

İngilizce Summons kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. llamada, llamamiento; citación, apercibimiento, auto de comparecencia, cédula antediem, citación judicial, citación legal, convocatoria, emplazamiento, mandamiento de venir, mandato judicial
v. citar ante la justicia, citar legalmente


İngilizce Summons kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. convocation, sommation
v. citer, assigner


İngilizce Summons kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
[summon] v. einberufen, versammeln; rufen; vorladen, zum Vorsprechen laden; verlangen
n. Aufforderung; gerichtliche Vorladung
v. gerichtlich vorladen


İngilizce Summons kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. convocazione, chiamata, invito; (Dir) citazione, ordine di comparizione; (Mil) precetto, chiamata alle armi
v. (Dir) citare


İngilizce Summons kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. notificação, intimação judicial
v. intimação; convocação


i. çağrı, davet, celp, teslim ol çağrısı, celp kâğıdı


İngilizce Summons kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. oproep, aanmaning; dagvaardiging
ww. sommeren, dagvaarden; ontbieden, oproepen, opeisen; bijeenroepen


n. request, demand; notice ordering a person to appear in court
v. serve with a summons, order to appear before a court


1. anlamı çağırtmak, emirle davet etmek, celp etmek, çağırmak; summon celp et/çağırt, summon up toplamak teşvik etmek, düşmanı teslim olmaya davet etmek.
2. anlamı çağrı, teslim çağrısı, çağırt/celp et; çağırtma, celp etme, i resmi emirle davet; davetiye, çağrı, mahkeme celpnamesi.
3. anlamı celp. çağrı. mahkemeye celp etmek.


Summons İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Summons anlamları

  1. (v.) The act of summoning; a call by authority, or by the command of a superior, to appear at a place named, or to attend to some duty.
  2. (v. t.) To summon.
  3. (v.) A warning or citation to appear in court; a written notification signed by the proper officer, to be served on a person, warning him to appear in court at a day specified, to answer to the plaintiff, testify as a witness, or the like.
  4. (v.) A demand to surrender.

Summons tanım:

Kelime: sum·mon
Söyleniş: 's&-m&n
İşlev: transitive verb
Türleri: sum·moned; sum·mon·ing /'s&-m&-ni[ng], 's&m-ni[ng]/
Kökeni: Middle English somonen, from Old French somondre, from (assumed) Vulgar Latin summonere, alteration of Latin summonEre to remind secretly, from sub- secretly monEre to warn -- more at SUB-, MIND
1 : to issue a call to convene : CONVOKE
2 : to command by service of a summons to appear in court
3 : to call upon for specified action
4 : to bid to come : send for summon a physician
5 : to call forth : EVOKE -- often used with up
- sum·mon·able /'s&-m&-n&-b&l/ adjective
- sum·mon·er /'s&-m&-n&r, 's&m-n&r/ noun
synonyms SUMMON, CALL, CITE, CONVOKE, CONVENE, MUSTER mean to demand the presence of. SUMMON implies the exercise of authority was summoned to answer charges . CALL may be used less formally for SUMMON called the legislature into special session . CITE implies a summoning to court usually to answer a charge cited for drunken driving . CONVOKE implies a summons to assemble for deliberative or legislative purposes convoked a Vatican council . CONVENE is somewhat less formal than CONVOKE convened the students . MUSTER suggests a calling up of a number of things that form a group in order that they may be exhibited, displayed, or utilized as a whole mustered the troops .

Summons ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Bidding, Cite, Process, Summon,