrain from departure or removal : DETAIN keep children in after school b : HOLD BACK, RESTRAIN keep them from going kept him back with difficulty c : SAVE, RESERVE keep some for later kept some out for a friend d : to refrain from revealing keep a secret
4 a : to retain in one's possession or power kept the money we found b : to refrain from granting, giving, or allowing kept the news back c : to have in control keep your temper
5 : to confine oneself to keep my room
6 a : to stay or continue in keep the path keep your seat b : to stay or remain on or in usually against opposition : HOLD kept her ground
7 : CONDUCT, MANAGE keep a tearoom
intransitive senses
1 chiefly British : LIVE, LODGE
2 a : to maintain a course, direction, or progress keep to the right b : to continue usually without interruption keep talking keep quiet keep on smiling c : to persist in a practice kept bothering them kept on smoking in spite of warnings
3 : STAY, REMAIN keep out of the way keep off the grass : as a : to stay even -- usually used with up keep up with the Joneses b : to remain in good condition meat will keep in the freezer c : to remain secret the secret would keep d : to call for no immediate action the matter will keep until morning
4 : ABSTAIN, REFRAIN can't keep from talking
5 : to be in session school will keep through the winter -- W. M. Thayer
6 of a quarterback : to retain possession of a football especially after faking a handoff
- keep an eye on : WATCH
- keep at : to persist in doing or concerning oneself with
- keep company : to go together as frequent companions or in courtship
- keep house : to manage a household
- keep one's distance or keep at a distance : to stay aloof : maintain a reserved attitude
- keep one's eyes open or keep one's eyes peeled : to be on the alert : be watchful
- keep one's hand in : to keep in practice
- keep pace : to stay even also : KEEP UP
- keep step : to keep in step
- keep to 1 a : to stay in b : to limit oneself to 2 : to abide by
- keep to oneself 1 : to keep secret kept the facts to myself 2 : to remain solitary or apart from other people
synonyms KEEP, OBSERVE, CELEBRATE, COMMEMORATE mean to notice or honor a day, occasion, or deed. KEEP stresses the idea of not neglecting or violating kept the Sabbath by refraining from work . OBSERVE suggests marking the occasion by ceremonious performance not all holidays are observed nationally . CELEBRATE suggests acknowledging an occasion by festivity traditionally celebrates Thanksgiving with a huge dinner . COMMEMORATE suggests that an occasion is marked by observances that remind one of the origin and significance of the day commemorate Memorial Day with the laying of wreaths .
synonyms KEEP, RETAIN, DETAIN, WITHHOLD, RESERVE mean to hold in one's possession or under one's control. KEEP may suggest a holding securely in one's possession, custody, or control keep this while I'm gone . RETAIN implies continued keeping, especially against threatened seizure or forced loss managed to retain their dignity even in poverty . DETAIN suggests a delay in letting go detained them for questioning . WITHHOLD implies restraint in letting go or a refusal to let go withheld information from the authorities . RESERVE suggests a keeping in store for future use reserve some of your energy for the last mile .
Kept ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler
Unbroken,Kept ile zıt (antonym) anlamlı kelimeler
İngilizce Kept kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.[keep] v. mantener, conservar, guardar, guardarse, quedarse con, reservar, reservarse, retener; continuar, celebrar, observar, seguir; conservarse, mantenerse; alojar, dar alojamiento a, dar hospedaje
İngilizce Kept kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.[keep] v. tenir; garder, conserver, suivre, observer, continuer; entretenir, faire vivre; diriger; élever; être actionnaire de
İngilizce Kept kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.[keep] v. halten; einhalten; begehen; behüten; unterhalten (finanziell); instandhalten; weiter machen, fortführen
İngilizce Kept kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.[keep] v. tenere, mantenere; trattenere; tenere in serbo, tenere da parte, conservare, serbare; impedire; custodire; proteggere, salvare, salvaguardare; detenere, tenere in arresto; sostentare, provvedere a
İngilizce Kept kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.[keep] v. guardar; ficar; cumprir; sustentar; deixar; continuar; dirigir; criar; possuir
[keep] f. tutmak, bulundurmak, sağlamak, korumak, temelli almak, sürdürmek, devam ettirmek, alıkoymak, bakmak, gözkulak olmak, işletmek, uymak, kalmak, durmak, kutlamakKept
İngilizce Kept kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.[keep] ww. houden; bewaren; krijgen; onderhouden; volhouden; leiden; voeren; groot laten worden; eigenaar zijn van
[keep] v. retain possession of, hold onto; save, store; watch over, care for, look after, maintain; observe, obey, adhere; stay, remain; continue; stop, ceaseJennifer Paige
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